The Chinese New Year was Jan. 31 and the Tibetan New Year is March 2. Therefore, let's take a reality check to see where we are in the bigger scheme of things. It's helpful to see cycles unfolding - where you've been and where you're going. Often we fear a major change but if we know the change is appropriate and probably a likelihood - then it's reassuring. A confirmation! Sometimes it's not a major change - just more of the same. Ah yes, the future is like the present, only longer. Seriously, if your bread is stale - make toast.
Many of you sailed into something new and fresh around 1996 and by 2003-05, you had a chance to improve where you lived. You felt richer. After working hard in 2008-09, you made a breakthrough around 2010-11. Now you started to get recognition for your efforts. However, even though this was empowering, it created difficulty in relationships and partnerships. That's why many of you left friendships, professional partnerships and marriages, which meant that for the last year, you've been getting along with less support from others. Fear not, you can do this! By 2016, you will start to attract opportunities for further education, training, travel or anything that prepares you for a lovely career peak around 2018.
The year 1999 was a significant turning point. And now, you are at the flipside of whatever you began then. In other words, you re-created your life by 2003-04, and then busted your buns to show the world what you could do. Now your hard work is paying off, but ironically, this newfound strength and confidence might upset the existing balance in a marriage or partnership. Something is creating tension. Weak relationships will end now; and partnerships that are meant to endure will undergo readjustments. Fortunately, late this year and next year, you have wonderful opportunities to explore real-estate deals and enrich your home and family life. This will please you.
Residential moves and job changes around 2006-2008 were a filled with variety and stimulation. (You don't do boring.) By 2008-09, you solidified your home base or made a commitment to something. Then around 2010, many of you flourished or got a promotion. Yay! Since last year, you've been working hard to make things come together; and at times, been overwhelmed because you have so much on your plate. Fear not, by 2016, you will get the recognition you deserve for all this effort. Finally! From then on, you sail forward to a career peak in about seven years. (Nothing succeeds like success.)
Things are good now because lucky Jupiter is in your sign for months to come! Of course, this is just one influence, and there are others that are challenging. For months, Mars will stir up things at home creating chaos and increased activity. This could be because of renovations, residential moves or visiting relatives. In addition, you might have increased responsibilities with children. Oy vey. Your hands are full. The good news is that late this year, and all of next year, will bring an increase to your assets, your wealth and your earnings. Yay! By the autumn of this year, this stress at home will diminish. Your future's so bright you're gonna need shades.
You created a new spin in your life around 2006, which allowed you to redefine who you are. (Just think back to who you were in 2004-05.) Now you want to solidify your home base so that you have a warm feeling in your tummy about where you live. This means you will tackle repairs and renovations so that you're happy with your home scene because you want to feel secure. By your birthday, lucky Jupiter enters your sign for the first time since 2003. This is fabulous news. It will stay there for a year attracting opportunities to you, increasing your confidence, and bringing you mucho good fortune. Looking good!
Around 2006-07, you let go of places, people and possessions. You had to streamline your life so that you could go forward on a new path around 2008. Job opportunities in 2009 were sweet, which might have led to residential moves and further job changes in the last year. This is a popular time for you! Others like you. Therefore, work with people. Join groups or form working units because others will benefit you. They might help you move or renovate a new place. (Could be anything.) It's important to involve yourself with others even by sharing your hopes and dreams for the future because they will help you with advice and practical assistance.
You were on top of your game around 2003-04 when cherished dreams came true. It was a powerful time then. Once again, around 2010-11, your life took off in a new direction. And this year, with lucky Jupiter crossing the top of your chart, it's possible for you to promote your reputation, get a promotion or put your name up in lights. Meanwhile, (and this is unusual) fiery Mars is in your sign until August making you aggressive, assertive and keen to go after what you want. You're a pistol! Use both the blessing of Jupiter and Mars to your advantage. Don't dillydally with plans and indecision. Be proactive. Write down what you really want to accomplish and go after it.
Since 1999, you've been out of the gate and running. Around 2006, you were certain about what was working in your life what was not. This year, you have wonderful opportunities to get further education or training and to travel - all experiences that can expand your world. Do as much of this as you can because this is a preparation for late this year, and all of next year, when you can make your reputation shine! In other words, get performance ready. Get the training that will make a difference a year from now. Meanwhile, since last year, you have started out on a new trajectory where you are going to reinvent yourself in the next six years. Hello world!
This is a challenging time. Since 2001, you have been out there flexing your muscles. And by 2008-09, you were looking good! However, you are now in 2-3 year window where you have to let go of people, places, possessions, relationships, jobs and perhaps even countries. It's time to give up what is no longer relevant in your life. The reason you must streamline your life is to be ready for something fresh, new and different in 2016. And the good news is (the second envelope, please) that while you're letting go of so much, ironically, others will give you things. You can benefit from the wealth, resources and direct assistance from others. Your partner might make more money, which benefits you indirectly. Good year to get a loan or mortgage.
Since 1996, you began your climb on the ladder to personal success. And in the last few years, you demonstrated this success by achieving some cherished dreams. Nevertheless, this year, you are more ambitious than ever! Yes, relationships were a bad roller-coaster ride from 2003-2006. But now you feel confident. (Go figure.) Partnerships are flourishing, be they personal and intimate, or professional. In the last few years, many of you have altered your appearance, some by losing weight - effortlessly. Do take note: late this year, and all of next year it will be easy for you to borrow money or get a mortgage. Start making plans now. Not only will it easy to borrow money, you will also benefit indirectly from others, especially partners.
Since 2006, you've been out there flying your colours. Now, you have reached a level of accomplishment that makes you proud. Some will graduate, some will get married or have a baby, some will receive a promotion or perhaps finally spin off into your own self-employment. Whatever the case, you are pleased with yourself! You see clearly - what is working in your life and what is not. In this powerful time, it will be easy for you to get a better job or better duties or improve your employment scene in some way. Similarly, you can improve your health. And late this year, and all of next year, your closest partnerships will blossom. Continue to look for opportunities to travel as well as explore further education and training. Zoom, zoom!
Relationships have been challenging since 2008. (And few suffer more than a sad Pisces when relationships go belly up.) But lo! What message from yonder modum breaks? This is the best year since 2002-03 for love affairs, romance, parties, vacations, the arts, sports and exploring your own creative potential. It's fun city for Pisces! Existing relationships will become more playful and fun-loving, and singles couldn't pick a better time to be back on the runway again. This year might also be excellent for financial speculation. As if that's not enough, in two years, you really hit your stride with career accomplishments and serious satisfaction in your achievements. Yeah, yeah, Mom always liked you best.