All Signs

This week the Sun moves into Capricorn, which brings a shift of energy for everyone in the next month. Among other things, Capricorn represents the government and tradition - the so-called classic family with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids and law-abiding parents. That's why this month represents a strong time of tradition, especially with respect to religions. (Hanukkah on December 9, Christmas on December 25 and Kwanzaa on December 26.) Millions will celebrate and focus on "what is proper," especially with family. Ah yes, family is gold. I do believe this. But I also see George Burns' point of view: "Happiness is a warm, loving family living in another city."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart acting like a spotlight. This is why you'll be noticed more than usual, especially by authority figures (including the police). Because this "light" is flattering, others will ask you to take on special tasks or increased responsibilities. Don't shrink from this. The joke is, you won't have to do anything special to do a great job. Just say yes and everyone will think you're the cat's meow. (Good lighting is everything!) Plus, with Mars at the top of your chart as well, you're ambitious. So it will really please you to make a fabulous impression on others, especially people who might have control over your future and bank balance. Ya think?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mars and the Sun now combine to make you want to run away and join the circus. You're desperate to get away from all this. You want adventure, a change of scenery, great room service, comfy digs and a chance to learn something new. In other words, you want to broaden your horizons in the month ahead! That's why this is the perfect time to take up a new study, especially philosophy, religion, mathematics or the law. Profundity will intrigue you. You'll find it fascinating to learn about other people and different cultures. You might also probe opportunities in publishing, the media and medicine. But if you can jet off somewhere, get thee to an airport.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the next month, your gonads are in overdrive. But the bottom line is you want to improve your life. You're keen to turn over a new leaf (especially if it's fig). Clean up your act with insurance matters, inheritances, shared property, taxes, debt and anything you own jointly with others. You might get into disputes about the values of others that are different from yours. This is classic. We cling to our core beliefs and values. If others don't agree with us, we feel they are wrong - but this isn't always the case, is it? Open-minded people modify their values as they age because of experience. (Unless someone threatens to take the fibre out of their diet.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is 180 degrees opposite your sign, which means it's as far away from you as it ever gets. Since the Sun is your source of energy, you will need more sleep. Acknowledge this and get more rest. This opposing Sun also forces you to focus on partnerships and close friendships and it's your best opportunity all year to objectively see your style of relating to others. Because fiery Mars now opposes you as well, you'll be quick to be angry with others! And when you're annoyed, you'll think it's their fault. But might it just be that your tolerance is wearing thin? Look in the mirror. Is that smiling grimace you?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You love to be generous to others and, on top of that, you're dramatic. Small wonder this month gives you a chance to maximize your theatrical skills for display, glamour and over-the-top hospitality. "Does everyone have champagne?" Because you have high expectations to dazzle, you are driven to work hard and be as efficient as possible. (If you had time you would even colour-code your closet and alphabetize your bookshelves.) Naturally, you're delegating like mad and being a bit bossy. (But nice bossy.) Hey, not everyone else has your standards, although they love being on the receiving end of your hospitality.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's fun city for the month ahead! Expect pleasure and enjoyment from social events, the theatre, movies, sports, saucy flirtations, love affairs, vacations, play times with children and just goofing around. Because you also feel competitive, you'll be aggressive in sports and games with others. This can also translate into a heightened sex drive. ("Who me?") Slip away on a vacation if possible. Carve out some time to express your creativity. Make cards or gifts. Sing or dance. Bake. You'll feel delightfully juiced and jazzed if you have a chance to express your creative energy. Try it, even if for only 20 minutes! (It's easy to get stuck in adult mode and forget the thrill of being a kid.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The month ahead will focus on your personal life, home and family. Time spent with a parent could be significant. The placement of Mars indicates that your home life will be unusually active, busy and chaotic. This could be due to renovations, last-minute repairs, visiting guests or unusual events occurring at home. Naturally, this upset in balance tests your tolerance with loved ones. Be gentle. Look upon this as an opportunity to develop patience. After all, anger serves no purpose other than to make everyone miserable, including you. Yeah, you know this but it's easy to forget it, isn't it? Make your words sweet in case you have to swallow them later.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The next month is busy! Just accept this and swing into action. Your daily rhythm will accelerate with short trips, errands, discussions with relatives, plus responding to the demands of others as well as increased reading and writing. Whoa! No wonder your pace is frantic! But you can handle this. In fact, your communications with others will be strong, even aggressive. This is a good time for those of you who write, edit, proof, sell, market, teach or have to convince others about anything because you'll be persuasive. Mars now influences your communicating style and Mars is warlike. Just remember this. Don't come on too strong.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Travel aspirations and the classic demands of the holiday season force you to think about money, money, money. For starters, where is it? You'll be thinking of how to boost your earnings or make a little on the side or how to get a better job. Many of you will also focus on major purchases. The main thing is you want to be more in control of your world through how you handle your money and use your possessions. You don't want to be at the mercy of what you own. You are in charge, right? Ponder this: Do your possessions weigh you down? The whole point of owning something is to make your life easier or more comfortable, not the other way around.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

With the Sun and Mars in your sign for the next month, you've got energy to burn! Plus you'll attract important people and favourable circumstances. Use this to your advantage! It isn't always this easy to have things fall in your lap. Push your agenda and get as much done as possible because you can cut through obstacles like a hot knife in butter. Grab every chance to get physical exercise to burn off pent-up energy that could build up within you. Even though others make demands on your time, be discriminating. You don't have to be all things to all people all the time. This is the one time of year when you can put yourself first without fear or apology.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your birthday is a month away, which means your year is ending. That's why this is the perfect time to strategize your new year ahead. How well are you doing at the art of living? How do you want your new year to be different from last year? Studies indicate that if you clearly define your goals with a specific timetable, the odds of you achieving those goals are hugely increased. So, you can either grab the reins and guide your future or just react to life as it happens in a management-by-crisis style. Since you are entering the harvest of your life when you will get job promotions, acknowledgments and kudos, why not be specific about what you want to achieve?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The next six weeks you are popular! Others will make demands on you because they want to see your face. Good. You're up for it. You'll enjoy schmoozing because you have lots of energy for this in the next month. You might feel competitive with someone, which could spur you to action or, alternatively, it could hinder co-operation with others. (Competitive can turn some people on and others off.) Many of you will entertain at home because your year ahead is enriching in terms of your home and family members being generous to each other. (In fact, it's the best year for your sign for real-estate negotiations in more than a decade.) It's also a great year to improve where you live. Cool!