All Signs

This week there are lovely moments and not-so-lovely moments. The not-so-lovely moments are accident-prone times. It's important to know that when these times occur, it does not mean you have to have an accident. It just means the odds are greater. You are still in control of your world. In accident-prone times, you must be vigilant and think twice before you speak or act. Your awareness level must be finely tuned. Don't be like Steven Wright who says, "Whenever I think of the past it brings back so many memories." Like whaaat? He also claims he is a peripheral visionary: He can see the future, but only way off to the side. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Although this week begins smoothly, late Tuesday night and Wednesday (big days), difficulties with others are almost certain. You might feel rebellious or annoyed by what someone says or does. Or they might feel this way about you? You might even have a fight with a partner or close friend. There is an unpredictable element to all your relationships right now. The best way to handle this is to be patient because patience is the antidote to anger. At the end of the week, difficulties with authority figures, especially bosses and parents, are also challenging. Oy vey! This might include the police. Fortunately, you look great to others now, which is why people expect the best from you. Just fake it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Be cool on Tuesday and Wednesday, especially those of you who are at work. Co-workers or people you encounter during any task you undertake might disagree with you or challenge you, which in turn requires a response from you and before you know it there's a clash and you're going at it! Not good. Later, on the weekend, disagreements with others about politics, religion and racial issues might also take place. These might relate to publishing, the media, the law and medicine. Go with what works right now and avoid disaster areas. People are distracted and somewhat tense at this time of year. Keep a low profile with a smile on your face.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Difficulties with children and romantic partners might come to a head Tuesday night or Wednesday. You can head this off by avoiding touchy subjects and being patient, tolerant and conciliatory. (Why be otherwise? Why trigger trouble?) Keep your wits about you and do what you can to promote good feelings because by the weekend, disagreements and arguments about shared property or how to divide something might demand your attention. Because this week is an emotional roller coaster with potential disagreements with others, be proactive. Don't take the bait. Basically, you will either be part of the problem or part of the solution. Your choice.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A general sense of well-being still envelops you because lucky Jupiter is in your sign. Remember this before you get impatient with family members on Tuesday or Wednesday. Ego battles with parents and relatives are likely in this holiday season. Unfortunately, these days are more stressful than in other years. But you're not alone. The entire world is feeling this kind of stress in this 48-hour period. So all you can do is go along for the ride and try to minimize difficulties. Do what you can to keep the peace. Especially since difficulties with partners and close friends might erupt at the end of the week. Be patient and resolute. Somebody's got to be the glue that holds things together.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Be careful driving and walking in all your daily activities, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Distractions or frustrations might make you vulnerable to errors and mistakes. Arguments with siblings and relatives are likely. But why even go there? Forewarned is forearmed. Be cool. (You can do this.) Work with the best energy this week offers you instead of the worst. Disputes related to health or your job might arise at the end of the week. Don't overreact. Don't quit your day job. Remind yourself that everyone feels this stress - just like you. Also remember that it's your ego that feels challenged, your sense of self-importance and need for respect and acknowledgment. So what? Relax awreddy.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Disagreements about money and possessions (perhaps gifts?) might take place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Or possibly, these arguments are related to your job and your earnings. Either way, don't let this spoil your holiday season. Romantic partners must be patient with each other at the end of the week and, likewise, you will need to be patient with children. When irritation arises, remind yourself that you are not the only one experiencing this. Virtually, this is global tension. Whatever you do experience is probably minor to what many others might feel. Be sympathetic with children who are victims of hype and unrealistic expectations at this time of year.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Energy is a two-edged sword. It's like a hammer. You can build a house with a hammer or hurt someone with it. It's the same with fiery Mars in your sign, which is going to last until August. You're coming on like gangbusters. You're more aggressive and probably a bit more impatient. You're quick to make judgments and you want fast action. Naturally, this leads to difficulties with others, especially this Tuesday and Wednesday, for example. Cool your jets. Where's all that Libran diplomacy you're famous for? You also need it at the end of the week when difficulties with parents and family members might create dissension. Be the peacemaker that you truly are.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Some kind of background behind-the-scenes energy might bug you this week. (It could even be unexpressed irritation with someone or a secret argument.) The problem with hidden negative energy is it robs you of your strength and your daily purpose. It erodes you emotionally. This in turn makes you vulnerable to slights from others, for example this Tuesday/Wednesday. Don't be super-sensitive. In fact, be sympathetic because a lot of people feel quite tense this week. And remember to extend that sympathy and understanding to siblings, neighbours and daily contacts on the weekend when someone might need your help.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Optimism and maintaining a positive attitude are important for Sagittarius people. Naturally, it's important for all signs, but Sagittarius is forward-thinking, which is why you have to believe in a better tomorrow down the road. This, incidentally, is not hard to do in the bigger picture because I see what's in store for you. You can count on some marvellous support from others in the future. But this week is tricky. Expect challenges with friends and people in group situations, possibly triggered by competition. Stay chill. At the end of the week, disputes about money and possessions might be aggravating. Don't get sucked into this. Take the high road so that you can stay empowered!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

At heart you're a traditionalist and a perfectionist. Guess what that means in the holiday season. ("What? No cranberry sauce with the turkey?") Please be aware this week is extra-sensitive and challenging for everyone in the world. It's not just you and it's not just your family. If you look at it from a bigger perspective, you might realize your problems or disappointments, especially on Tuesday/Wednesday, are minor compared to what some families face right now in the Philippines, Congo, Chad, Sudan and other impoverished countries. Just the fact that you're reading this column means you are blessed and entitled in a global sense. Be patient with authority figures this week, especially parents and family members. Be a role model of sanity.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The tension that everyone, and I mean everyone, is experiencing this week can manifest as an accident-prone situation for your sign. This is why you have to be mindful. Think before you speak or do anything. Slow down and take a moment to plan your actions. Don't blurt something out without thinking. This way you can avoid upsetting others and yourself. This also means you can stay out of trouble. At the end of the week, secret grievances might gnaw at you. Just be forgiving and live and let live. Think of the big picture - the galaxies, our solar system, our planet, your country, your town or city, your family and finally, your self. It helps to put things in perspective.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week, you might be disappointed about how something is shared or with finances, money or gifts that you gave or didn't get - it could be anything. Don't make a big deal about this. Don't get aggro over anything because, in a very short time, it's not going to matter. You will be taking a vacation at some point in the future. Playful times and romance look promising. So be patient with others this week because you are a naturally sympathetic person. At the end of the week, difficulties with a friend might make your teeth itch. Try to let that one go. Hey - somebody's got to be the role model we need to follow. You're such a glamorous shape shifter - why can't it be you?