All Signs

Two things to be aware of this week are the New Moon and retrograde Mercury. (Of course, many have already felt the effects of this retrograde but it's good to be reminded.) We can all benefit from Mercury retrograde by using its energy to more easily wrap up old business, finish writing projects and tie up loose ends in anything that has been dragging on. In other words, whatever you've already started, go back and finish it now. It will also be easy to reconstruct the past or study history or do research. It's a particularly poor time to buy computers, cell phones and any form of ground transportation. This applies to the whole month. (Gulp.) Even though Mercury technically goes direct on July 21, believe me, it will still be behind the eight ball and a poor time to buy Mercury-related items. Although an interesting exception would be a Mercury thermometer.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Family reunions, relatives from the past you haven't seen for a while who are camped on your couch, plus a chance to wrap up old family business are classic indications of this Mercury retrograde. This might be helpful to you or not. (Sometimes guests come bearing gifts, other times they just eat your food and drink all your booze.) How appropriate that the only New Moon all year urging you to think of ways to improve your home and your relationships with family members is occurring this week! Well, nothing is a coincidence, is it? It's easy to take family members for granted and not realize how important they are to us until they're gone. Wake up to this sad truth.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Perhaps more than any other sign you feel the annoying, goofy delays of Mercury retrograde. Many are suffering from flat tires, fender benders, cars that don't start, missed buses, cancelled flights and engine troubles. Similarly, communications with siblings, neighbours and relatives are misunderstood and confused. You're waiting at one Starbucks while someone is waiting for you at another one. Phones are cut off or dead batteries occur just when you need them. Aaaggh! Meanwhile, the New Moon this week offers you a chance to think about how you can improve all your relationships with others. Go figure!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Earnings and cash flow are uppermost in your mind. You have a chance to boost your income in the next 18 months, which is sweet. This month, however, delays and setbacks in your job are maddening. Cheques in the mail are late and people are slow paying you. (Grrr.) It's a good time to wrap up a deal or close something. But how fortuitous that the New Moon is occurring in this same area. This means you're aware of everything that can go wrong with your finances and possessions. Use the New Moon energy to make resolutions about how to improve how you handle your money and the stuff you own. Clean up your act.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Holy Stars in My Sign! Five planets are in Cancer! It's fabulous to have Jupiter in your sign where it will stay for the next year bringing you good fortune and increased happiness. Mars boosts your energy and makes you forthright, direct and proactive. But Mercury retrograde, sheesh! You're dogged by silly errors, misunderstandings and moments where you think you're wasting your time. It's frustrating. It brings people from the past back into your life, especially old flames and ex-partners. On the upside, the New Moon is your best chance all year to make resolutions about how to improve your appearance, your image and even how you relate to others. Any ideas?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

All this activity that is taking place for other signs is occurring in a hidden part of your chart. This energy is subliminal or unconscious and below your level of awareness. (So I could say anything - how would you know?) However, some of this "hidden" energy - motivations and ruminations that you are aware of - is like a tape loop running in the back of your mind. Lots of thoughts but hard to bring them to the surface where you can clearly define them. Some of these thoughts and impulses are a desire to delve more deeply into your spiritual experience and understanding. Others might just be sleight-of-hand, behind-the-scenes stuff. Take note: You're waiting in the wings, getting ready for your debut.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This Mercury retrograde brings back friends from the past and encounters with people you used to know through clubs and associations. There's always that excited "Hi!" moment of recognition and reconnection followed by the awkward lull of "now what?" It's nice to see a familiar face but what do you say? Do you spill your whole life history or just talk about what you had for lunch? Competition and physical activity are there for many of you. Remember this is the only New Moon all year for you to think about how you can improve your friendships with others. How can you be a better friend? What can you do to make your friendships more enriching in your life?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

All this celestial activity at the top of your chart means you are noticed! Oh yeah. And bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are impressed. (Good lighting is everything.) Mars arouses your ambition and Jupiter is starting to attract opportunities to put your name up in lights. Naturally, retrograde Mercury attracts authority figures and bosses from your past back into your path. Sometimes this is fun, mostly, it isn't - just polite posturing and an expression of interest that is both genuine and insincere. However, this New Moon is the only one all year urging you to think about how you interact with parents, bosses and authority figures. How can you be more skillful?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're restless. You need a change of scenery and you know this. But exciting stimulation does not always depend on a geographic cure, it can also come from exploring ideas and learning new things. Therefore, do something to expand your horizons and your experience of your world. Reach out and grab life by the throat. Learn something new. Sign up for a course. Go places you've never been before. Talk to people you would usually never meet. The New Moon offers you your best chance all year to think about how you can learn more or get more training to feel more fulfilled in life. Don't think you can wait or postpone these things because life rushes by in a blink.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's easy to use Mercury retrograde now because you can easily wrap up loose ends about inheritances, insurance matters, mortgages, loans, taxes, debt and anything to do with shared property or whatever is jointly held. This red-tape stuff can be a drag. Think how good you'll feel to get some of it done. Clean up things to pave the way for Jupiter to begin to bring you bounty from other sources or indirectly through your partner (or someone else). This will happen for the next year or longer. Yay! And more good news! Your sex drive is amped, which makes you feel desirous and desirable. (Oh boy.) Use the energy of this New Moon to think of the best way to use shared resources.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The Sun, retrograde Mercury, Mars and Jupiter plus the New Moon are all opposite your sign this week. (Gulp.) All this opposition will draw your attention to close friends and partnerships - definitely. Ex-partners and friends you haven't seen for a long time are back in your world. (Could be good, could be disconcerting.) Nevertheless, this is a good time to establish closure and clarify anything that was unsure. Spell it out. Be patient because something will annoy you. (Hint: Mars.) But in the year ahead you are going to benefit hugely from others. Use this week's New Moon to ask how you can be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's time to get work. Yeah, yeah it's summer, with barbecues at the beach, but there's a lot to do. Unfortunately, retrograde Mercury challenges you at work causing delays, miscommunications, misunderstandings, equipment breakdowns and other hangnail annoyances. Just grin and bear it. It's small stuff, like stubbing your toe. Aaggh! You have lots of energy to work so delegate where you can. Start to look for ways to find a better job or a better way of doing your current job. And use this week's New Moon to ask yourself what you can do to improve your health and what kind of work would most fulfill your passion.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You have so many planets pushing you into party mode! The productive way to use this energy is to be creative. Writers, producers, directors, sculptors, photographers and designers can be productive this month and this year. But if you use the playful aspect of all this energy, you'll enjoy flirtations, new romance, love affairs, vacations, little getaways, parties, sports events, social tete-a-tetes and fun, playful times with children. Old flames might be back in the picture. Don't waste too much time on what was. Use this energy to open new doors and discover how to express your own creative talents. It won't always be this easy.