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This week a planetary dance between Jupiter and Pluto is taking place, something that last occurred in May 2001. However, this is not quite the same influence because it occurred then in Gemini and Sagittarius. Now we have Pluto in Capricorn with Jupiter in Cancer doing a direct face-off. This indicates a pivotal time in our lives - a time of accomplishment, a time of compulsive obsession, a time of resurrection, a time of culmination in financial matters, a time of turning away from hopelessness to create something positive and, possibly, a deeper commitment in relationships. It can indicate many things. Jupiter wants to expand while Pluto is investigative, intense and powerful. Wow, on the other hand, has it occurred to you lately that nothing has occurred to you lately?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

At this time (not necessarily this week per se) most of you are feeling that your domestic scene is coming to a head or a kind of completion. Family matters are finally settled. You see the direction you want to go. You might see clearly what you can do and also what you cannot do. Continue to look for ways to expand or improve your home or explore real-estate opportunities either by moving or through speculation. This is a playful time and many of you want to escape on vacation, or party, or enjoy sports events and rev up your romantic life. All this can happen! (Especially work-related romances.) You feel more secure about home and family. (Gosh.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For your sign, the dance between Jupiter and Pluto can mean that important discussions with siblings and neighbours are finally settled. If you are involved in a writing project or creating something new where you have to promote your ideas, you might have a sense of a breakthrough now. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train. (Whew.) Your ability to state your case or explain yourself is excellent. People listen to you. Meanwhile, cocoon at home whenever you can because social opportunities and sports events keep calling your name. You need time at home to refuel so you can party! (Your body's writing cheques you can't cash.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This standoff between Pluto and Jupiter indicates a change in your financial situation or your money stream. ("Stream? I don't even have a creek! Are we talking puddle?") New ways to earn money by generating a money-making situation on the side or finding a new job will occur to many. You're entering a fortunate time ahead where you can boost your earnings, your assets and feel richer and more secure. Something might come to a head even this week that sets you off in a new direction. Or you might have the courage to expand your dreams and go for the brass ring. You might even have a sense of destiny about what you're doing. "I was made for this."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a significant time in your life for many reasons. Primarily, you're taking a realistic look at partnerships and close friendships, and what you expect from them. Not only that, you are also more aware of what you need to deliver in order to have a healthy, happy relationship with someone, whether it's intimate, professional or a good friend. Something has occurred that prompts you not to take things for granted. You feel passionate, grateful, eager and desirous to have the kind of relationship with someone you really want. Also,you feel hopeful for your future. And this feeling of optimism feels good!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Recent events have occurred that make you more thoughtful about things: Your mortality, the mortality of those around you, how quickly life is passing. "What's it all about, Alfie?" What really matters in life? Are you doing the things you really want to do? Can you do the things you really want to do? What are the things you really want to do? What important wisdom is available to help you live a full and enriched life? The questions that concern you are beyond reading manuals for appliances. This is heady stuff! If you don't stop and wonder, you'll never learn anything, will you? (Ah yes, it's a big interconnected binary universe.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You might believe strongly in your goals now. In fact, you might expand your goals so that they are even more exciting and yes, hopefully, doable. Perhaps your involvement with a friend or a group has increased your confidence in yourself and your ability to attain your dreams in the future. In a nutshell, all you really want is to be the best you can be, right? (You can't be more than that and why be less?) However, power struggles with someone in a group or perhaps just a friend are possible. Be receptive. Listen to what others have to say. Look for a win/win solution. And remember, if you reverse the direction of your goals, a so-called retreat is actually an advance.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Even you might be surprised at the acknowledgment, recognition and fanfare you easily get now. People are impressed with you, particularly people in authority: parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. It's as if you can do no wrong. Circumstances you didn't even expect now propel your name in a positive way so that your reputation is stellar. Of course, you have been ambitious. You're not sitting around getting dusty. So in one way, you have been working hard to achieve this recognition, which means you deserve it. Enjoy your increased popularity this month. Secret love affairs are taking place for some. (Nothing new.) Think what you can do to expand and maintain the recognition you now have.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your sign has lots of opportunities to travel and expand your horizons - huge! Many of you are globetrotting and visiting fascinating places where you can learn new things. Others are taking courses or going back to school or expanding their experience of the world through apprenticing, mentoring or learning through the involvement with people from different backgrounds. Now is the time to explore opportunities in medicine, the law, publishing and the media. Your confidence in your knowledge and your beliefs has expanded and deepened so that you know - not just believe - you know you have something to offer to others. It's a conviction.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Issues about shared property, debt, mortgages, inheritances, taxes and anything you own jointly with others are coming to a head. This is the time for important decisions. It's time to decide what to do with the resources that are available to you. Do you maintain your holding pattern or do you forge ahead? One thing is certain, in the next two years you will be getting rid of whatever is no longer relevant in your life - people, places and possessions. In fact, you will be dismantling much of what you created since 2001. But fear not, you won't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You only need to lighten up by divesting yourself of what is no longer necessary - just the baggage.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a profound time in your life because Pluto is in your sign right now dancing with lucky Jupiter. Many of you have lost weight and also given up other things that were not necessary for you. They virtually "fell away." You feel like you are redefining who you are and reshaping the world around you, including aspects of your own personality. Be careful about an urge to control everyone and everything. (Lighten up.) You might also find yourself more attracted to mysteries, secrets and hidden aspects of life. Meanwhile, despite temporary annoyances with partners and close friends, in the bigger picture, these relationships can deepen into something more meaningful. Definitely.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Because of your hard work and effort, you are enjoying not only good health but employment opportunities (for those of you who are working). In fact, some of you might steer toward a different kind of work involving health, medicine, hospice work, death, plumbing, jewelry, gems, lasers, recycling, plumbing and anything related to crime detection, police work or being a detective. Some will explore archaeology, anthropology, recycling, garbage-related issues and septic systems. (Somebody's gotta do it.) You want to delve deeply to see how things work. You're not satisfied to skim along the surface in a superficial way. You want the facts! Meanwhile, be mindful that you need more sleep right now, so catch some extra zzzz's.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Some parents are undergoing a major shift with their kids right now. There's a sense of graduation, culmination or moving on or achievement. This same kind of fulfillment can apply to artists or anyone who expresses their creative energy writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing, sculpting, photography - anything. Your confidence in your ability to be creative and original is strong now. In fact, your confidence in your ability to feel sexy is strong! You know you are sensitive, imaginative, graceful, whimsical and chameleonlike, a real shape shifter in the eyes of others. This can make you attractive and alluring and now - you get it! Although you're working hard, grab every chance to party and socialize with others. "Wanna rhumba?"