All Signs

This week we have a Full Moon in Cancer on Wednesday. If you feel angst this week it will hopefully be due to the buildup of energy before the Full Moon on Wednesday night. I say "hopefully" because challenges with a Full Moon are minor. Each month our problems always seem to increase as we get closer to the Full Moon. Then, after it peaks, inexplicably they diminish or even disappear. Go figure. It's no biggie, except for emotional arguments that might take place in the two days before the Full Moon. This Full Moon is the only Full Moon all year in its own sign, Cancer, and it will wave to lucky Jupiter as it sails by. A sense of optimism will balance emotional angst. (Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The next month is the best time all year to set goals for yourself. Both Mercury (thinking and communicating) and the Sun (energy focus) will pass through the part of your chart concerning hopes and dreams for the future. This will also energize all your relationships with others, particularly friends, groups, clubs and organizations. Your popularity will increase in the coming month. By all means, accept all invitations. Enjoy schmoozing. And share your future goals with others because their feedback will help you. Meanwhile, romance with a boss or someone older or richer might percolate. ("Is that you on my back burner?")

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is the only time all year when the Sun will be at the top of your chart for six weeks. This means the Sun is shining down on you with a light that is flattering, and you will impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs without having to do anything special. Obviously, you can use this to your advantage! Just be yourself, do your thing - and reap kudos, praise and the admiration of others. Of course, Mars will ensure that you are working hard - busting your buns - and hard work always pays off. Travel for pleasure is likely. Don't hesitate to pitch your ideas to parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. Nothing succeeds like success.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the coming month, you have an urge to explore your universe. Naturally, travel will take you to new places, new faces, new ideas and new experiences and this is what you want: adventure! But more than that, you want to learn something new because you want to feel that you are expanding your world and your experience of life. No small order. Therefore, if you can't travel, be a tourist in your own city. Go places you've never been before. Visit University campuses, fascinating architectural buildings, ethnic restaurants, places that tourists go. Romance with someone from another culture could begin. (Certainly, you are ready for a little action.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Many favourable things are happening right now. Lucky Jupiter protects you and brings good fortune. Fair Venus encourages warm relationships with others, especially partners and close friends. However, in the next month, the Sun will intensify all your emotions. Not only intimate relations (sex) but all emotional exchanges with others will have a passionate intensity that surprises you. Plus you'll have an urge to become a better person - something beyond the typical New Year's resolutions. Increased activity and chaos on the home front are something you have to accept. It won't last forever and it also gives you energy to get things done.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For the next month, the Sun will be opposite your sign, which is as far away from you as it gets all year. This is the only time all year this happens. Since the Sun is your source of energy this means you will need more sleep. Accept this fact and get more rest. In addition, as the Sun and Mercury sit opposite you, your focus on partnerships and close friendships will be more important. This is also your best chance all year to observe your style of relating. Learn what you can so you can improve your relationships. Meanwhile, Mars will amplify all your communications with others (yeah, you're coming on strong), while Venus attracts work-related romance. ("My office or yours?")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Not all Virgos are neatniks. Some can be slobs. ("I feel so guilty!") Regardless of your compulsion for order, in the next six weeks, all Virgos will want to get better organized. It's time. Make things easier for yourself and get hold of whatever you need to do a good job. Buy shelving, file folders, cleaning supplies, paint, boxes - anything that will help you to do a bang-up job so that you feel you are in control of your world and on top of your scene. Ever the perfectionist, you will also want to improve your health. Join a gym, cut back on junk food and explore healthier eating. Don't worry, romance, social diversions and parties are still in the picture. And so it goes.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's party city for Librans. (Mom always liked you best.) In the month ahead, grab every opportunity to express your creativity. Basically you want the freedom to be yourself. Like Popeye, you're puffing "I yam what I yam." The next six weeks are perfect for a vacation. It's also a wonderful window for parties, social diversions, sports events, romantic adventures, love affairs, the performing arts and playful times with children. Many of you have a strong urge to redecorate your digs. All of you feel energized about life, especially balancing work and fascinating dinner conversations. You want it all - and it looks like you will have it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

At the end of this week, as the Sun shifts into Aquarius, this will magnify your focus on home, family and your domestic world. For the next six weeks, your interactions with a parent could be significant. You'll also likely spend time on home repairs and interactions with family members. Partly this is because you are starting to see how much love there is in your world. You will also be more aware of the beauty there is around you every day. This heightened appreciation of everything will translate into a loving concern for family and where you live. Meanwhile, travel opportunities and chances to explore publishing and higher education look sweet. ("I'm packing tropical.")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You will hit the pavement running for the next month as your daily pace accelerates with short trips, increased reading and writing plus conversations with everyone. You will be so juiced about life in the next month, you will talk to people and enlighten them with your ideas for the future. You will also be more active with groups and friends, perhaps competitively. This is because you have the physical energy to pursue your dreams! Since you are future-oriented, it thrills you to be able to actively push things in the direction you want to go. Opportunities to make money as well as buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones exist as well.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

In the next month, you'll be focused on cash flow, money and how to boost your earnings. Some will see ways to do this in their current job; others will seek ways to earn money on the side or get a different job. The reason for this is you identify with your earnings right now. Of course, this isn't true. You are not your bank account. (You are your car.) But sometimes we feel this more than others, don't we? That's why you will look at your possessions and everything around you and try to make them look as good as possible. Actually, the next few weeks are the perfect time to shop for wardrobe goodies because you like what you see in the mirror.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The Sun is in your sign for the next four weeks. This is the only time all year this will occur, which means it's your best chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. In addition, important people and favourable circumstances will come your way. Don't take this for granted. Make the most of it. Secret love affairs will take place for many. All of you are keen to travel and explore more of the world. Some will go back to school or take a course. Opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law also exist. This dovetails with great blessings you have right now to improve your job or get a better job.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your personal year is ending as your birthday approaches. This means you have the next month to set goals and make plans for your new year. Earl Nightingale said, "People with goals succeed because they know where they are going." It's true! Do yourself a favour and write down five things you hope will happen in your new year ahead. You might even look farther down the road and ask yourself where you want to be five years from now. And what do you have to do this year to begin to get there? Friendships are sweet now. In fact, a friend could become a lover. Include vacation plans in your strategy for the coming year because a fun getaway is on the books.