All Signs

Two major planetary relationships are occurring this week. The Sun will be opposite powerful Pluto and will also be at odds with unpredictable Uranus. Both of these relationships (or "aspects" as we call them in astrology) are transforming and disruptive. We will all feel this in different ways. It heralds change in different areas according to each sign. The interruption might be just a speed bump or it could be something that sends one off in a whole new direction. Ah yes, directions. I've always had trouble with directions, especially after the Sun sets. I used to guide myself by the North Star until I found out it was just the light at the top of the Sky Chair on Cypress Mountain. (Me duh.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Keep the lid on things at home this week and be patient with family members. It will be for your own benefit and the benefit of everyone. When one person is angry, especially within the family, it's like carbon monoxide in the household. It has a negative influence on everyone. This week power struggles with parents and authority figures in the family are likely. They might be so intense that a serious split could occur. In addition, people feel restless and rebellious, especially against restrictions they feel are placed on them. They won't like them! Family members might also be irritable because small appliances are breaking down or minor breakages occur and naturally this is an inconvenience for everyone. Be patient and tread lightly.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Do be careful, dear Taurus, because this is an accident-prone week for your sign. I don't say this lightly. Be cautious and vigilant if you jog, walk or cycle anywhere. Obviously, be just as vigilant driving. Something out of the blue will interrupt you, this is almost a given. Arguments about politics, religion, racial issues or perhaps something to do with publishing, the media, medicine and the law could become heated. You might feel forced to defend yourself. In addition, avoid crime-ridden areas or any place where there could be potential violence. At all times, carry a fresh baguette with a bit of rugged cheddar and a flask of wine. Be prepared.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The surprises and upsets that occur for you this week are primarily financial. They could affect your job, your earnings, your cash flow or even your possessions. For example, you might have an intense argument with someone about the ownership of something or who owes what to whom. Or perhaps there's a quarrel about debt or inheritances? A friend or a member of a group might blindside you with news that impacts your self-image and possibly your pocketbook. This is a classic week for major equipment breakdowns. Repairs could be costly. Yeah, this all sounds like a bummer. But this same influence could also mean a new job or a new direction where you can start to work and earn more money. Something's afoot.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are really going to feel it this week because Pluto and Uranus are dancing with the Sun and the Sun is in your sign. (Gulp.) The obvious interpretation is that you might have some serious conflicts with others. It could even mean the breakup of a relationship. It could also mean that you feel defiant and rebellious with an authority figure in your life - your boss, your parent or perhaps the police. You might feel put on the spot about something and you have to come out fighting to defend yourself. This could also signal a turning point in a relationship where you feel you are in more control and now have the freedom to express yourself the way you want. Could be anything!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A major change or a breakthrough might take place with your job this week. You could quit your job, especially under duress or after a big argument. Or alternatively, you might feel victorious about something and move forward in your job in a new direction with great confidence. Could go either way. Unexpected news about publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education might catch you off-guard. Surprise travel plans are likely. (Travel will be suddenly initiated or suddenly cancelled.) Guard your health this week, especially against accidents. Conversely, you might make a breakthrough in your health and see ways to improve your vigour and stamina. Who knows? (The Shadow knows.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is not a smooth week for romantic relationships. (Or for any friendship, for that matter.) Ego conflicts with others, especially about ideals or goals, are likely. You might feel that someone is standing in the way of you achieving your goals. Or vice versa. Power struggles about the responsibilities of children might occur. If you are involved in a group, there could be conflict about shared possessions or how money is to be spent or how money and goods are accounted for. A friendship could break up now, essentially because of differing values. Possibly the support or allegiance you had been counting on is withdrawn. It's a tricky week. Be cool and calm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Power struggles with authority figures are likely for you this week. You might find yourself at odds with a parent, a boss, a teacher, a VIP or even a member of the police. This could lead to arguments with partners and close friends because they don't support you or because they did something to trigger this problem. (This could be anything.) You want to feel a greater sense of freedom, out from under the powerful paw of someone. You feel defiant! Something at home might need repairs. Be patient with partners and close friends because difficulties with others cause you angst. You like to get along. You like to keep the peace. Keep it that way.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Be careful this week because this is an accident-prone time for you. Be vigilant cycling, jogging, walking and driving. You might even have a verbal accident and make a gaffe that appalls someone and, before you know it, a fight breaks out. (Just like hockey.) Your work routine might be interrupted because of computer crashes, equipment or technological snafus. Some of you might quit your job or say something you later regret. Avoid controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues because they're too hot to handle this week. (Makeup sex might be something to look forward to.) Stay frosty.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Stay on top of your banking scene and finances because this is where you might encounter a few surprises. Disputes about inheritances, shared property, insurance matters, taxes and debt are likely. You might also argue with someone about the possession of something or how to take care of something. You might suddenly feel ill-prepared, or as if you didn't do your homework, because how else can something out of the blue blindside you? Perhaps information you hadn't anticipated and now affects a loan, a mortgage or your relationship with shared property (including credit cards and debt). Yeah, this is all stuff nobody wants to see on the table. For some, however, differences in these very areas will finally be resolved.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Quarrels with others could create breakups or the end of a relationship for some of you at this time. Naturally, this doesn't have to happen but it's possible. Most of you will at least feel you're at odds with loved ones. Something unanticipated related to your home or your family can also create tension. Perhaps secrets are revealed and someone (could be you) is forced to defend themselves. Be very careful because violent activity can easily grow out of arguments. Nobody wants that. However, it is also possible that intense discussions will make a breakthrough in a relationship and now you feel more confident about things. Go figure.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Something to do with your job and your work will be disruptive this week or at least sometime within a three-to-four-week interval. You might quit your job or lose your job. You might simply suffer from computer crashes and technological glitches that are a drag. You might break free of the present situation and suddenly find a new job that gives you greater freedom and autonomy. Debates about salaries, finances and possibly something you own could be problematic or they might just clear the air once and for all. Don't have a hissy fit and just walk away from a good job. Make sure you know what you're doing.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Parents should be aware that this is an accident-prone week for their kids. Factoid. Respect this. Therefore, be extra vigilant. Be careful if your kids are riding bikes or walking to school. Make sure that family members avoid crime-ridden areas. This is similarly a rocky time for romance. Some couples will split up. Others might make a powerful breakthrough and seize this opportunity to make a commitment to each other. (Could go either way.) You might be upset about finances and possessions, especially as they relate to kids or social events, sports and anything to do with the arts and show business. Be sure you know what's really happening - don't lose your cool. Keep your wits about you.