All Signs

It used to be, if you wanted to avoid touchy subjects, you talked about the weather. Nowadays, even that is catastrophic. Because political and social events plus just everyday living are so thought-provoking now, let's do a reality check, because times like these give me pause (little furry ones). Let's discuss where we all were and where we're all going. That way, you'll know you're alive and well and living at home. You won't have to check your pockets for ID and you'll know whose face is staring back at you in the mirror. (Loss of memory? Forget it.) It's time to help fight continental drift and practice safe eating by using condiments.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Do you remember the beginning of the 1990s, when you were on top of your game? Then in 1994-95, when you had to let go of so much because you were cleaning house before moving into a new sandbox, around 1996-97? If you think back, that was the beginning of a seven-year stretch when you completely re-invented yourself! (Job changes and residential moves at the beginning of the millennium also kept you off your heels.) And now, here you are, taking your powah, stepping out into the world in a big, bold way. But with a price! This shift of energy and increased confidence stresses partnerships and close friendships. Fortunately, your money scene is looking sweet. (If friendship is the bread of life, then money is the honey.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Around 1999 was definitely a turning point for you. After having given up so much, you were entering a new world! Well, this is certainly a strong year for you now because lucky Jupiter is in your sign, for the first time since 2000. What a confidence-building experience! "Look Ma, no hands!" When Jupiter moves on to boost your earnings (how sweet it is), your self-confidence and poise will have increased. About three to five years ago, you worked hard to establish your home base. Now you're working hard to prove to the world what you can do. This recognition is about two years away. Enjoy your good fortune. In a year, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It was hard to find stability around 2005-08 because your ground was constantly shifting! Many of you weren't sure where you were going to work or even live. Fortunately, who is lighter on their feet than you? Plus, you love the challenge of change because you like variety. Lately, you have enjoyed increased popularity and activities with groups. (You love your adoring peanut gallery.) And although love affairs are getting serious, along with responsibilities for children, you're gearing up to a very pleasant time indeed, when lucky, moneybags Jupiter enters Gemini, in June next year. Yay! This will be the first time Jupiter has been in your sign since 2001. Be ever hopeful!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

After the turn of the new millennium, your stability factor was zilch. You don't like this. You need to feel thumb-sucking secure about family and feathering your little nest. ("Is everyone safe and cozy?") This same haphazard factor arose again around 2007. (Job changes and most especially residential changes are not easy for you.) Fortunately, you've been looking really good in the eyes of others in the last two years, especially professionally. People are impressed with you! Now that Mars is in your sign, you're stoked! You have energy to promote your own best interests, as well as those of others. You're on a mission! This is why people are attracted to you. Ah yes, there's no time like the pleasant.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You were on top of your game around 1999-2001. Life was good. But shortly after, you began to dismantle much of what you had created since the early '90s. (Whaaat?) Although you solidified yourself in a new way, things are still up for grabs right now, aren't they? Once again, some of you are on the move. But this time it's different. Travel opportunities have been sweet recently. Ditto for exploring opportunities in publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law. You know you want more out of life. You certainly don't want to sit around getting dusty. Fear not, because in the next few years, Jupiter will marvellously boost your success and your good name! (Kiss, kiss.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a highly energetic time because the Sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sign. Furthermore, feisty Mars is promoting your interactions with groups and possibly competition with someone. (Ouch.) Travel opportunities will continue to multiply this year. What a difference from 1999-2000, when relationships were stressed and you were seeking new ground. After letting go of people, places and possessions, during 2005-08, you set out on a new path. The catch is, your plans have not jelled completely. No worries, they will soon take shape because lucky Jupiter will promote travel, publishing, the law, medicine and opportunities for further education. Bon voyage!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Most recently, you've given up relationships, friendships and possessions, to open new doors. Naturally, you're questioning where you might be headed, especially in the past month, when your ambition has been so aroused. The support of others in terms of gifts, encouragement and favours has been quite astounding lately, hasn't it? You have much to look forward to because travel opportunities in the next year will be excellent. Do plan on getting outta Dodge. By 2013-14, you will feel successful about your achievements. In the meantime, explore higher education and opportunities in the law and medicine. You are transforming your life for the better!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Around 1999, relationships were hugely significant, either because they were beginning or ending. (Or both!) This year, relationships will benefit you or expand your world. This is a good thing because you're entering a time in your life where you will move on from the past. Whatever is no longer relevant in your life has to go. This will either be your own personal choice or not. You're keen to travel now or explore opportunities in publishing, the media and higher education. And it's a popular month! Continue to let go of what is dead weight. A whole new world will begin around 2013-14. This is a popular month for you, especially with younger and artistic people. Enjoy!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a very powerful time right now because the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all at the top of your chart. This position of the Sun indicates you are in the limelight and others see you as unusually attractive and competent. (What's not to like?) In the mid-'90s, you worked hard to solidify your home base. Then you busted your buns at the turn of the millennium. Partnerships were challenging shortly thereafter, but by 2007-08, you were back in the saddle again. Be careful with disputes about shared possessions and inheritances at this time. Do not say or do anything you will later regret. Job opportunities abound now. (Great year for your health as well.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your time is now. This is your powerful time of harvest and it will last for a while. However, lately Mars is opposing you, which makes you easily annoyed and impatient with others, especially partners and close friends. But this annoyance won't be as drastic as back in 2003-06, when partnerships were really stressed. But it's there. Meanwhile, this is the perfect year for you to take a marvellous vacation. Be as extravagant as you can. Romance, love affairs, social events, sports and fun getaways are all enormously appealing now. You've been working toward this since 1996-97. You deserve your rewards. Simple as that.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Around 1992-93 your life took a major turn. And again in the late '90s, it was hard to know if you were going or coming. Many changes. Partnerships were challenging in 2005-08, but this simply emboldened you to go for the brass ring. This is a marvellous year for real estate and family matters. For whatever reason, you feel richer. It's a great year to buy real estate or expand your holdings in any way or invest in your home. This is also a time where you are "waiting" because you know that something wonderful is just beyond your reach, keeping you in suspended hope. But know this: This is also a time of preparation for you. So don't sit around waiting - get busy!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are heavily focused on partnerships and close friendships right now, because the Sun, Mercury and Venus are directly opposite your sign. Naturally, Venus sweetens things and Mercury promotes communications. If 1994 was a turning point, then surely 2007 was another one. Continue to give everything your all because a glorious time of achievement awaits you, around 2015-16. Right now, you have to settle old issues with shared debt, shared property, taxes and insurance matters, and possibly inheritances. This stuff won't go away on its own. Just roll up your sleeves and get to it; then it will be done! Albert Einstein said, "Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape you."