Good news! The week ahead is not a tough week. Au contraire! Lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in Taurus until the summer of 2012. (This is good because Taurus is the sign of tangible wealth.) This week in particular, the Sun and Venus have a wonderful flirtation with lucky Jupiter. This bodes well for all of us! Read on (below) to see how this will benefit your own sign, because naturally, these planets dance in different parts of each person's chart. So let's be grateful. A wise teacher once said, "The most important meditation one could do - daily - was gratitude." Well, I'm grateful to write these words and have you read them. (I'd like it even better if you sent me money.)
This is an excellent week for your health, and it is an equally excellent week for your job, or whatever tasks you have set for yourself. As Col. Saito said, in The Bridge On the River Kwai, "Be happy in your work!" Forget the hot box "oven," you can expect praise, perhaps a raise, and certainly an easy time dealing with co-workers. (Great.) Many of you will improve the appearance of where you work, and some will work to make something else look more attractive; a product, or a person or a building. This is also a great time to look for a new job. Work-related travel is likely, and work-related romance will be sweetly affectionate. (Perhaps even titillating. Titillating is always fun!)
It doesn't get much better than this. (Well, of course, it does. There is no end to better.) A wonderful week awaits you! This is a fabulous time for romance, love affairs, parties, the arts, social outings, sports events and playful activities with children. It's particularly good for financial speculation. The bottom line is, you will have pleasure and enjoyment and you will especially feel free to be yourself. No need to pretend to be anyone else (not that you are busy doing this anyhow). This is the perfect time for a vacation! It's also a good time to explore purchasing vacation property. You feel fortunate and rich because it's easy to appreciate what you have now. (Enjoy good food, fine wine and dark chocolate.)
You will truly enjoy family gatherings and anything to do with your home and your family relationships this week. Something will happen that makes you feel "richer" about where you live and, in the same way, relations with family members will be enriched as well. Great time for real estate. This is also a good time to invest in your home or buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Naturally, it's a great time to entertain at home as well! You have a kind of inner contentment that makes you feel more secure about your everyday world and your future. (How liberating you will find this to be!)
The power of positive thinking is indeed marvellous, and this is certainly what you will be experiencing this week. Because you feel optimistic about your future and confident about who you are today, anything is possible. Relations with siblings and relatives are warm and friendly. Short trips will expand your world and be truly pleasurable. Romance with a new contact (possibly a neighbour or a distant relative) might begin. Your positive frame of mind will make you successful selling, acting, teaching, writing or marketing. Not only will you be filled with big ideas and confident about achieving them, you will promote them convincingly! (Everyone loves a winner.)
Money is such a drag when you need it and you don't have it -- I'm sure you agree. After all, who is more generous than you? And who loves to go out and schmooze and treat others to a good time? And who loves to be generous to family members, especially children? You do! It's almost your royal prerogative to bestow goodies on others because it warms your heart. Naturally, you know how to treat yourself with goodies as well. (But, of course!) All of this will be possible this week. Suddenly, the money is flowing like honey. Great week for business and commerce. Count on good financial news. Look for ways to boost your income or get a better paying job. Ka-ching! Ka-ching!
Things look maahvellous, daahling. The Sun and Venus are in your sign making a great connection to lucky, moneybags Jupiter. You feel unusually happy and at peace and harmony with the world. In fact, you're so laid-back with these good feelings, you might let this opportunity slip by. Don't just sit around while others peel your grapes; use this good fortune! Your optimism and enthusiasm will allow you to project your ideas to others successfully! You can actually make your luck now. Because you're in such a positive frame of mind, the changes you entertain now will be big and beneficial. You have the courage to go for the brass ring. Lucky you!
You're more ambitious than usual and you know it. (This is because fiery Mars is at the top of your chart.) This week you'll see your ambition paying off and this pleases you. You have embarked on an entirely new journey and, of course, you're not quite sure where it will lead because it's all so new. The main thing is, you have left whatever you no longer needed behind you and you are on your new path. "Forward ho!" This week, the support of others is particularly encouraging and endearing. ("Money in the mail? For me?") Just accept your good fortune and the increased goodies that accrue to your partner, which indirectly benefit you as well. Life is sweet.
Enjoy your popularity this week. You'll love schmoozing with others, whether they are casual friends or people you contact through clubs and organizations. Others will be supportive and happy to see you! Many of you will converse with those in the arts and indeed, flirtations and even new romance might spring up. Because you feel so supported by others, you're more confident about your dreams for the future. And if you share these dreams with others, their feedback will help you either through encouragement, advice or the introduction to an important contact. This is a lovely week to begin partnerships or to get married. Most relationships will be mutually beneficial. (Gosh.)
Both the Sun and Venus are at high noon in your chart, winking at lucky, moneybags Jupiter. For starters, this means that others view you as being happy, fortunate and successful (whether this is the case or not). But as everybody wants to put their money on a winner, why not use this to your advantage? Laugh it up! Romance with your boss or someone older or more successful might begin. Work-related travel and business related to the law, medicine, publishing and the media look good! Do capitalize on your successful image right now because everyone thinks you have the answers.
Travel for pleasure will delight you. Lucky Capricorns are off somewhere exotic but still able to read these words on their BlackBerry or iPad. (And if you look like your passport photo, you need this trip.) Explore opportunities in publishing, the media, the law, medicine and anything to do with higher education, because you can really rack up some points in these areas this week. If you're not travelling now, make travel plans. Romance with someone from another country or a different culture is likely. You'll have fun learning anything new through interactions with others, coursework or travel. Life feels exciting and rewarding right now, because it is! Albert Schweitzer said, "Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now always."
It looks like the gravy train has arrived! Wonderful benefits are coming your way now. Quite literally, gifts, goodies, inheritances, favours from others and even an opportunity to use what others own can all benefit you this week. This is the perfect time to ask for favours from others or to ask to borrow something. It's a good time to go for a loan or mortgage. This week is also an excellent time to discuss shared property, inheritances and disputes about jointly-held wealth. It's curious but all this abundance seems to affect your sex drive! (One good thing cranks the other, kind of like priming the well.) How sweet it is! If money is the root of all evil, this week you want to put down roots.
Friendships and romantic relationships are so sweet and rewarding -- and so affectionate -- you're in seventh heaven. (Sigh.) This is a wonderful time to get married or begin a partnership (professional or intimate). Even your relations with the general public are excellent now. In large measure, this is because of your own attitude and your own frame of mind. It's true about being the change you want to see in the world. Right now, you are so affectionate, trusting, optimistic and happy, everyone simply responds in kind. In turn, you feel surrounded and endorsed with love and approval. Ah yes, there's no time like the pleasant. Enjoy your good fortune.