Neptune travels through Pisces once every 165 years. Although Neptune briefly entered Pisces last year, it did not enter Pisces to "stay" until Feb. 3 this month. When an outer planet enters or leaves a sign (especially the sign it rules) there is an amplification of its archetype. (Witness the trial of O.J. Simpson when Pluto left Scorpio in 1995.) Neptune rules drugs (recreational and pharmaceutical) angelic beauty, purity and idealism, plus escapism and a yearning for something better. One week after Neptune entered Pisces, Whitney Houston sadly succumbed to an early death. Lovely Whitney was Pisces Rising (with a Leo Sun and Aries Moon). Neptune in her chart was in the House of Death at odds with her Sun and Venus. But this was not fate: our charts are not fate, they are only potential. And addiction to drugs was a huge potential in her chart.
The New Moon on Tuesday this week might be unusually spiritual, for want of a better word. Admittedly, this sounds vague. (But then, it's not exactly an easily defined subject matter, is it?) You continue to work hard because your ruler Mars is pumping you with energy for any job or task you attempt. Meanwhile, fair Venus makes you oh so charming and diplomatic. And Jupiter is trying to bump your earnings! Therefore, what kind of spiritual resolutions might you make? Of course, it's always good to remember that what goes around comes around isn't it? (One of those selfish/wise maxims.)
The New Moon this week is good for you because not only is every New Moon the best time to make resolutions, this particular New Moon is in the part of your chart related to goals. Like hello? Let's not blow this opportunity! Furthermore, lucky, moneybags Jupiter is still in your sign for three more months before it leaves, not to return for 12 years. So make the most of this! Use what you've got! Fiery Mars continues to energize sports, the Arts, working with children, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. And lest we forget - Mars is also totally amping love affairs and romance! Yay!
This week, the only New Moon all year that occurs at high noon in your chart has arrived. Take advantage of this chance to make resolutions related to your life direction. The top of your chart refers to your career, your public reputation, and how you are seen by your peers. This is your chance to tweak this. Do you want to project a different image, especially professionally? Do you want a change of direction in your life? Set aside time to give this serious thought. Where are you headed? Is it because you have set a course or is it happening just willy-nilly by chance? Time to take the reins!
This Tuesday and Wednesday, the only New Moon all year relating to higher education, colleges, universities and advanced training occurs. Do you know what you really want to learn? What further education will improve your career or enhance your life? What about travel? Can you travel close or afar to discover adventure and learn something new? Perhaps you can learn something through film, books or meeting people from different cultures and other countries? All of these are things to worth pondering this week. (Would I kid you?)
The New Moon this week is a great opportunity to clearly state your intentions about how you want to better handle shared property -- and how you can most easily and effectively reduce your debt, and skillfully handle matters with wills, inheritances and taxes. Forms and small print are boring! Nevertheless, you do like coin jingling in your pocket! Unless you have a money tree in your backyard (and if you do, please e-mail me where I can find one) it would be wise to focus on reducing debt and handling matters with shared resources. (Money is so handy when you want to buy something.)
The New Moon this week is the best opportunity all year to think how you can improve your partnerships and close friendships. This matters! (No man is an island, not even a peninsula.) One obvious way to improve your relationships with others is to modify your own behavior. At the very least, it behooves you to be aware of your behavior and style of relating to others. (This is where most of us are out to lunch!) Ask yourself what you want in a partnership? Do you keep meeting people that fulfill your core beliefs? Finish this sentence: "Whenever I have a relationship ---." Or "What someone wants of me is ----." (Then you will see what you believe.)
You can welcome the New Moon this week. (The benefits of the New Moon are at least 48 hours.) This is your best opportunity all year to set intentions about how to have better work habits, how to improve your health and how to better enjoy and succeed at your job. A pretty wide swath! (Do you want fries with that?) Don't forget the opportunity regarding your health. Perhaps you want to embrace some new, healthy philosophy that gives you a better quality of life and longer years. Well, actually your years will still be 365 days each, but hopefully, there will be more of them! Think of it this way - more weekends! (And to think Dawnton Abbey's Maggie Smith said, "What's a weekend?")
Each New Moon every month offers us unique opportunities in different parts of our lives (different parts of our chart) where we can resolve to improve things. The New Moon this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) is your best chance all year to think how you can improve your relationships with your kids, your approach to expressing your own creativity, sports involvement in your life and how you relate to your lover - i.e. anything to do with romance. I might add it would also include assessing how much playtime you give yourself. Do you respect your need for vacations? Do you take time to goof off or be a kid again? It's all balance.
Home, family and your private life are important to you now. Why am I not surprised this is very area where the New Moon this week wants you to focus? Set intentions or make resolutions so that you can channel how you want to improve things at home or within your family. What can you do to improve your relationships with family members? What can you do to make changes where you live so that you're happier with your home? You have great good fortune this year in terms of improving your health and getting a better job. This month, romance, vacations and fun occasions abound. But this week, it's time to think about improving your home scene and your private life.
The New Moon on Tuesday and Wednesday is a wonderful time for you to make resolutions about how to deal better with siblings. And for that matter, how to improve all your styles of communicating to others, especially people you encounter every day. Do you just give canned responses? Or do you really look at someone in the eye and respond with genuine feeling? Our daily encounters with others can be hugely meaningful or meaningless. It's basically up to you how much you're willing to risk. A large part of that is just sheer energy - mental energy, physical energy and emotional energy. How energetic are you willing to be? How far would you go to meet others? More than half way?
Money and cash flow are a strong concern for you now. You're wondering about boosting your income and you're also pondering major purchases. It should be no surprise therefore, that the New Moon this week, which occurs on Tuesday and Wednesday, urges you to make some resolutions about how you can get the most happiness and best use out of your money and your possessions. Why do less? How can you boost your earnings? Can you make a little money on the side? And what about your possessions? Whatever you own should serve your purpose, and if it doesn't - out with it! It's only deadwood. Set some intentions so that you can live more efficiently and comfortably because of how you relate to what you own. (Don't let your stuff own you.)
Well, well, this week the Sun is in Pisces, the New Moon is in Pisces and Mercury is in Pisces along with Neptune. It's all about you! However, the New Moon this week is the only New Moon in your sign that will take place all year, so make the most of it. Each New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions to better your life. When it's in your own sign, it means you have a great chance to decide how to improve your appearance and change your image for the better. Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? (Tough to be objective.) Is there one thing or maybe two things you could do that would enhance your appearance!