All Signs

"Now we see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" The Sun is now in Leo shining its light on retrograde Mercury, which is also in Leo. And frankly, remembering this Monty Python phrase is kinda personal. I have Sun plus Mercury in Leo in my chart so this Mercury retrograde is right in my face. (Many have noticed my website and email were down for three days.) Classic Mercury retrograde! ("Get 'em where they live.") And now I have three luncheons (and suspect more on the way) with people I haven't seen for years -- one with someone who was a young friend of my son's decades ago. Many retrogrades barely touch me but when it hits your own sign and your own Mercury, look out! (Hmmm, I have that never-take-down-a-fence-until-you-know-why-it-was-put-up-feeling.) Ya know?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You love this Leo Sun! Well, who is more fiery than you? (Naturally, Mercury retrograde is quite another thing.) When that Leo Sun is shining, you love to enjoy vacations, the entertainment world, show business, sports events and schmoozing with your pals. Many of you feel the call of artsy-crafty projects. (So much to do! So little time!) Actually, retrograde Mercury might help you finish one of them. (Yes, forgive me, I used the F word.) Do make an effort to socialize more in the next six weeks because you'll find almost all your dealings with others to be rewarding and gratifying. (Especially if you run across an old friend who still owes you money.) But do remember Mars still opposes you, testing your patience with some.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Without question, your focus will turn toward home, family and domestic events for the next six weeks. As long as you have good food and drink at hand, you won't mind. This is a wonderful time to entertain at home and invite fascinating guests to your table. (They will be the lucky ones.) Surely, some of these will be people from your past and if not, discussions about the past will no doubt prevail. Many of you will also tackle repairs because you're in the mood. You're feeling more flush than usual and ready to open up your wallet and let out a few moths. Because Mars continues to boost your energy, get as much done as you can. You might check out real-estate opportunities as well.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

During the next six weeks, you've got things to do, people to see, places to go. Oh yes, you're on the move! Seriously. Not only is this a great time to schmooze with friends, siblings and neighbours, it's also a great time to write and read. Your ability to sell, market, persuade, act and teach is also totally in the zone. (Yada, yada, yada.) In other words, you're running around being a busy Gemini. Well, actually, who is surprised? You're just warming up to this wonderful, fantastic Gemini blessing that is going to last until the Fall of 2013. Competitive sports appeal strongly now, and romance will be just as physical and maybe more memorable!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You love quality but you also value thrift. And these features will be weighed in the next six weeks because your focus turns to how you want to earn your money and how you want to spend it. Of course, the bottom line is all about your values, isn't it? What are your values? As important as this question is, we don't often analyze our values. This is actually the perfect time of year for you to think about what really matters to you. If you know what matters, then you will know what to save and what to reject. ("I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paycheques.") Renovations at home and family conflict might need attention.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Well, there's a lot going on in Leo! For the next month, the Sun is in your sign giving you a chance to replenish, re-energize and restore yourself. In addition, retrograde Mercury continues in Leo, which causes foul-ups to communications, transportation delays and silly, goofy errors plus the encounter of people from your past. (You can run but you can't hide.) Try to allow extra time for everything because there will be snafus. Double-check your work. Assume nothing. And enjoy contact with old faces because it's wonderful to have history with others. People want to see you now. (Venus boosts your popularity.) And Mars emboldens your Royal directives. (Don't get too carried away.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

More than any other sign, you can make good use of this retrograde Mercury because it will help you to research, especially in the past. The study of archaeology, anthropology, history or even mundane research into past records will go surprisingly easy and swiftly and generate wonderful results. "Eureka!" Furthermore, you won't mind taking a backseat because this month you feel happy in the shadows. Relations with authority figures are excellent. (Even romantic.) And you're willing to work hard to earn your money. This is a time of preparation before you step out onto the stage. ("Are you ready for your close-up, Miss Garbo?")

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week ushers in a popular time that will last about six weeks. Suddenly, your dance card is full! Everyone is demanding to see you. Of course, it's a two-way street. You'll love schmoozing and discussing your hopes and dreams for the future. Listen to the feedback from others because it could be uncannily useful. Travel for pleasure definitely appeals. And thankfully, with fiery Mars in your sign, you've got the energy to do it all! Nevertheless, in quiet moments between dazzling conversations, ponder your future goals. Since 2010, you've been creating the "new you." (Which, hopefully, will still fit into your clothes.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Now the Sun is high in your chart acting like a spotlight. Enjoy this limelight because it flatters you. This is why others are approaching you to take on extra responsibilities or perform in some way. Just say yes because you will easily do it. Retrograde Mercury might attract previous bosses and authority figures from your past. You might be involved with a parent more than usual. All of this brouhaha will surely provoke you to examine your life as a whole. Are you going in the direction you want to go? Ask yourself where you want to be in five years. The next question is, what do you have to do now to start to go in that direction?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's curious, but for the next six weeks or so, the heavens will virtually activate everything your heart desires. It's as if a microchip is installed in your brain making you run around singing, "I wanna be me!" Travel opportunities will abound. Similarly, you will encounter opportunities to seek adventure and to learn new things through courses, reading, or meeting brainiacs or experts or just truly fascinating people from different backgrounds. You can also explore fabulous opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. This is all great stuff! These are your people. It's where you live. (Keep a bag packed at the door. Send me a postcard.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your ambition is totally driven now. And this is a good thing because you're looking at a year of fabulous opportunities to improve your job, get a better job, find a better boss or just enjoy what you do. Work-related travel is also likely. And for the next few weeks, work-related romance could blossom. It's funny how one supports the other. Your ambition fires your attitude and activities, which in turn allows you to take advantage of the blessings coming your way at work. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, you're entering an intense six weeks ahead. You'll be passionately intense about shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances and (definitely) sex. Intense. Like, really intense.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

For the next month, the Sun is going to be directly opposite your sign, which means it is as far away from you as it can never get. Meanwhile, the Sun is your source of energy. Connect the dots. You're going to need more sleep. Factoid. Acknowledge this need and respect it. Don't worry, it won't curtail too much partying because party mode is what you are into right now. Many of you are also feeling highly creative and very in touch with your Muse. Travel if you can because Mars is urging you to explore more of the world in order to expand your knowledge and experience of life. Pretty heady stuff.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

For various reasons, according to the details of your life, you're suddenly gung ho to get organized. You want colour-coded closets and new shelves for your shoes. Your CDs are still alphabetized (and dusty) because you're listening to mp3s.) But your goals are high! Not only do you want to be organized at home and at work, you want to become healthier! You're going to the gym, buying weights and signing up for spinning classes. And you're becoming more diet conscious: fish, vegetables, fruit, water. The whole enchilada. (Actually, you're cutting back on enchiladas.) Home-decorating projects appeal. Disputes about shared property are still hovering. You're pulling it all together.