This week we have a New Moon on Wed. April 10. Each New Moon is a chance to make resolutions. These resolutions vary because the New Moon is in a different sign each month. This New Moon is in Aries, a sign all about fresh beginnings. (How auspicious!) Take a moment to awaken that feeling of wanting to be a better person. Whenever we make an effort to be a better person - kinder, more compassionate, harder working - the result is we love ourselves! It's win-win! Remember: Your mind is creating your world because everything begins with a thought. The trick is to have control of your thoughts. (Of course, Woody Allen said, "I'm astounded by the people who want to 'know' the universe, when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.")
The New Moon this week is the best time all year to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself how you can improve the image you create on your world. (You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) How's the hair? Glasses? What about hats? Aside from wardrobe choices, there's also your body. Oh yeah, you can't hide under an overcoat anymore. This could mean resolutions about diet and exercise. However, the New Moon in your sign also urges you to look at how you relate to those who are closest. Are you warm, caring and thoughtful? Are you the friend you would like to have?
The New Moon this week is in a hidden part of your chart, which means you can address hidden areas, your unconscious, subconscious and inner spiritual world. Well, by definition, you can't really make resolutions about your unconscious or subconscious, but you can give thought to your spiritual world and your basic values. For starters, do you know what values you embrace that guide your life? Do these values give you self-respect? Good values generally make our lives easier. This could be a time to consider any discipline that makes you feel calmer and more centred - meditation or yoga - or even a daily walk.
Friendship is the focus of this New Moon for you, which means it's your best chance in the year to do two things: First, think about the friends you have. This is important because your friends influence your choices, which in turn, becomes your life. Do you hang out with quality people? Good friends are so enriching. The second opportunity is a chance for you to talk about your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will help. Naturally, you have to define your hopes in your mind. This in itself is powerful. Then you have to express these goals to others. This is also clarifying. Good luck!
On Wednesday this week, the only New Moon all year at the top of your chart is happening. This is the perfect opportunity to think seriously about your life direction in general. Where are you headed? Do you have any long-range plans, to the point where you know where you want to be 10 years from now? Five years from now? Most people don't have long-range goals. They live their lives day-by-day reacting to what happens instead of steering their course. Yes, it's true what John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you're making plans." Nevertheless, Earl Nightingale said, "People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
On Wednesday, the only New Moon all year that focuses on expanding your world is taking place. It's your best opportunity all year to think about what further education or training you could get that would improve your job or your career. Or you might want further education and training that enriches your life? (Like learning a new language or how to walk on stilts or tap dancing or taking an improv acting course.) Naturally there are other ways to expand your world - you can also travel. What about making plans for a trip that will expand your horizons? And what about your own city? How much have you explored where you live? Do something different to expand your world!
Inheritances, wills, taxes plus reducing your debt are all the areas that the New Moon this Wednesday will focus on for Virgo. This is the only time all year this occurs, which is why it behooves you to take advantage of this. Put energy into these areas. Give yourself a plan, especially about reducing your debt. Do you have a will made out? Are there loose details about a will with another member of the family? These red-tape matters are easy to ignore until suddenly, they're important. Perhaps more than any other sign, you get a warm feeling in your tummy when you feel you are on top of your scene, and you're in control. Hmmm?
Once a year, a New Moon occurs directly opposite your sign and ta-da! It's here! That means this is your best chance of the year to think how you can improve your partnerships and your closest friendships. Don't take this for granted. These are important relationships. There are ways you can improve these valuable relationships and by doing so, you will benefit. (As well as the other person.) The key to a successful relationship is you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. It's also true that the way you treat someone is the way they will respond. If you want someone to flirt with you more, you have to flirt with them. (Ya think?)
The biggest thing happening this week is the New Moon on Wednesday, which is the only New Moon all year urging you to turn over a new leaf. Make lists about what you can do to get better organized. Naturally, you have to go beyond the making-a-list stage - you have to get hands-on. But the mental or physical list is a beginning. Secondly, this focus on improving yourself and getting better organized includes your health. What can you do to become healthier? Basically it's a two-pronged approach: Reducing whatever is not healthy and secondly, introducing healthy habits, which might be eating more veggies and getting more exercise. (Notice how dirty martinis are never on these lists?)
Lucky you! Once a year, the New Moon occurs in the part of your chart about creativity, romance, vacations, parties, sports, children, all the fun stuff. That time has arrived! This is your best chance to make resolutions about balancing play with work, improving your skill in sports, participating in sports more, enriching your life by seeing musical performances and the theatre, or learning to play a musical instrument, or taking a writing course. This is also the perfect week to plan a fabulous vacation and also to think about how to educate and care for children. Romance is also under this bailiwick, but will likely fall in behind your other choices.
This current New Moon can help you to improve your home or where you live, as well as improve your family relationships. This is the only time all year you have such a good chance, so it behooves you to give it some thought. Why not draw up a list of what you would love to achieve in the next year by making repairs or improvements to your home? Slowly, slowly, these things get done if you know what you want to achieve. At a more subtle level, think about what you can do to improve your relationships with everyone in your family. What thoughtful gestures will they appreciate? (What goes around, comes around.)
The New Moon this week is the only New Moon all year giving you a chance to focus on your style of communication with others, especially with siblings, neighbours and relatives. It's also your chance to focus on your daily surroundings. Are you aware of all the opportunities you have to respond to others, and the different ways you might respond? When you buy something, do you look the cashier in the eyes and smile? Are you friendly or do you treat this person like a human cash register? Be aware of daily surroundings. Do you see the beauty around you? Do you see opportunities for expressing and receiving affection? That's what the New Moon this week is all about. A wake up call!
This week, the only New Moon all year in your House of Money is taking place. This means that it's your best chance in the year to think about how you can handle your money better, as well as how you can earn more money. The richest people are not necessarily those who have the most. Of course, you have to define what true wealth means. There is such a thing as mental poverty where people actually have assets or money in the bank but they live miserably and are very selfish. Is this true wealth? Wealth is liking what you have. It's very much a feeling and it certainly involves contentment, not a desperate grasping ambition. How rich do you feel?