All Signs

How appropriate to have this New Moon in Virgo in a back-to-school week! Each month the New Moon is a chance to make resolutions, to take stock, do a reality check and figure out how to get back on track. This Virgo New Moon asks: "How can I get better organized?" (Virgo rules analytical logic.) "How can I improve my health?" (Virgo rules wellness.) "How can I eat healthier?" (Virgo rules the intestines.) "How can I learn more?" (Virgos are fact junkies.) Time to shape up! According to a German proverb, "God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them." Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." But I think, "Opportunity knocks only once, but temptation bangs on the door for years."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is the perfect week to focus on how to get better organized. Go back and read All Signs again because all those questions pertain to your sign. Now is the time to make resolutions about improving your health and improving how organized (or not) you are at work and at home. Make an effort to do this as soon as possible because ironically, opportunities to improve your job or your health could fall in your lap this week. And of course, they will match the effort you put in to polishing your act. Meanwhile, romance and partnerships will flourish. It's a great week for dating, flirtations and intimate rendezvous. Ooo la la!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Although tension and increased activity or chaos at home is likely, in the bigger picture, this is a playful time for Taurus. Take a vacation or enjoy sports events. Flirtations and romantic interludes will also spice your life. Some will explore fabulous opportunities in the hospitality industry or the entertainment world. Get out and enjoy yourself! You will delight in playful times with children. Meanwhile, back at the dungeon, work will flow smoothly, in part because it's easy to get along with co-workers now. Isn't it curious when you have to work, you wish you didn't - but if you don't have work, you wish you did?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Home, family and your personal world are top priorities now. This is the week to improve family relationships as well as your relationship with where you live. (Have you seen the floor of your bedroom closet lately?) Venus will bring you opportunities to party and explore romance and social fun, while Mars pumps your communications with others making you more forthright, bold and direct. But your true opportunities come to you at home. Family members will be generous to each other. Home entertaining will delight you. This same bonus will apply to fabulous real-estate deals or ways to improve or expand your home. Take advantage of this!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a busy time for you because of short trips, visits, errands, conversations with others, increased time with siblings and relatives plus you're also reading and writing more. But it's a happy pace! Meanwhile, this is a good time to enjoy entertaining at home, which is why you want to redecorate your digs. (Real-estate deals could look sweet.) Fiery Mars is a guarantee that you're working hard for your money now and spending it just as hard as well. Money in - money out! But the major undercurrent running through this week is one of optimism for you. You feel positive. In fact, you feel lucky! Your ability to schmooze successfully with others makes you feel great. "I'm in the zone!"

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This back-to-school feeling makes you want to get on top of your money scene. And yes, it's time to tame the crazy fallout from your wild summer, which means reducing credit-card debt for restaurants, hotels, movies and gifts. ("Moi?" "Yes, you.") Be ruthless and do it. Meanwhile, back at the bank, opportunities to boost your income could come your way this week. They could be little projects on the side that bring in extra lettuce, or a higher-paying job. Keep your eyes peeled for this. With Mars in your sign, you'll enjoy physical exercise. In fact, it's a good idea to burn up your increased energy. Meanwhile, fair Venus brings opportunities to make money through writing, talking and schmoozing. Ka-ching!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

"Hello Sunshine!" It's all about you. The Sun is in your sign until the 22nd and the New Moon is in your sign this Thursday. Naturally, that means this week is a great time to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance and the impression you create on your world. Of course, some of you are already doing this because I see secret love affairs bubbling in the background. (You know who you are.) This is a popular time for you! You'll enjoy schmoozing with groups, clubs and organizations. New contact could help you to boost your earnings and yet, at the same time, you might be spending more because of increased social opportunities. The wind is at your back. Enjoy the ride.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a feel-good week. You don't even need a reason, it just feels good. In part, it might be because you now have a chance to catch your breath after a busy summer. You also anticipate getting better organized so that everything looks better. Good. Appearances are important to you. Not necessarily to impress others - to impress you! You like attractive surroundings, especially a relaxing, elegant bedroom and perfectly turned out bathroom. Heaven! This is a good time to shop for wardrobe goodies. It's also a great time to schmooze with others, especially competitively, perhaps with sports. Privately, think about what you want to accomplish in the coming year. Any ideas?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a social time for Scorpios, you're out there with your colours flying! In fact, the New Moon is a great opportunity for you to think about your friendships and what they mean to you. And also what kind of friend you are to your friends. And perhaps how you might even improve? Expect to be involved in group gatherings for some reason, possibly with people from afar. You'll enjoy these experiences so accept invitations if they come your way. Meanwhile, with Mars high in your chart, your ambition is aroused. You're really ready for school! Plus a secret love affair, for many of you, makes your heart race right now. (You love secrets.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The Sun high in your chart is an indication that people in authority (bosses, parents and teachers) see you in a flattering light right now. Don't let this opportunity slide by. Make the most of it. Since you look so good to others (even if you don't feel this way) capitalize on this opportunity. Demand the advantage. Go after what you want. You'll be surprised at the resources and support - financial, practical and psychological - that you will get from others. People will endorse you! Meanwhile travel beckons. (What's new?) Opportunities with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine and the law also look good. Many of you are schmoozing with artistic, creative people and loving it. Enjoy!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might be surprised at the wonderful opportunity you have to travel now. Yay me! Similar opportunities in publishing, the media, the law and medicine as well as higher education also abound. Act on these this week because this is the best time. Even a partner or close friend might be helpful. You can impress others with your input about creative matters. Meanwhile, disputes about financial matters or shared property can probably be settled in your favour. Privately, your gonads are in overdrive, which means flirtatious invitations will be promising. (You hope.) Be ready to do something that expands your horizons through travel, training, learning, or meeting "different" people. This can happen this week.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Gifts, goodies and favours from others are definitely coming your way now. Keep your pockets open because the gravy train has arrived. This could include inheritances, money back from the government, a favourable insurance settlement, or perhaps someone finally returning something that they borrowed (at last) and, in some cases, you might just get an outright gift of cash or something valuable. (I also think a positive attitude can encourage this process. There's nothing wrong with expecting abundance.) Naturally, some of this will translate into sexual exploits despite the fact that tension with partners can arise now. Patience is one option, travel for pleasure is another.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a lovely week to enjoy wonderful times with partners and close friends. People are happy to be in each other's company. (Oh my, it's all so cozy.) This is an excellent time to begin new partnerships or get married. It's also a great time to make a wonderful impression on members of the general public. Others are supportive to you now, and you deserve it because you've been working hard. What goes around, comes around. You work well with others this week, so look for opportunities to be in a group. Idealistic discussions will help you to examine your goals for the future. You can also learn a lot from others. ("The Women's is on the left and the Men's is on the right.")