On Tuesday this week, the Sun will square Pluto creating power struggles. On Thursday, the Sun will oppose Uranus bringing surprises, arguments and upsets. And on Friday, we have the only New Moon all year in Libra - an opportunity to make resolutions and create "new beginnings," especially about starting good habits. You don't have to be perfect. Improvement is what we're looking for. In other words, things are either getting worse or they're getting better, right? Oliver Goldsmith said, "People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after." Well, hey, his sentence ends with a preposition. Churchill's response would be, "This is the sort of thing up with which I shall not put."
Tread softly this week dear Aries because power struggles and explosions with partners and close friends are inevitable. You're not one to take bad treatment lying down. You respond! You defy evil and right wrongs. And you want to win! Hmmm. (Got a ticket to work with high explosives?) Calm down. Don't get your belly in a rash. Anger serves no purpose other than making everyone miserable. Factoid. Ironically, the New Moon on Friday is your best opportunity all year to make resolutions about how to get along with others in a better way - a happier way - a way that is mutually beneficial and pleasing. ("To you with failing hands I throw the torch - be yours to hold it high.")
Nasty ego battles might occur at work this week, especially Tuesday and Thursday. Let's face it - it's a blur all mid-week. Disagreements about travel arrangements, dealing with foreign countries, publishing, the media or anything to do with medicine and the law will be classic. It could also be about politics or racial issues. It's not like you to overreact so I don't have to say "Don't quit your day job." (But I just did.) Equipment failure and horror stories with technology are also likely. Meanwhile, the New Moon on Friday is your chance to think how you can improve your job and enhance relationships with co-workers. You gotta love it.
Warning: Parents should be vigilant about their kids this week, especially Wed./Thu. because this is an accident-prone time for your kids or kids you work with. (Yeah, I ended that sentence with a preposition.) Be smart. Minimize the potential for accidents, especially related to electricity, falls and explosions. Power struggles about shared property, debt, inheritances and insurance matters are likely. Romantic relationships will also have upsets. ("I can't believe you said that!") Definitely use the New Moon energy on Friday to think of ways to improve your relationships with kids, and also how to improve relationships with romantic lovers - even unromantic lovers. (Sigh.)
Family disputes and power struggles with partners might put you in a squeeze play this week. (You don't want to be there.) This might lead to a mutiny in the family or upsetting relationships with a parent, boss or authority figure. ("I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!") Small appliances might break down at home and minor breakages could occur, all things that create frustration and impatience on the home front. Grrrr. Is it timely or laughable that by the New Moon on Friday, you have your best chance all year to mend broken fences with family members and think of ways to improve your home environment and family relationships? (These things would be funny if they weren't pathetic.)
Why people get angry is complex but, basically, it's because they're unhappy. One cannot necessarily fix the cause of anger. But the antidote to anger is patience. Yes, it's a Band-Aid, but a Band-Aid is better than nothing. This week, you might have a blowup with someone, perhaps a sibling, relative or neighbour. (Someone in your daily sphere.) It might be further fueled by power struggles at work that make you grind your teeth at night. In turn, this built-up tension could create an accident-prone situation for you. It's not a pretty picture. But you don't have to be overwhelmed. Patience is your ally. On Friday, think about how you can improve all your communications with everyone.
Better to be nouveau than never to have been riche at all. This week you're focused on finances, cash flow and earnings as well as possessions and major purchases. It appears quarrels about money and earnings or nasty little arguments about possessions will wreck your peace of mind. (And perhaps a piece of your mind.) This might be triggered by upsetting news regarding shared property, inheritances or something to do with debt and creditors. There's no question people hate bad money news because it threatens one's security. Downright scary. Fortunately, Friday's New Moon is your chance to come up with an improved approach on how you handle your assets. You want that piece of mind back so you can feel peaceful.
On Tuesday you might encounter powerful people who put pressure on you. Perhaps it's difficult to deal with people in authority or even partners and close friends. Someone might accuse you of something or make you account for yourself. A breakdown of machinery or collapse of some situation could unnerve you. By Thursday, all kinds of surprises surround you. ("The sky is falling!") Note: This could be challenging or it could be liberating. It will be unexpected. Maybe you need to defend your right to be different and do your own thing? (You're such a pleaser.) By Friday, take a look in the mirror and use the New Moon energy to figure out how to create a better impression. Time for some new wardrobe goodies. Lookin' swell!
This will be a challenging week because you feel frustrated and blocked by issues or people. You might know why you feel frustrated, however, some won't. It's just an uneasy feeling of apprehension. Because of this, you will be short-tempered with others and outspoken. Hence, arguments could take place. Something unexpected that is work-related (or for some, health-related) might make you feel you've been blown out of the water. ("Whaaat?") Stay chill. By the end of the week, Friday's New Moon will encourage you to look for inner strength, inner peace of mind, and a spiritual centre that is grounding for you. All this brouhaha will disappear. Phfft!
People love you because you're bright and breezy and friendly. (This is good.) This week you want to maintain bright-breezy-friendly as much as possible because you might be impatient with someone in a group. You might feel they are intimidating or being a bully. Perhaps you simply disagree with them about issues. Whatever the case, use bright-breezy-friendly to smooth over troubled waters. Later, when surprises occur related to children, holidays, the arts, sports or your romantic main squeeze, you'll be prepared to handle whatever it is. The New Moon on Friday is one of the best days of the year to think how you can make your hopes and dreams for the future a reality. Any ideas?
Power struggles with authority figures - parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police - are on the menu this week. You can run but you can't hide. Since these are unpleasant, do not add fuel to the fire. It takes two to make an argument and if one person is doing all the yelling they look silly. Of course, a deep disagreement might be about an important issue. (Gotcha!) Try to table these discussions until later because tempers won't be so frayed. Furthermore, something surprising at home or possibly with your job/career will catch you off guard this week as well. That's why you have to think about your life direction in general on Friday, during the New Moon. Where are you headed?
Right now you are keen to travel and expand your world because you want excitement, stimulation and adventure! If someone clips your wings or restrains you from fulfilling these desires, you'll end up in a power struggle. (They don't know what they're in for.) Arguments about travel, foreign countries, politics, religion, publishing, the media, medicine, the law or racial issues are just some things that will make you mad. Caution: If you are too emotional and distracted, this could promote an accident-prone situation. Believe me, surprises are par for the course this week. Accept this. Reward yourself on Friday with ideas about how you can learn more, travel more or get more training so that you're happier. Why not?
Nasty struggles about shared property, settlements, inheritances, insurance matters and anything you own jointly with others might take place this week, especially around Tuesday. Like dominoes falling, this could lead to someone doing something rash, which catches you off guard in a surprising way later in the week. If you feel it threatens your financial situation, naturally, you're concerned. Don't panic. By Friday, the New Moon is the best day all year for you to think how to most skillfully handle shared property and all the areas above, about which you might have disputes. Relax. There's a light at the end of the tunnel - and it's not a train.