All Signs

This week Venus shifts from Virgo into Libra. Great time for Librans to buy wardrobe goodies, which is cool because they have fashion sense. But enough about Libra. Why not - once again - remind ourselves of where our good luck and good fortune is growing (for each and every one of us) in the next 18 months? After all, good news is helpful and reassuring. And it's certainly more fun to pin on the fridge than bad news. (Yeah, yeah, if it bleeds, it leads.) Or better yet, let's play "Bureaucracy" - everyone stands in a circle and the first person to do anything loses.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Increased chaos, activity and lots of action on the home front are likely this week. This could be due to renovations, redecorating or visiting guests. Benjamin Franklin said, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Whatever the case, this could create tension between you and others. Naturally, patience is the antidote to anger, so demonstrate grace under pressure. In the next 18 months, home and family are where your good fortune will continue to grow. Yay! And this is one of the best opportunities to explore real-estate situations in more than a decade. Buy, sell or expand and improve where you live. Family relationships will become more loving and generous as well.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Communications with others are aggressive right now because you identify with your beliefs. You're proactive and forceful in your discussions with others. You're putting a lot of yourself into what you have to say. Naturally, this can lead to arguments! On the other hand, if you have to sell an idea, you're hot! Writers, salespeople, teachers and actors can be productive. Looking ahead in the next year, your optimism will carry you through everything. Your plans for the future will be big, optimistic and expansive. Because your attitude to everyone is more generous and understanding, people will seek you out. "Wanna sit at our table?"

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're focused on money, cash flow, financial situations, your job and possibly on stuff you own. Right now and for the rest of the month, you're working hard to earn money and many are spending freely as well. (Now you see it - now you don't.) Mars heightens your ability to identify with what you own. You might be proud of something. You might be reluctant to lend it. You might use what you own to get things done. The good news is that in the long-range picture, in the next year, Jupiter will help you to manifest whatever it is you most value. (Wow.) It could be money, it might be something else. "An emu? Why would I value an emu? An ostrich boa maybe. Sheesh!"

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Both fiery Mars and lucky Jupiter are in your sign now. It's time to remember the proverbial saying: Make hay while the sun shines. Mars revs your engines, which is why you're so pumped. You're busy, active and eager to show the world what you can do. Mars makes you more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. Because Mars rules the muscles, your physical energy is high. This is a positive time. "I yam what I yam!" In the future, well into next year, all kinds of people and auspicious resources will be drawn to you. This will be one of the more fortunate times in your life. In fact, it's a signal that you're at the beginning of a major 12-year cycle of growth. (Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain?)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Ironically, although this is your month and, to be sure, opportunities and people are coming your way - nevertheless, fiery Mars is hiding in your chart making you restless and impatient. Of course, from your POV, you're surrounded by idiots. (Oops, did I say that?) People can be so annoying, shortsighted, thoughtless and inconsiderate, can't they? Well, by the end of the month (the 27th to be precise), fiery Mars enters your sign to stay until mid-October. Look out world! In the meantime, patience is a virtue and it's a wonderful thing to foster. Unfortunately, the only way you can practice patience is to be in situations that test your patience! That's the bummer part. (You're doing great.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You're goal-oriented. You're lying in bed at night thinking, "what's next?" ("Ho hum, here I am, pondering my hopes and dreams for the future. Who's stealing the blankets?") Fortunately, this year others will help you achieve your goals. And you'll enjoy increased popularity well into next year! ("Yay, everybody loves me.") This week and this month, you might feel competitive with someone, perhaps in a team sport or some kind of physical activity. You want the personal gratification of winning or doing well. Look for ways to co-ordinate your needs and activities with others so you can make things a win/win situation, then you come out smelling like a rose. Sniff, sniff.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a successful time in your life and your ambition is aroused. You feel powerful, independent and authoritative. Well, this could lead to conflict with bosses and co-workers. Fortunately, Librans are suave and debonair. Of course, the cherry on the cake is that Jupiter is now travelling across the top of your chart for the next year attracting promotions, public recognition and increased esteem from your contemporaries. In other words, you're looking good! Work-related travel and a chance to explore medicine, healing, the law, higher education, publishing and the media will please and benefit you. Ah yes, there's no time like the pleasant.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You want bright, exciting ideas to expand your world. You also want to expand your mind and learn more through courses, reading or travel. You'll love intellectual discussions with smart people because you want to feel smart! You want to feel so smart your hat won't fit anymore. Plato said, "There is no harm in repeating a good thing." Hence, the re-tweet. He also said, ""Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." (He never faced a newspaper deadline.) Count on wonderful travel opportunities in the next year along with opportunities to learn and expand your world. And yes, that ever-dubious point: Socrates taught Plato, who taught Aristotle, who taught Alexander the Pretty Good.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your gonads are in overdrive. Factoid. This makes you passionate about everything - not just sex. This is why you confront others about values, money, shared property, loans or shared possessions. You will stand up for what you believe and not tolerate anything questionable. Actually, you might want to give this some thought and soften your position. Ya think? In the long-range, you're going to be laughing all the way to the bank because you have wonderful opportunities during the next 18 months to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. People are going to give you things. You will inherit or receive goodies from others or benefit indirectly because of their increased wealth. Wake up to this reality. Sight is a faculty - seeing is an art.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's been challenging to be charming to others lately because they've been so annoying. Like, what's with that? You care about appearances, about doing things right, you hate waste and believe in making that extra effort so you can be proud of your work. But some people are such bozos! Well, hang in there because for the next month, while Mars is opposite your sign, it's easy to be impatient with others. It is what it is. Just grin and bear it and don't say anything you will regret later. The good news is Jupiter is also opposite your sign until next year improving all your close relationships. People will benefit you. (Great year to get married.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You want to get better organized. You're willing to wear a hair shirt to get the results you want. Don't be a martyr, just be a hard worker. You'll love what you accomplish. Give yourself the right tools to do a great job. (Makes all the difference.) Delegate wherever you can. It's important to look shipshape right now because this year and next you can improve your job or get a better job or get a promotion or get better working conditions. It's a bonanza time! Take note: This year and next is also an excellent time to improve your health and boost your strength and vitality. The only downside could be overindulgence and too many seconds on dessert. Moi? Yes, you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You playful little devil. It's party time for Pisces. You're not into denial. Oh no. You want to have fun and amuse yourself. This week and this month are perfect for vacations, love affairs, romantic escapades, sports events and playful times with children. (In fact, romance can be quite over the top.) Be patient with children because potential conflicts are likely. However, you're looking at an 18-month window of time where you will have much joy and many opportunities to express your creativity and grow in a lovely way. In fact, your family might expand through birth, adoption or marriage. You have a wonderful, joyful year ahead! (A Pisces friend paid me to say this.)