In astrology, the Sun is in each sign for one month a year. (Roughly from the 21st to the 21st.) Although the signs are named after the constellations, they don't coincide with them. The signs of the zodiac each get 30 degrees to make a circle of 360 degrees. However, the constellations in the sky vary widely in size - from under 10 degrees to almost 50 degrees. (This misunderstanding by astronomers creates stories that go viral on the Internet, which I like because the TV & radio interviews about this confusion give me a chance to promote my book.) This week the Sun enters Virgo, bringing a shift in focus and energy for everyone. Sales of soaps and vitamins might increase. (Virgos like to be clean and healthy.) They're also into service. "He profits most who serves best" and that sort of thing. And they're sexually kinky!
You're still in play mode (romance, the arts, parties and vacations) - yay! Nevertheless, in the next few weeks, you'll find yourself increasingly obsessed about getting organized. You'll buy closet dividers, cleaning equipment, paint, shelving, baskets and containers for all your hobbies, because you want to pull your act together. You want to at least give the appearance of being on top of your scene, which is not easy since you always have so much on the go. Nevertheless, act on this urge! Get hold of the proper tools and equipment to do a great job. You might go on a health kick as well. "More wheatgrass, anyone?"
Mom always liked you best. Even though the summer is almost over, it's your turn to party! Go figure. The next six weeks are the perfect time for a vacation. They're also a wonderful time to socialize, schmooze, enjoy the arts, see movies, attend sports events and enjoy playful times with children. Plus, this is a fabulous time for romance for your sign! New love can flourish while existing relationships will get sweeter and cozier. Pleasure is your motto during this time and what a coincidence -- pleasure is your motto for life! (That, plus pots of cash in the bank.)
It looks like you're moving into a serious, decorating streak. You're earning more money than usual but you're also spending it, plus you're keen to make where you live look more beautiful. Of course this is probably because you will be entertaining at home. (There's nothing like guests arriving to kick one into action, is there?) Your focus on home, family and domestic matters is strong for the next six weeks. No question. Interaction with a parent might be significant, too. And yet, you're busy writing, taking short trips and chatting to everyone. But hey - you always are. Geminis don't sit around getting dusty.
You're coming on like gangbusters. Because you have energy to burn, you're keen to hit the road with short trips, plus run around seeing everyone, while you read, write and talk to everyone. Yada, yada, yada. You're PowerPoint on steroids! Part of what drives you now is you're keen to enlighten others about something. You have something to say and you want to be heard. Amidst this flurry of activity, do save time for siblings, relatives and neighbours, who also want to see you. Nevertheless, if you need to write, act, teach, market or sell anything - you are unusually empowered during the next six weeks. Use this!
You're seriously focused on money (in part because many of you feel financially squeezed). And this focus will increase during the next six weeks. But lo! What is that in the air? I smell money coming! (Ah, the sweet smell of success.) Most of this will be the fruition of private, behind-the-scenes activity, because you have been busy! Trust your moneymaking ideas. Continue to promote yourself. Not only will money come your way, but you'll be shopping for treasures for yourself and loved ones. In the next two years, you can put your name up in lights! (Every Leo is comfortable with this, whether they admit it or not.)
Ta da! Your birthday is arriving. Very soon the Sun, Mercury and Venus will all be in your sign to give you a maaahvelous boost of energy, plus attract people and fortunate circumstances to you. It's truly your time to shine! Because fair Venus paves the way in all your relationships, by making you especially diplomatic and charming, buy something special to enjoy these social times. Shop for wardrobe goodies because you'll like what you see in the mirror. Group activities, especially sports and gym classes etc. will please you. (However, difficulties with someone older or in authority might occur. Tread carefully.)
Your ambition is still aroused, which I'm sure you have noticed. However, late in the week, you might meet with opposition. (Gulp.) Fortunately, you have the support of others. Therefore, play it low key for the next month and work alone or behind the scenes as much as possible. (In fact, some of you will be playing it so low key, it appears secret love affairs are taking place. Hmmm.) Be diplomatic with authority figures. Don't wake the sleeping giant because you are soft and crunchy on the inside. Your hour in the Sun is a month away and this is when you'll be especially empowered. In the meantime, enjoy schmoozing with others, especially artistic types and people who are young. (You know you're getting older when you bend over to tie your shoe and you think, "Is there anything else I should get while I'm down here?")
It's a social time for you. Not only will you enjoy schmoozing with others, you'll be involved in clubs and groups. In fact, a friend could become a lover. At the least, friendships will be warm and cozy and new friendships might form. No matter who you're talking to, you'll find it will benefit you if you tell others about your hopes and dreams for the future, because their feedback will help you. Meanwhile, discussions with bosses and authority figures are positive and enlightening. Travel or explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. Many good things are possible for you!
You're entering a six-week period where the sun will slowly travel across the top of your chart. (This is the only time all year this happens.) It's a very auspicious time because it casts you in a good light, and makes you look unusually competent and capable to others, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. (Great.) They think you're fabulous! Need I say you should milk this for all it's worth? Ask for a raise or a promotion. Demand the advantage. Use this next month to promote your ideas and pitch your projects. Travel for pleasure still appeals and publishing and the media continue to hold opportunities for you. Avoid disputes about shared property and inheritances this week. (Where there's a will there's a way or a won't.)
You're secretly eager for adventure. (You want to blow this pop stand.) Therefore, do whatever you can to shake it up a little. Travel anywhere if you can. And if you can't travel, be a tourist in your own city. Try to learn something new. Sign up for a course or mingle with people from different cultures and other countries so that you feel stimulated and enthused. You'll love learning anything new. Difficulties with partners and close friends are possible around midweek. But you don't have to react. Your reaction is your business, right? And anyhow - if you win all your arguments you end up with no friends. Think about it.
After juggling so many things in the air, finally, the Piper needs to be paid. (Ouch.) Many of you are focused on bills, debt, shared property, insurance matters and inheritances. You have a lot of loose ends here and you want to tie things up. Others can benefit you now so this could be good for you. The good news is, physical intimacy will be sweet and memorable in the month ahead. (Yes!) Think passion plus spoons in a drawer. Health challenges midweek could give you pause. (Little furry ones.) Avoid disputes at work with older co-workers or authority figures. (People will leave you alone if you walk fast and look worried.)
In the month ahead, the Sun is going to be directly opposite your sign. (This happens only once a year.) Since the Sun is the source of energy for all of us - naturally, you will be low energy and will definitely need more rest and sleep. Factoid. Ignore this at your peril. Do not exhaust yourself. Fortunately, discussions with partners and close friends will be supportive and loving. Many of you are more active in sports now or busy with children. Expect some speed bumps around Wednesday and Thursday this week, especially with older people or authority types. (You might be doing a slow boil because you can't say anything.) But this is not such a bad thing. At least, you won't say anything you will later regret. Relationships will reveal a lot in the next month. (Oh my.)