All Signs

When I was last on Global TV, I discussed a 30-year cycle. This cycle unfolds in two-to-three-year windows of time, with each window directing our focus to a different area of our life. (Often dramatically so.) Where we are right now is a "repeat" of what happened around 1984 (for those old enough to remember). Read your sign below to learn more about how the next two-to-three years will unfold in your life. Jorge Luis Borges said, "You can't measure time in days the way you can money in dollars because every day is different." And this is true. Nevertheless, cycles have flavours and areas of emphasis. Read on if you want to know what lies ahead. Or stop right now if you want it all to be a mind-boggling surprise.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This year and next, you will be forced to come to terms with the values of others. In fact, you will see just how much your life is intertwined with someone else's, especially in material terms. You might have to get along with less support from others: money, goods, psychological or emotional. While at times you may feel you are undergoing loss - and you are - in a way, you are in boot camp to prepare for a marvellous career peak in about five years. This is actually a rebound effect of having intense encounters with others in the last few years. Now the dust is settling and you are learning how to take care of yourself, which is necessary before you go on to bigger and better things.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Around 1999, you set off on a new path. Now you are dealing with the consequences. You are beginning to take your power, which you earned by busting your buns. However, as you assert yourself more powerfully with your external world, this might upset the balance of existing partnerships. Therefore, many of you will have intense disputes with partners and co-workers who might resist the change you are experiencing. Therefore, some partnerships will end. Those partnerships that are meant to last will endure but they will undergo readjustments. People will start to expect greater things of you because you are moving toward centre stage.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You've been wondering what to do with your life. ("What do I want to be when I grow up?") Now you will move forward with certainty and focus because you're entering a two-to-three-year window of hard work. As your responsibilities increase, you might feel you're being tested as a human being. But in about three years, all this hard work puts you in the limelight, where all your efforts will pay off. Don't waste your energy. Focus it with single-minded concentration. Along with this hard work will come money, later this year and next. Well, of course! Aside from a sense of competition and joy of achievement - one does want a little cash. Ya think?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You have a fortunate year ahead because lucky Jupiter will enter your sign for the first time since 2001-02. In the next few years, many of you will have a love affair with someone of an age difference, especially older. You might play a parental role. You might also have increased responsibilities with children or you will feel serious about creative projects. Whatever you do, you will want it to have meaning and you want it to count. It will be easy to be disciplined in your approach to your creative efforts. (Practice those arpeggios.) In large and small ways, you will see that your activity will give form to something. This is your reward.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's time to address life's most basic issues. Where are you going to live? You need a firm base. You want a refuge. Those of you who remain where you now live will do major repairs to fix up the place. This is vital because this is basic to your existence - after all, it's your home. Similarly, some of you will have a significant change in relationship with a parent or an authority figure. This could be a time of goodbyes and moving on. You might take on a parental role in the relationship. Essentially, whatever you have been engaged in since 2005 has come to fruition. You're getting ready to move out into the big wide world. (Wanna pack a lunch?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You are entering a window of flux and change, which means you will change residences or jobs or both in the next several years. This might happen by choice or because it was foisted upon you. Your daily milieu is going to be different, which means you are going to be different. Because your external world will change, internally you will modify how you talk, think, speak and communicate to everyone. Some of you might plunge into a world of foreign languages. All of this is happening because you are putting the finishing touches on a project you began around 2007, which was reinventing a new you!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Since around 2010, you have been on a new path and recently, your focus has turned to money. (Like - where is it?) You might feel financially squeezed this year and next because you have to discover what you really value. In other words - what really matters? Part of this will be reflected in your material goods and even your cash flow. Do you value what you own? Do you take care of what you own? You might be challenged to repair, maintain or give up things. This is because our possessions reflect our unconscious inner values and sometimes we're not aware of this until we are dealing with the external projection of these values. (Spare change?)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is the beginning of a new phase in your life, where your responsibilities will be great but your achievements will be just as great. In the last 14 years, you were concerned with your external world: people, places and events. Now the first thing on your agenda is to get to know yourself. ("Hi, me.") Earlier today, I read that we all have three eyes: Two to look outward and one to look inward. Since you will use this "third eye" for inner reflection and a deeper appreciation for who you are, this year and next are excellent times for psychotherapy or involvement in any kind of consciousness-raising groups.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For the first time since the mid-80s, you are in a two-to-three-year window where you will be giving up things - saying goodbye to people, places and possessions. It's a time of letting go primarily of whatever is no longer relevant in your life. In other words, you're cutting away the fat, the deadwood and whatever just doesn't work anymore. So this is not a time of loss - it's a time of lightening up to free you to begin a whole new cycle in 2015. You will also give up attitudes, prejudices and beliefs that are no longer appropriate to who you are today. (Of course, no one gives up dark chocolate.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Integration is what you are learning now. For the last few years, you have been proud of your achievements. You worked hard to get where you are. But these achievements come with all kinds of strings attached. Everybody wants a piece of you! And let's face it - you can't be all things to all people all the time. Herein is your challenge. You have to figure out how to integrate the people and marvellous experiences that you want to maintain into your life without selling out. You have to maintain your integrity and your independence and be true to yourself, right? Tricky balance.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are coming into your own. The next few years will be a time of harvest for you, a ripening of the seeds you planted in the last 14 years. It will be a time of responsibilities but also a time of pride and achievement. Now you know what you can do and this is confidence-building. You might graduate, get married, have a longed-for child, get a wonderful promotion or achieve some cherished dream that you've been working for. But take note: for a few, a time of harvest is a time when you see which crops did not grow. If this is the case, do not dwell on "failure"- cut your losses and move on. Let go and focus on something new.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Around 1994, you began to redefine who you were. After the millennium, you defined your home scene. After 2007, you defined your partnerships. And now you are preparing (this year and next) for a career peak around 2015. This is a serious time of preparation so that you will be performance-ready when your time of harvest arrives. Do not think you have all the answers. Take further training, courses or travel. Do whatever you can to enrich your life and learn more so that you have as many tools at your fingertips as you can have by 2015-16. You know the rules of the game, and now you have to hone your skills and become good at what you're doing.