All Signs

On the whole this is a mellow week. To be sure, as we approach the Full Moon on Saturday, Dec. 10, there will be a build-up of tension on Thursday and Friday. But hey, we deal with a Full Moon every month. So this is nothing to be too anxious about; we just have to be aware. The Full Moon is in Gemini, which means Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo will feel its impact more than other signs, but everyone will feel it. It's easy to underestimate how the Moon creates constantly changing feelings. Some people show it; some people don't. (I think a lot of this depends on whether you are fear-based or beer-based.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The big thing for Aries to note this week is that as this Full Moon approaches on Saturday, it will actually create an accident-prone situation for you. (You need this like you need another hole in your head.) Be aware of this because it's a fact. On Thursday and Friday, it behooves you to slow down and be extra careful and observant. Watch for the stupidity of others. Guard against your own distractions. Not only are you dealing with the influence of the pending Full Moon, Mercury retrograde is in the picture as well. (Gulp.) This could cause snafus to travel, transportation and communications. Charge your cell phone.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Travel plans plus publishing, the media, medicine and the law are extremely positive this week. Ditto for anything related to higher education. It looks like you're going places! (Travel for pleasure is definitely on the agenda.) However, as the week progresses and the Full Moon approaches on Saturday, disputes or conflicts about shared property, taxes, debt, mortgages and loans might arise. Something with your cash flow, assets and liabilities could come to a head. You might be forced to deal with past issues about how to share something or pay down a debt. Nevertheless, you're in party mode! You also feel physically passionate and ready for fun. With lucky Jupiter still in your sign, you're laughing. (Hopefully all the way to the bank.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You're feeling pretty flush right now because others are giving you support, gifts or paying you back what they owe. How reassuring! Romance is both sweet and passionate with new relationships and existing partnerships. However, the Full Moon on Saturday is in your sign. (Yikes!) It is the only Full Moon in Gemini all year. The classic tension with a Full Moon is between partners and close friends. In fact, ex-partners might be part of the mix. But forewarned is forearmed. If you know this is coming down the pipe, your ability to stay light on your feet while being patient, accommodating and verbally witty will assuage difficulties with loved ones. (Happiness is wanting what you have.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your interaction with partners and close friends will be especially warm and loving this week. In fact, a casual friendship might heat up into something romantic. This is a good time to join forces with others to have fun or work together or both. Naturally, you'll feel increasing tension on Thursday and Friday as Saturday's Full Moon approaches. Fortunately, this will not impact your personal life. No doubt, your greatest challenge will be work-related and, for a few of you, health-related as well. Just decide to get along and keep the peace. When the annals of history are written, how much of this will really matter anyhow? (Peanuts!)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week you'll enjoy a lovely sense of well-being. You'll feel happy, strong and physically vigorous! In fact, good news related to your work is likely. You might get a raise or praise. (Yeah, yeah, money praise doesn't pay the rent.) Because you're in party mode and interested in romantic possibilities, accept invitations to sports events, social diversions, the theatre and movies. Friction with children and romantic partners might build by the end of the week, but you can skilfully smooth things over. Remember that tension related to a Full Moon is gone in 48 hours. Stay flexible; it's the most rigid trees that are the first to be snapped in the wind.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A promising, friendly, social week ahead! Accept invitations to schmooze with others. Romance will offer little surprises. You feel creative and eager to play! Participate in playful activities with children because you have lots of energy now to share with others. Naturally, the increasing tension before the pending Full Moon on Saturday is a reality, and this could create a tug-of-war between the demands of home and family versus the demands of career and your outer world. You'll feel pulled in both directions. Yes, you are the sign of service, but if you don't meet your own needs first, you'll be of no use to anyone. Remember this. A healthy self-interest is a survival issue.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Many of you will enjoy tweaking your digs or redecorating because you're entertaining at home and having fun times with family. No question. (You love good conversation in a beautiful room with candles, good food and drink.) However, be careful driving and walking because the Full Moon at the end of the week is an accident-prone situation and this will manifest most strongly on Thursday and Friday. Think twice before you say anything or do anything. (Did you know that the origin of the word scruples means "to hesitate?") You might save yourself some grief by pausing to have a sober second thought.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a busy social week! You'll love schmoozing with others because all your interactions will be pleasant and light. Privately, you'll discover how much love there is in your everyday world. You'll feel emotionally supported, especially by siblings, neighbours and relatives. You might also more keenly appreciate the beauty in your surroundings. (Yeah, it sounds pretty feel-good, but it's true.) The only dark cloud on your horizon will be some financial tension on Thursday and Friday before Saturday's Full Moon. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) Look for old opportunities to boost earnings.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Oops, the Full Moon at the end of the week is opposite your sign so this will likely generate tension by Thursday and Friday between you and others. But hey, you can see this coming. Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury are in your sign boosting your energy, charm and verbal skills. Plus the promise of increased earnings is almost a guarantee. (You'll also be pleased with sweet purchases.) So don't get your belly in a rash if things are tense by Friday. Just remember: You can't keep your shirt on if you're trying to get something off your chest. Postpone your complaints. Make life easy on yourself and others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Life is good. Fair Venus is in your sign dancing beautifully with lucky moneybags Jupiter. (It doesn't get much better than this.) In a nutshell, you feel lucky. (It's time to alphabetize your blessings.) Romantic relationships, casual friendships and professional associations are all running smoothly in your life. As your year ahead holds one of the best times for vacations in more than a decade, start planning! You deserve the best. Naturally, the Full Moon at the end of the week will introduce some tension with others, most likely work-related or health-related. But it's minor stuff - nothing is really going to harsh your buzz. (This is your hour!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your year ahead is looking so positive with home and family, you're laughing! For many, your family is expanding. (Keep in mind this means real-estate opportunities exist for you as well.) Because you feel so happy, any tension that arises on Thursday or Friday before Saturday's Full Moon will just be a glitch in the matrix. Most likely, it will manifest as conflict with a friend or group. Naturally, this will hurt you because friendships are important. (You're a networker extraordinaire.) Since everyone else can feel this tension as well, why not show others how to set the bar high? Demonstrate how to overlook minor tensions with a view to keeping the peace with everyone else. It only takes one person to really turn the vibes sour, doesn't it? Do what you can to keep things positive in this interconnected binary universe. After all, you'll never again be as young as you are today.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Basically, all your social contacts are smooth and friendly this week. Your dealings with friends and groups are great! Hopefully, you are learning to handle Mars opposite your sign because it's going to stay there until next summer. It's a painful fact that it will encourage conflict with others, but only if you let it. Basically, Mars is just energy. Instead you can work with others and accomplish an enormous amount. Admittedly, by the end of the week, you might feel as confused as a termite in a yo-yo because this Full Moon aggravates your home-and-family-versus-career dynamic. Just cope as best you can. People notice you now - keep this in mind. (If you're going to crayon on the wall, do it behind the sofa.)