All Signs

This week, when the Sun enters Leo (as it does once every year), it will mean the entire world is going to get the urge to party, have fun, flirt, explore the arts, the theatre and exciting venues of dramatic expression. Wow! (That's because Leo rules show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry, among other things.) People are dying to party and go on vacation in August because they feel the clock ticking! (It's almost September! Where did summer go? So little time left to rev those binary neuropeptides!) Meanwhile, have you noticed there seems to be an alarming increase in the number of things that you know nothing about? And on top of that, my crayons have all melted.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The next six to eight weeks are party city for your sign. (Mom always liked you best.) This is a fabulous time for vacations. It's also a wonderful time for romance, love affairs, parties and social events, as well as exploring the arts. Since many of you are performers and artisans, you'll love this chance to express your creativity. Not only are you in a fun-loving mood, fiery Mars now boosts your communication skills, so you're coming on like gangbusters! (Oh yeah.) Sports and playful times with children will offer hours of fun. (Since partnerships are so challenging now, what a welcome relief.) Hallelujah!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You continue to be intently focused on home, family and domestic matters. Many of you are re-decorating and finding treasures for your home. This is something you love to do because not only do you appreciate antiques and beautiful things, you're a collector. Furthermore, since you have such amazing financial savvy, very often your purchases turn out to be investments! (Which is why you're so hip to television's Antiques Roadshow. Some of you have likely been on it!) Family gatherings might help with home repairs. Not a bad idea. Many hands make light work.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are the wordsmith of the zodiac. You are constantly full of bright ideas and curious about gathering more information - about anything. (For at least five minutes.) That's why you're going to love the next few months. As the Sun shifts into Leo, your desire to communicate with others will increase. Many of you will take short trips and spend more time with siblings, neighbours and relatives. The pace of your days will accelerate as you run around talking to everyone, crossing off errands on your To Do list. ("I'm done!") You love to be busy, as long as it's your kind of busy. That means fun busy! Even hectic busy is not too bad. But insane busy is terrible.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

There are many reasons, according to the different details of all your individual lives, as to why you should be so strongly focused on money in the next six weeks. But you are. Some of you are looking for work or a better job. Some of you are trying to improve your current job or get a raise. Some of you are contemplating major purchases and checking out your cash-flow scene. No matter what your apparent focus on money is all about - the underlying theme in your life right now is actually all about your basic values. Yup. It's important for you to figure out what really matters! You don't want to be 85 years old one day, looking in the mirror and thinking, "Kid - you blew it."

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Ah ha! The Sun is back in your sign for the next month, re-juvenating your energy and giving you a wonderful boost. Not only will you feel lighter and more enthusiastic about life, you will inexplicably attract favourable circumstances and important people to you. Yay! It's like magic. Mercury is also in your sign and Venus will join it very soon. This combination makes you talkative, curious about everything and oh so charming and diplomatic. (Sweet!) Friends and partners will enjoy your company. New relationships can begin for some of you. This is a very strong time in your life because lucky Jupiter is starting to sail across the top of your chart, which is a sure guarantee for success in your career and your public image. ("What are the little people doing today?")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Once a year, just before your birthday is about to approach, there is a time of about six weeks when your energy is subdued. Your preference is to play it low key and work alone or behind the scenes. There's a good reason for this. Each year, this is the time just before the Sun is about to enter your sign. (The Sun will energize you and thrust you to centre stage!) Therefore, prior to this flashy moment - you need to mentally, physically and psychologically re-group. You need time to think about what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. Therefore, this is the time to look back over your shoulder at the last year. How well are you doing at the art of living? How do you want your next year to be different? Hmmm?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Get out your fancy clothes and your dancing shoes because you're headed into a very busy social month- probably longer. Suddenly, everyone wants to see your face! By all means, accept all invitations. Now is the time to join clubs, groups, classes or professional organizations. You'll enjoy schmoozing with others, not only for the social hit and the fun enthusiasm this generates within you, but also because these contacts can help you! You'll find that if you share your hopes and dreams for the future with others, people will have valuable feedback for you. They might give you input that is important. Or they might have new contacts to offer you or a tip - who knows? Be friendly!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are now entering about a six-week period when the Sun is at the very top of your chart. This happens only once a year. It indicates that others notice you now, especially bosses, parents and people in authority. (By the way, this includes the police.) Obviously, this is your chance to make the most of it. If you have the attention of powerful people - use it to your advantage. Ironically, not only do they notice you - they see you in a very favourable light. You look competent, capable and successful. (Do nothing to change this impression.) Instead - milk it for all it's worth! Accept offers of increased responsibilities. You will shine!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Life is getting exciting because the heavens now urge you to travel. Yay! It's time to get outta Dodge! Basically, you want to broaden your horizons. Ideally of course, any Sagittarius will choose travel first. But if you can't travel, you can explore the world through books, classes, education, talking to people from other countries and different backgrounds, film and even just being a tourist in your own town. The point is to do something different! Push your boundaries. Shake it up a little. If you give yourself permission to do this - you will feel gratified and rewarded. (If you want something you've never had - you gotta do something you've never done.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Right now, Mars is making you work hard to the point of delegating to others. (Bark!) Venus is beautifully paving the way for you with partners and friends. And both Mercury and the Sun now offer you an opportunity to delve deep into your psyche. You don't want to just "know" things -- you want to "feel" them at the deepest level. You're hungry to learn in an experiential way. From a mundane point of view, you're also concerned with taxes, inheritances, shared property and insurance matters. And on top of all this, you're moving into a self-improvement kick. (And you're serious about it!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week the Sun moves directly opposite your sign. This happens only once a year but when it does, it's an indication you will be low-energy. In fact, you're going to need more sleep. (The Sun is your source of energy and now it is as far away from your sign as it gets all year.) Respect your need for more rest. (Especially since fiery Mars is urging you to party and kick up your heels.) Another thing this opposition of the Sun does is focus your energy on partnerships and close friendships. Expect to be absorbed with a relationship and wondering where you stand? How do others view you? Are you giving them what they want? What is really going on?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Romance, fun times and vacations definitely appeal to you now. Nevertheless, fiery Mars is stirring up your desire to renovate and make changes at home. And the Sun is urging you to get better organized. That's why you're going to go through closets, desk drawers and cupboards. You'll be turfing what you don't need and recycling stuff. Basically, it's spring-cleaning in mid-summer. (Go figure.) But think how you'll love yourself when it's all done! You'll feel proud of your digs (and where you work) and you'll feel you are more in charge of your life. Yes! (This is what you want.)