All Signs

Is life fair? We're not all created equal in terms of wealth and talent. (Although each of us has 24 hours a day -- rich or poor -- which is an equalizer because time is the stuff life is made of. Right?) But in astrology, an element of fairness does exist because lucky Jupiter is always "somewhere" in our chart. Even when the chips are down, we are never completely deserted by good fortune. This week, let's look at where our good fortune is, because the paralysis of the negative can grip us so strongly, we can forget opportunities exit. "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt." (Ah yes, William's words go hand-in-hand with what I believe: The secret of life is to look good at a distance.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Those of you who are born later in your sign can still feel a lovely influence from Jupiter, which is boosting your confidence. Yay! This continues to be a fortunate time for you because people, and favourable circumstances and resources are attracted to you. Make the most of this! In the next year, Jupiter will boost your income (for most), or at least bring you better job opportunities or chances to earn money on the side. The next 18 months will make you feel richer and more affluent, even if you end up paying for the goodies and treasures you get. "Don't I look swell?"

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Lucky Jupiter is in your sign now and will continue to stay there until next spring. This is a marvelous opportunity for you that comes along only once every 12 years. For starters, it signals the beginning of a new 12-year cycle of growth for you. It's time for you to discover what your potential is, and what you can really accomplish. No need to second-guess yourself or hide your talents. Expect to meet others who will help you in the year ahead. Many of you will explore your spiritual values and discover big answers to big questions. (Actually, Douglas Adams found the answer to everything. It's 42.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a curious time for you because unusual circumstances and events might trigger self-scrutiny, introspection and the exploration of spiritual ideas. (This is pretty heady stuff.) To be more specific, your capacity to learn and explore is increasing. Actually, this is true learning, as opposed to filling yourself with data. (I've been filling myself with so much data I had to let out a pleat in my shower curtain.) What will be classic for you in the next six months (or recently), is to find a spiritual teacher or mentor. In turn, some of you will play this role for others. That's why the study of metaphysics or different religions will appeal to you now. Amen.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Almost all Cancers are friendly and folksy. It's because you're a feeler. You chat with others long enough to get a feel for who they are. This means it's not what you're talking about that matters - it's the bond. Expect to be doing a lot of this in the next year, because according to your chart you're going to be popular! You'll join groups, clubs and organizations and schmooze with others far more than you have in the last 10 years. The good news is, your associations with others will benefit you! People will be supportive and helpful. In fact, you'll find that whatever you put out comes back to you multiplied.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Early Leos (born in July) will start to feel their careers taking off. (People are starting to sit up and take notice.) Leos born in August are enjoying chances to travel and maximize opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. You are really out there with your colours flying! Fascinating experiences will prompt you to drop or modify old prejudices and beliefs. You might also be more involved with foreign people or foreign places. Soak up whatever you can because your reputation is going to shine in the next two years, and you're gonna love it!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Life is good for you right now because lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in Taurus, which is an Earth sign. And you are an Earth sign. This means you're on the same wavelength with this fortunate influence. ("I read you. Bear taking pictures. Roger that.") The result is your life may feel easier in many respects for the next nine months. However, instead of just relaxing - use this fortuitous influence to your advantage. Make your surroundings more elegant. Spend money in a way that makes you feel good. Enjoy travel opportunities. Because it's easy to be tolerant of others, people will appreciate you more. Be open to new cultures, new faces and new places. ("I'm 10-10 on the side.")

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a financially beneficial time because now, and in the next year (could vary by months for some), you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. In other words, your partner is going to earn more! Some of you will inherit. Others will get money back from the government. All of you will be blessed through shared property and the chance to use things that others own. (Your best friend has a cottage at the beach or a chalet in the mountains.) This is a gravy train coming your way! In addition, your sex drive will increase in a fun, playful way. This is all part of a seven-year program to reinvent the New You. Time to buy a new wardrobe!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

For the first time in 12 years, lucky Jupiter is dancing directly opposite your sign. (This is new.) Actually, this is a wonderfully positive influence! To begin with, it beautifully blesses partnerships and close friendships and will continue to do so for the next year. You also feel confident and successful about something. You might feel ready to expand in some way. Many of you will treat yourself to goodies and be self-indulgent! You feel you deserve these rewards - and you're right. There's also a sense of turning the corner on something. You know you've been slowly building for increased recognition, and now you sense that you're on the right road. The process is beginning. (Whew!) And you're right again, because it is.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For various reasons, most Sagittarians are going to improve their health in the next year. (It just seems to be a good idea.) In fact, many of you will be able to heal or recover from something because your health is so strong. The only downside could be weight gain due to overindulgence. ("Moi?" Yes, you.) Your year ahead is fabulous for any kind of work that you're doing, especially your job. You can get a better job, or better duties, or a raise, or praise or your horrible boss will be transferred to Timbuktu. (For those of you in Timbuktu who might be reading this column - your horrible boss will be transferred to Ottawa.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Well, as I've said for years - your hour has finally come! (And to think, oh fickle reader, you doubted me.) Not only will your name be up in lights in a fantastically positive way, during the next few years, in this immediate year, you will also party, enjoy vacations and explore fabulous opportunities with love and romance. In other words - you'll have it all! You're the Big Winner. Plan a vacation in the next nine months - definitely. Kick up your heels and have fun because you deserve it. You worked hard for your success and this time of harvest has finally arrived. So take a bow and give yourself some perks. (Assured boarding is on the left.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Heads up. Once every 12 years, each sign gets a wonderful opportunity to explore chances to improve their home or to improve their pocketbook through real estate. It's your turn. This means in the next year, all real-estate dealings will favour you. Whether you buy property for financial speculation or for your own use - you'll be happy you did so. You will also be happy about any investment you make in your own home - renovations, re-decorating or major purchases for yourself or for a family member. Everything to do with home and family will be a source of joy, and many will expand your family through marriage, birth or adoption. ("We just got a Golden Retriever named Charlie!")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your mind creates your world. Why? First comes the thought, and from the thought springs the deed. The deed soon becomes habit, and habit eventually hardens into character. This is why we must watch our thoughts so carefully. We become our thoughts! The good news for Pisces is that in the next nine months, your thoughts will be positive, expansive, joyful and "big" in every sense of the word. Your optimism will grow and you will personally experience the power of positive thinking! (This is not something corny - this is the real deal.) Relations with siblings will improve. Short trips and communications with everyone (including writing and studying) will make you happy! Gosh.