All Signs

By April 9, feel free to buy cars, trucks, motorcycles, computers, printers and cell phones. Although Mercury retrograde was technically over on March 19, the "shadow" of when to avoid these purchases continues for a couple of weeks. But by April 9, it's all systems go! Meanwhile, we have a big planetary punch with the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus all in Aries. Yowsers! This makes us eager and pushy. We're pumped! We're going after what we want because why not? No one's getting any younger. (Ah yes, G.B. Shaw said, "Youth is wasted on the young." This ancient sport of deriding the young hasn't changed for eons; I suppose the upside for our aging population is it assists their blood circulation.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your ability to schmooze is strong now. (Ya think? With four planets in your sign?) Take note: This is also an excellent time to buy wardrobe goodies for yourself because you like what you see in the mirror. In fact, because you're so charming and diplomatic (and yet highly energetic!) all your relationships with others will be successful, vivacious and charged with energy. You make a wonderful impression on others, which is why sit-down discussions about shared property and how to divide something will be a good idea. After all, these issues, along with inheritances, wills, estates, taxes and debt, are uppermost in your mind for the next year.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Continue to lie low because all your energy is "hidden" right now. That makes this the perfect time to contemplate what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Think about it this way: As your birthday approaches, your old year is ending and your new year is about to begin. You can live life by just responding to whatever happens - management by crisis - or you can set yourself some guidelines and steer your course. All kinds of studies have proven that when people set goals with timelines, their ability to achieve those goals is hugely improved. Why not try it this year? Especially because this year is a turning point for you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are still out there with your colours flying! This heavy emphasis of four planets in Aries makes Gemini people want to be social. You want to interact with others through clubs, groups and organizations. You want to hang out with friends. But more than that, for various reasons, you're giving more thought to your hopes and dreams for the future and wondering how you can make them a reality. You might be competitive with a friend. You might also feel attracted to someone and a friend could become a lover. One thing is certain: In your discussions with others, their feedback to you about your hopes for the future will be helpful. "I wanna be a ballerina."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

With a gaggle of planet at the top of your chart, there's no question that people notice you more than usual. It's just what's happening. But it's important to know that this planetary emphasis is flattering to you, which is why bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are so impressed with you. This is also why some of them will ask you to take on increased responsibilities because they see you as someone with special abilities. Hey - relax. You don't have to be a superhero to satisfy their wants. Just be yourself and you'll do a stellar job. Romance with a boss might happen for some of you. Others will feel unusually ambitious.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You so want to blow this pop stand! All Leos are eager for a change of scenery and lucky Leos are travelling. If you can't travel, you can at least be a tourist in your own city. And you can also travel by exploring film, books, talking to people from different backgrounds and learning new things. In other words, you want to be stimulated! You want adventure. You want to break free from your daily ho-hum routine. In fact, romance with someone from another culture will blossom for some of you. (It's in the stars.) Others can explore fresh ideas related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. And of course, your popularity continues.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You continue to have this strong focus on debt, taxes, shared property, inheritances, wills and all that red-tape stuff. With this kind of focus, you can surely clear up a lot of loose ends. (Which will no doubt be to your advantage and your greater peace of mind in the future.) However, this planetary emphasis also means this is a perfect time to ask for a mortgage or loan and to expect favours from others. If you want to borrow something, ask for it. If you need the help of others or you want to use things they own, ask for it. Even if you don't ask, many of you will receive gifts, goodies and favours from others. Lucky you! (Timing is everything.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A handful of planets now opposes you, which has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages are you might approach people with new ideas and feel that you encounter only obstacles. You might also feel others resent you or oppose your success. But that's only one minor aspect of this situation. Actually, this kind of opposition sets up a useful tension for you. You're a people pleaser, and now you're ready to put your cards on the table and clear the air. That's a good thing. You also feel emboldened to express your affection for others and make your feelings more clear to partners and close friends. That's also a good thing. Use this to your advantage.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Because the planets are helping you to be enthusiastic about getting your life better organized, it is to your advantage to go with this flow! In other words, it's never easier to do a job than when you actually feel like doing it, right? In fact, your attitude to your job is so positive and gung ho right now, many of you can get a raise or praise or both. You're working so hard you are delegating to others. Others are trying to figure out ways to be self-employed. All of this adds up to high energy and ambition that you are bringing to every task at hand and even to your health. You might say that you are turning over a new leaf in your life. (If it's fig, this could be fun.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a playful time! Leos want to travel but Sagittarians (who always want to travel) want to be on vacation because your motto now is, "I want to have fun!" This is a strong time for those of you involved in competitive sports because you believe in yourself and you've got the energy, drive and confidence to give it your best. This is also a great time for those of you in artistic endeavours. Once again, you believe in yourself and you are in touch with your Muse. Let us not overlook all the romantic possibilities; opportunities for flirtations and new romance abound. And opportunities to rekindle existing relationships are just as strong. Smoochy boochies!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Home renovations and redecorating projects at home continue to be tops on your list. Some of this could be because you are having family reunions or entertaining at home more than usual. Certainly there is increased activity and chaos on the scene, which is why you will have to be more patient with family members. But other planets indicate that there are good feelings and strong enjoyment of where you live, as well as enjoying and loving your relatives and loving who you live with. This is also an excellent time to explore real-estate opportunities because the gods are with you. In addition, discussions with a parent will be significant.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a busy time for you! Short trips, errands, unusual responsibilities plus increased reading, writing and studying, to say nothing of an increased involvement with siblings, neighbours and relatives all create a jam-packed schedule for you. (Gasp!) The tempo of your days is accelerating but you love it. You're excited by this fast pace and equally excited because your mind is racing as well. In the bigger picture, of course, you are feeling a sense of fulfillment because in many ways, your cherished dreams are starting to come true. This is why you're giving yourself permission to take vacations and enjoy yourself. Who better than you realizes you earned this? Kudos to you!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your heavy focus on money and cash flow continues. Naturally, some are wondering, where is the money? And why is there so much month left at the end of the money? But another part of you is proud because you're giving yourself a report card, especially in a financial sense, and you see you have reason to take a bow. You're surviving! And you did it all by yourself. This invigorates you to work even harder because you see what you are capable of. It also triggers a desire to buy lovely goodies for yourself and loved ones. In the bigger picture, remember real-estate opportunities (the best in over a decade) are yours for the next year.