All Signs

Oy vey! We're having more Moon Alerts than usual. (See them at the top of my daily column.) Well, these times are great to party, goof off and be creative. However, the ancient Latin phrase to describe these times is "It comes to nothing." That means whatever we initiate during the Moon Alerts tends NOT to fill our objective. So if we buy something, we won't use it or wear it, or it will break, be stolen or lost. (Or if you buy a company it will not succeed.) It was just a bad purchase! Ditto for important decisions that suddenly pop up. "Let's buy this house instead!" I don't know why we're having longer Moon Alerts right now, but we are. It makes doing business and spending money difficult. Of course, holding onto your cash is not a bad thing. (I'm going to cancel my subscription to the Cocker Spaniel Annual Manual and switch to Gimme! The Magazine of Money.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week is the perfect time to get in touch with your creative potential. You are the artisan of the zodiac, which is why you're experimental, courageous and eager to try new things, especially with your hands. You love creating something new that has never been done! This week you can get in touch with your creative talent. Seek ways to express it. In addition, many of you will explore opportunities in sports, the hospitality industry and show business. There's more. New romance will begin for many. Yay! Caution: although it will be an exciting whirlwind, it might be temporary. (That glow-in-the-dark stuff seldom has staying power.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Exciting changes are taking place on the home front. This is why many of you are caught up in decorating plans and buying little treasures for your home. (Something you love to do.) But in the bigger scheme, what can you do to promote better relations with family members? Take note: this opportunity is available to you now. And on a more practical level, what can you do to feel better about where you live? The next few weeks are perfect for home entertaining, as well as wrapping up existing real-estate deals. Purchases of high-tech goodies and modern art are likely.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You feel unusually energetic, alive and excited about life! Short trips, fresh knowledge, new contacts and stimulating conversations with others are just a few things that give a lift to your life. Thankfully, your daily world is expanding beyond its ho-hum routine. (You don't do boring.) You feel you have more to look forward to and, indeed, your eagerness about your everyday world is enriching your life. (Surprises with siblings and relatives are also likely.) That's why you want to get out there and talk to others! You want to enlighten people about everything that excites you. Yada yada yada.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your focus on money and possessions is still very strong now. However, the New Moon this week offers you a chance to scrutinize your values. In particular, what's your attitude to money and wealth? If you think money is the root of all evil, you won't hold on to it for very long, will you? That's because our attitude about something influences how it manifests in our life. Money is energy. You can help others with money. You could spread joy and alleviate suffering. Be open to new ways of attracting money or earning money because they exist. Surprise purchases are also likely, possibly something rather unusual.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Fair Venus, the Sun and the New Moon are all in Leo this week. Busy you! Naturally, this will attract energy, auspicious circumstances and important people to you. Because this is such a favourable time for you, make the most of it! This is the perfect time to think about your style of relating to others. If you want to have friends, start by being friendly yourself. If you want a more romantic, flirtatious relationship with your partner, be romantic and flirtatious! Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Not only does this wise advice have sociological and political profundity, it applies to the ordinary relationships of your everyday world.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You have so many pots bubbling on the back burner, you need to lie low and think about your situation. At the moment, many of you are hatching travel and education plans. (They're quite exciting actually.) Others are exploring relationships with people from other countries, different backgrounds or someone who is just different. ("He's not changing his name until after the operation.") This week, Mercury moves into Virgo, which is a signal that you will want to be out there talking to everyone and taking short trips, because you're eager to mentally explore more of the world. Privately, some of you are exploring your inner world as well. (Wow, so much to think about!)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your popularity with everyone continues. Enjoy schmoozing with others because you are genuinely in the mood to circulate socially. (No one can work a room like you.) Furthermore, others are happy to see you! How happy? Well, let's just say that a casual friend could become a lover. (That's happy!) But while all this is going on, do take some time to ponder your goals for the future. What are your hopes and dreams? Do you really know? Too often we blindly cope with the busyness of our days without thinking about our long-term goals. Write down what you want to achieve in the next five years. (What have you got to lose?)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A gaggle of planets is hovering at the top of your chart. Everyone notices you now! (That's for sure.) Romance with a boss or someone older or richer is likely. (A rich partner is a great labour-saving device.) However, the New Moon this week is your best opportunity to think about the reputation you have in your community. How do others view you? What kind of message are you sending out to the world? How you act and what you expect determines what happens in your life! Think about your life direction in general. Where do you want to be in the future? Are you headed in that direction now? What do you have to do this year to go in that direction?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The New Moon this week is the only New Moon all year that urges you to assess your need to travel and explore the world. You might even be exploring living in another country (the Moon rules your home). It's all very exciting! It's important to acknowledge that you constantly need freedom and an opportunity to expand your horizons. It's just who you are. Generally, your method of expanding your horizons involves travel, higher education and meeting people from different cultures. How can you give yourself better opportunities to do this? Sudden and surprising chances to do this will materialize this week!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Because of the position of the New Moon this week, this might well be the best time all year for you to think about your assets, your debts and anything you own jointly with others. Now is the time to get a clear picture of your situation. You don't like to be in debt. Factoid. Furthermore, you are someone who likes a well-planned future because you want security in your later years. Since this is the case, what can you do to give yourself this kind of practical and financial security? In another vein (different arm) you're also giving a lot of thought to your sex life. (Stop laughing.) You are very much in touch with your passionate nature now. Oh yes! (Hey, you're not called the goat for nothing!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week, the only New Moon all year that is opposite your sign will be taking place. Basically, this celestial event will provide you with the best opportunity this year to focus on partnerships and close friendships. So what's the scene? Are you happy with your partnerships? (Read Leo for some thoughts about this.) Basically, you know the drill because friendships are important to you. You know that for a relationship to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. It's that simple. Because Venus is also in the picture now, this is the perfect time to mend broken fences and get real cozy like. (Oh yeah.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

There's no question that your greatest areas of opportunity in the week ahead pertain to your job, your work and your health. This is because the Sun, the New Moon and even Venus are all hyping these areas of your life. Naturally, you have to ask yourself if you like your job or what you're doing every day. Do you want your daily tasks or your employment scene to be different? What would you be doing in the perfect world? What about your health? What can you do to improve your health? You don't have to be obsessive-compulsive about this, but what can you do to start moving in the direction? For some of you, work-related romance will blossom. Nothing risque, nothing gained!