Ah yes, after that gorgeous, golden, Harvest Moon, we're ready for the Sun to slip into Libra. This signals a settling-down time for most. Summer is over and we've used our Virgo energy to vigorously get organized for back-to school/back-to-work stuff. (Hey - we tried - that's all we can do. Who's perfect?) Enter stage left: a Time of Relative Relaxation (casually but nattily dressed), with a desire to kick back and relax, go for dinner and schmooze with dear friends (even though the busy wheels are still turning). Libra is such a gracious, well-mannered and obliging sign! Make plans to socialize. Life is short. And cheap. (It's the accessories that will kill you.)
It's important to get more sleep in the next six weeks because you're going to need it. The Sun is your source of energy and it will be opposite your sign, which means it's as far away from you as it gets all year. You need more rest! Very likely, you'll find you are focused on partnerships and friendships more than usual. (This is also par for the course when the Sun opposes your sign.) Of course, with both Venus and Mars promoting romance, love affairs, parties, sports events, social occasions and playful times with children - no wonder you need to rest! Think of it as fuel for fun. (When doing the dance of life - keep looking into the eyes of your partner.)
Despite my comments in All Signs above, you Taureans will be very keen to get better organized at this time. You'll be working hard to sort, pack, clean, paint, polish and thoroughly pull together your belongings, in a more sensible fashion. ("Let's get this done!") This will be a challenge because most of you are collectors. (Oh yes.) Fortunately, because you have the energy and drive right now, you couldn't be in a luckier position. Many of you will want to re-decorate and tweak your digs. You're shoving furniture around or doing renovations. How ambitious! But then - you do love a beautiful home. Without you, antique stores would fold.
Dear, playful Gemini! It's time for you to pull out your dancing shoes and get in party mode. Slip away on vacation, flirt, schmooze, socialize, plan parties, enjoy the theatre, see musical performances and delight in playful activities with children. Once a year, each sign suddenly really wants to party hard! And now it's your turn. (This lovely influence will last as long as eight weeks for some of you.) Work as efficiently as possible to give yourself time off to enjoy this fabulous influence. Drink, eat and be merry. Do not resist temptation - it might not come your way again. (Seriously, I mean temptation to have fun. Don't risk something solid for a mere bonbon.)
More than any other time of the year, you have a strong urge to feather your nest. Your focus is on family, home and domestic activities. Family discussions will be significant, especially with parents. Expect to tackle home repairs, and in doing so - you might suddenly spend money you hadn't anticipated. (Ouch.) Many will buy gadgets, electronics and high-tech toys. Do be on the lookout for sudden opportunities to make money - in a quite unexpected way. These opportunities will be something "different," possibly high-tech and likely beyond the ken of your experience. Take note: if a chance for new earnings appears - act quickly, because your window of opportunity will be brief!
You're full of energy! For the first time since the spring of 2010, fiery Mars is in your sign, boosting your energy and literally pumping your muscles. All Leos will be more assertive, direct and quicker to defend their rights and the rights of others. (Oh yeah!) In addition, for the next six weeks, you will be consumed with an eagerness for short trips, conversations with everyone, exploring ideas, meeting new people and spending increased time with siblings and neighbours. Many will read, write and study more. The month ahead will be fast-paced, fun-loving and fascinating! (Just remember: punning is the worst vice and there's no vice versa.)
Money, money, money. That's what's on your mind. You're dreaming up ways to earn more money and many are looking for a job. Or least a better job. All this focus on money will also lead to spending more money as well. (It always works that way.) Fortunately, you've got lots of moneymaking ideas. Some of you will work alone more than usual. Actually, this working alone thang could lead to a secret love affair. Hmmm. Since travel, especially to foreign countries, looks so sweet in the year ahead, money will come in handy, won't it? (And if you're starting to look like your passport photo, you need the trip.)
Tra la tra la! The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are all in Libra. How empowering! The next month is your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It's also the perfect time to energize your surroundings and attract auspicious opportunities and important people to you. As if this weren't enough, fair Venus and mighty Mars now urge you to socialize with others, especially in group situations. Join clubs and classes. Mingle. Sit up and be the Libran you truly are. If you share dreams for the future with others, they will give you helpful feedback. (To quote my fav Libran, Oscar Wilde: "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.")
Your ambition is so strong now - you need to pace yourself. You can't be all things, to all people, all the time. Even you. Therefore, work behind the scenes or work alone and do grab a breather. You need to emotionally, physically and psychologically restore yourself. Because your birthday is just a month away, this is the perfect time to strategize what you want your new year to be about. After all, the more specifically you define your goals, the more likely they will materialize! That's how life works. (When you get in your car, you know where you're going to drive, right?) It's the same with steering your path in life. (Admittedly, I live the way I type - fast and with lots of mistakes.)
Popular you! Everyone wants to see your face. This is why the next six weeks are the perfect time to mingle with groups and boost your knowledge, by listening to what others have to say, as well as sharing your own knowledge. You'll find whatever information you exchange with others will imperceptibly modify your goals for the future. You're also very keen to travel now, especially to travel for pleasure. Many of you want to learn more and discover adventure. "I want it all!" (Yeah, yeah. If you had it all - where would you put it?) Do not stay at home. Get out and schmooze. Remember Bruce Willis in Die Hard? "Come out to the coast. We'll get together - have a few laughs." Bwa-ha-ha.
For the next six weeks, the Sun will slowly travel across the top of your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. Naturally, this will make others notice you more than usual. Furthermore, this great lighting makes you look fabulous! People will offer you increased responsibilities. Fear not - say yes! You don't have to be an action hero to do the job - trust me. It will work out. Discussions with bosses, parents, teachers and authority figures will be beneficial to you. (You sound like you know what you're talking about.) That's why this is a wonderful time to discuss how to share or divide things, especially inheritances. You'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
You're restless and you want to get outta Dodge. Essentially, you want adventure, learning and fun, fresh experiences. You don't want to sit around getting dusty. This is the perfect time to go to school, sign up for a course, travel or do anything that allows you to explore new philosophies and ideas or meet new people from other cultures and different backgrounds. Partnerships are a bit tricky in the month ahead. Fair Venus will pave the way, making things mutually gracious and diplomatic. However, fiery Mars is staring you right in the eyes. (Gulp.) This makes you react - quickly! Your quick reaction is basically because you find yourself easily annoyed with others. (Oops.) Tread carefully.
Suddenly, you are passionately intense about everything in life (yes, including sex). In a mundane world, this passion will manifest as a strong focus on bills, insurance matters, inheritances, taxes, debt and settling anything you own jointly with others. You'll be good at this because Mercury will help you. Not only that, fiery Mars has really light a fire under you, so that you're keen to work hard and get better organized, even to the extent you're busy delegating to others. It looks like praise or even a raise could be possible! (Oh my.) Some of you could encounter a romance on the job. (Sweet.) Anything might happen. (There are no answers - only cross-references.)