All Signs

Twelve times a year the Sun changes signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.) and, when it does so, it shifts our focus to a different area of our lives. This week the Sun moves into Sagittarius, which makes everyone more aware of foreign lands and distant places. Travel will hold a greater appeal. This Sagittarian influence also encourages philosophical musings and makes people regard their future with greater hope and optimism. Animal rights groups will get more support and, despite the colder weather, people will actively seek out ways to stay in shape. Those of you who are pushing 60 might consider that enough exercise. If you want to go all the way - break a sweat with spicy food.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

A delightful month ahead awaits you because the Sun is now in your fellow Fire sign. (It's like having snug, cozy slippers that fit your feet.) Travel anywhere in the next six weeks if you can because you want to push the sides of the envelope and expand your horizons. You want to meet new people, see different cultures, learn new things and have some adventure! This week you feel lots of positive energy, which makes you keen to work as well as improve your health. Opportunities to flirt and schmooze with someone older or richer exist. (This could lead to something more serious.) Say yes if others want your creative advice. Go do that voodoo that you do so well.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're never casual about money. After all, you are the banker of the zodiac because you have such excellent financial savvy. Sure enough, in the month ahead, you are focused more than usual on details about shared property, taxes, debt, insurance matters and inheritances. However, all is not about the coin of the realm. Privately, you're hatching a secret plot to become a better person. You want to improve yourself in every way - financially, healthwise, with friendships, at work, and in developing further skills, talents and training. You want it all! Good. First comes the motivation. Travel for pleasure also appeals because you feel playful, prankish and flirtatious! (A promising, sexy month ahead.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The Sun is opposite your sign for the next month, which means it is as far away from you as it gets all year. Since the Sun is your source of energy, symbolically this means you will be tired and need more sleep. (Go to bed.) However, you will put out lots of energy on the home front this month due to residential moves, renovations or visiting guests. Quite likely whatever you do will improve your home and family. Meanwhile, gifts, goodies and advantages from others will come your way. Now is the time to ask for a loan or get a mortgage. Back in the boudoir, romance will be passionate and transforming. (Oh my.) Subtle details about intimate relationships will surface. This could be interesting - or not.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

In the next six weeks, you're determined to get organized. You want to feel you're on top of your scene. You want every action to count. This means you want to be efficient, effective and productive. "Be happy in your work" was the admonition of Col. Saito in Bridge Over the River Kwai. This high standard that you set for yourself will apply to your health as well. This is why you will start to eat healthier and exercise more because you want to be the best that you can be. (Exemplary aspiration.) Relations with others will be smooth in the next several weeks. You'll find it easy to be direct and forthright, yet charming and diplomatic as well. Killer combo. You'll get what you want - most of the time.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

As the Sun shifts signs this week, you will benefit because the Sun is in your fellow Fire sign. Sports events, the arts, social invitations, parties, lunches, dinners with friends and romantic getaways are on your menu. You want to play! This is why your first choice will be a vacation. (Leos love great hotels. They want their life to be like a movie with fabulous clothes, gorgeous cars, hot sex, good food and scintillating company.) This is why, even though you will work within the limitations of your own environment, you will try to introduce this "movie" into the next six weeks of your life as much as possible. Naturally, this costs money, but Leos believe "Lots of money is only useful if you spend it."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

In the month ahead, your attention turns to home, family and your domestic environment. For example, you might be involved with a parent more than usual. You'll certainly want opportunities to relax and cocoon at home. Nevertheless, with fiery Mars in your sign, you will demand what you want and be physical in your approach to things. (No wonder you want to return home to rest.) Venus will foster romance, social fun and a chance to express your creative talents - and your popularity continues. This is a good time for you. You also have the ability to bring others together, professionally in groups or by entertaining at home. (Easier to clean if you meet elsewhere.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're busy with short trips, increased reading and writing plus talking to everyone. This pace is a tad frantic and makes you feel like the white rabbit: "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date." In part, this is because you're doing a lot behind the scenes, especially something to boost your career and public reputation. In addition to which, you're reorganizing, redecorating and entertaining at home. Discussions about how to boost your income or get a different job are also on the table. How stretched can you be? One thing in your favour is Jupiter is high in your chart, allowing you to make a great impression on bosses and VIPs. You can do no wrong.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your focus now turns to your job, your earnings and your possessions. Because of your intensified focus on these areas, you might identify with what you own, or think you are your bank account. To be sure, society generally judges people by appearances and possessions (unless you spout Ghandi-like wisdom). Meanwhile this is a social time for you because you're active with groups, even competitively, eager to communicate to others and you're charming as hell. And on top of this, opportunities to travel and explore further education look great, as does publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You wanted more?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's all systems go for you because the Sun is in your sign, dear Sagittarius. This happens only once a year and while the Sun is in your sign it energizes you and helps you to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year - physically, psychologically and emotionally. It also attracts favourable circumstances and important people to you. This gives added meaning to "Make hay while the Sun shines." Two fortuitous influences are at play: Mars makes you ambitious now and Venus attracts financial opportunities to you. (However, Venus will also encourage you to spend on clothes, jewelry and art objects to beautify your home.) Others continue to offer you support. Life is good.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Because your birthday is a month away, your personal year is coming to an end. Therefore, this month is an ideal time to strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Think about this. After all, people with goals succeed because they know where they're going. Travel and educational opportunities look good now, as does publishing, medicine, the law and media-related issues. Keep a low profile and work behind the scenes as much as possible before you step out onto centre stage next month.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will love this month ahead because your focus is on friendship and dealing with groups. You value friendships and you know how to deal with others. In addition, this is an excellent time to formulate long-range goals. To test the wisdom of these goals, why not share your hopes for the future with others to get their feedback? Meanwhile, secret love affairs might take place for many. All of you have an increased sex drive now. And all of you are also making future plans for your professional life. For several reasons, you're concerned with your future. Basically, the future is much like the present only longer.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month the Sun will slowly travel across the top of your chart, symbolically acting like a spotlight on you. This means you are viewed in flattering terms by bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. They admire you even if you don't do anything special. Furthermore, this is why you will be approached by others to take on increased responsibilities. Say yes because you will continue to impress them with little effort. (Consider this a freebie from the universe.) Be patient with partners because Mars opposite your sign can make you judgmental and easily annoyed with others. (I agree, they are frustrating.) Fun times with creative people will please you now. Don't leave home without your sketchbook.