Powerful planetary influences indicate this is a strong time for many of us to dramatically start to improve in different areas of our lives. It's a great opportunity, really. This improvement could be an inner development, some external good fortune, the pursuit of career success or the thrill of experiencing profound learning. It's an exciting time and definitely a time of growth. Since it's good to know the particular area where you have a chance to enhance your life, read on Macduff! Of course, as Oliver Goldsmith once observed, "People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after." (That's the tricky part, isn't it?)
For many Aries people, this might be one of the strongest times in your life. That's because you're now entering a phase where you can develop a kind of financial savvy by seeing new ways to earn money or better ways of getting a more fulfilling, satisfying, rewarding job. Yes! This is a process that isn't going to happen overnight but it's beginning. (Thank gawd.) By the same token, some of you will see a means to buy things or get hold of possessions that you have always wanted. You might even adopt a new approach to maintaining what you own or using what you already own in a different way. It's as if you're getting smarter about your money and your assets.
This is an exciting, powerful time for your sign! The last time something this auspicious occurred was in the spring of 1964. So for many of you this is really a first-time opportunity to grow in this particular way. And what is it? It's a chance to improve your appearance, to improve your image in the world, to improve your surroundings and even to improve your relationships with others. Act on the ideas that are bubbling up in your mind because you have them! Do not hesitate. Once you actually take action, "... then Providence moves, too." These life-changing choices will continue to come up for a while in the future. Why not be the best you can be? Why be anything less?
Something dramatic is going to take place now that affects your spiritual world, your inner development, and possibly even your belief system. This means the changes you no doubt are experiencing might not be evident to others. But they are happening! These changes might involve travel and a deeper understanding of other cultures and religions. Whatever they are will broaden your experience of life, that's for sure. All this probably comes under the bailiwick of "self-improvement" and trying to improve your path in life. (It might even be a secret plan you are putting into action.) Whatever the case, it will empower you!
Many of you are starting to change your goals for the future. This could be because you now see what is actually doable, or someone powerful has encouraged you to go for the brass ring. Others can definitely benefit you now. Partnerships and other people in group situations will offer you encouragement, feedback or ideas and inspiration that allow you to expect more for yourself in the future. This process makes you more successful in dealing with others, too. Your group skills are improving! Actually, this same beneficial influence can come to you through partnerships as well. Be receptive to others! (You come out smelling like a rose.)
All Leos are in the process of radically changing their life direction in the world. As you start this process, you will explore opportunities to educate yourself further, or do work-related travel, or explore opportunities in publishing, the media, the law and medicine and, in general, prepare yourself for a powerful time of achievement in the next two years. Basically, you're going to change your public reputation and how people perceive you, especially in terms of career and success. As this unfolds, many of you will have job changes or residential moves. In fact, this might already have happened in the last year for some of you. (Exciting stuff!)
Without question, most of you are going to be able to grow and learn more about yourself and your world at this time through increased travel and education. All kinds of opportunities, especially dealing with foreign countries and people from other cultures, will broaden your experience of life. Some of you will expand your world through medicine, the law or anything that is related to publishing and the media. Others will grow through study and training. Whatever you experience will make you more powerful in whatever it is you want to do. The end result will be that you will know more, you'll be more experienced and you will certainly be more knowledgeable and confident!
You are now in the process of learning how to wisely use shared possessions and anything you own jointly with others. You see how to use these things to your advantage. You're learning to understand how to make better use of what you already have. And in doing so, more goodies will come your way. Just learning how to clean, repair and be proud of what you have is a big thing in itself. We are often overwhelmed by our possessions, especially things we share with others. This new, enlightened approach applies to inheritances, wills, estates and also how you are addressing your debt. The end result will be something that makes you far happier!
This is a time when you will strive as never before to improve partnerships (and possibly close friendships). You are no longer willing to just "settle." You're becoming more and more in touch with what you want, what you need and what, in fact, you're going to demand! Therefore, you will do everything in your power to improve existing relationships and if you cannot do this, then you will end relationships that are no longer relevant in your life. Sometimes we just go along with things for years! We cope. But Scorpios are sitting up now and taking notice. More than that, they're taking action! ("Hey, it's my way or the highway. Capice?")
The last four-to-five years have been a time when you have felt frustrated about your achievements. You were expecting to be at the top of the heap, reaping your rewards and, in many ways, you did this. But for many of you, it was not all that it could be, was it? Now you are going to begin a process that will help you maximize your ability to achieve whatever you want. This process will be twofold: On one hand, you're going to improve your health in every way that you can. You're fired up about this! And on the other hand (you have different rings!) you're going to improve your approach to your job or how you tackle whatever it is you do. You're going to learn how to make your time count so you get the most bang for your buck. We're talking efficiency to the max!
This is a dramatic time for Capricorns. Huge changes in partnerships along with changes in your image and your style of relating to others are taking place now. As a result, new romantic relationships will open up for some of you. (These will be profound and life-changing.) Others will redefine their relationships with children. Those who work in sports, education or the hospitality industry might also radically change how they work in this field. It's all for the good. These changes will bring superior results! Some of you will also experience romance at a profound, life-changing level.
There is so much going on at home, it's mind-boggling! For the first time since the '60s (those of you who are old enough to relate) you can make fabulous improvements at home, with your family situation and even in your personal, private life. You can pull it all together so that you have exactly what you want. (Well, sort of. Sometimes reality is harsh.) Trust in your ability to do this. Go forward with home improvement plans and family changes because the end result will please you! In many ways, it will be a whole new world!
You are slowly changing and improving how you relate to siblings, neighbours and relatives. No question! In fact, at its deepest level, you are changing how you see your daily world and the people around you every day. You want to communicate to them more effectively and more meaningfully. And when you modify how you see your world, which in turn changes your perception of things, then everything changes because if your world is different, your choices are different! It's curious how it all starts in the mind! Fortunately, you have the best opportunity that you've had in more than a decade to practice the power of positive thinking. James Allen said, "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."