All Signs

This week the planet Mars moves into Gemini to give a boost of energy to all Geminis. Yay! Actually a ripple effect will hit Aquarius and Libra as well. More yay! The last time Mars was in Gemini was in the summer of 2009. Mars rules our assertiveness and our muscles. ("Go, go, go!") In addition, the Sun now moves into Cancer where it was at this same time last year (it's an annual event). Naturally, this energizes Cancer people in a different way (but a good way) as well as it brings a nice boost to Scorpio and Pisces. This does not mean that Fire and Earth signs are missing out because we all have many signs in our charts. Note: It's impossible for one person to be just one sign. After all, would a bowl of lettuce be a salad? (That was an ultimato - the choice of eating your vegetables or going to bed without supper.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Without question, the next six weeks will boost your focus on home, family and domestic issues. As a result, many of you will enjoy a gathering of the clan. Family discussions will take place. Furthermore, you'll want to tackle family repairs at home and fix up the place. (Many hands make light work.) Some of this energy will translate into increased reading, writing and studying as well. By the way, you'll be oh so charming in all your communications. This could be a good time to hit a relative up for a loan? Meanwhile, some will cocoon at home. (Sigh. Why are guilty pleasures so high in calories?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Despite my comments in All Signs above, this Cancer Sun actually benefits the sign of Taurus. It will make you very eager to take short trips and get out to explore more of the world, during the next six weeks. In particular, you'll be very talkative and chatty. You have something to say because you want to enlighten others. You're also busy earning money in the month ahead, as well as spending it on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Actually, your money scene looks quite good right now! (Money in the bank always improves your digestion.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

With Mars in your sign until August, you'll be more aggressive dealing with everyone. Therefore, it might be wise to burn off some of this pent-up energy through physical exercise or outdoor activities, before it builds up within you, making you a tad snarky! (Moi? Yes, you. Both of you.) You're certainly ready to defend yourself right now! For the next month you're also focused on money matters, cash flow and earnings. Expect to discover bright new, moneymaking ideas! Ka-ching! Meanwhile, back at the think tank, the next month is the time to take stock. What's the picture with your earnings and assets? (According to Woody Allen, organized crime makes big bucks but spends very little on office supplies.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Happy birthday! The Sun is back in your sign to give you a lovely boost of energy, plus an opportunity to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Yay Cancer! This great lighting will also attract favourable opportunities and important people to you. This is all good! However, it's interesting that this boost of energy will cause some of you to dabble in secret love affairs. Don't blow something solid for a mere bon bon. Whatever the cause, many of you are engaged in behind-the-scenes activities. It all means put yourself first now! This is the one time of year when this is totally appropriate. Me, me, me!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

In the next month, you'll feel pulled in two directions. Initially, you want to lie low and work behind the scenes or play it very low-key. That's because you're gestating or getting ready for your new year (birthday to birthday). You need to figure out what you want. (Write down four things you hope to achieve in your new year. If you specify your goals they will more likely become a reality.) However, by contrast, Mars is pushing you into active, intense relationships with others, especially in group situations. (Competitive sports?) So one moment you're hiding at home - and the next moment, you're up and running and out there flying your colours! Go figure.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

OMG. You are busy, popular, ambitious, and out there, being everything to everyone. That's why the next six weeks will be an unusually popular time for you. Schmooze, schmooze, schmooze! You might be involved with younger people or you could be teaching something. Fiery Mars is now at the top of your chart, arousing your ambition, so you're very keen to achieve something and make a name for yourself. Meanwhile, back in the supply room, fair Venus could instigate a romance with your boss (or someone older or richer). You have pots bubbling on all six burners!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart, acting like a spotlight on you. This means everyone notices you more than usual, but more than that - they think you're hot! Why? Because the Sun is a marvelous "light" on you. (Symbolically not literally.) Since this placement of the Sun makes you look so impressive, it's a given that someone will ask you to take on increased responsibilities. Say yes - you'll handle everything just fine. In addition, travel totally appeals to you now. (A midnight ride in Venice, with your gondolier singing Santa Lucia?) Use your influence with bosses to explore more of the universe. Study, learn and travel!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your gonads are in overdrive. That's why sex is going to be very hot for most of you. (And for others? Again I refer to Woody Allen who claims he was the best he ever had.) Romance will be sweet, affectionate and passionate. Buy something sexy to get in the mood. (You love great undies.) Gifts and favours might come your way in the next six weeks. But in the bigger picture, in the month ahead, you'll want to travel and explore more of the world. Take courses, learn a new language. If you cannot travel, be a tourist in your own city. Explore different philosophies and life-belief systems. Study astrology. (Start with my book.) Natch!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Whoa Nellie! Tread carefully because fiery Mars is opposite your sign until August. This can cause you to feel easily irritated with others, especially partners and close friends. Please take note: At times like this, patience is your greatest ally. Patience diffuses your anger and gives you a moment to think before you speak. (Who wants to look like a fool?) Ironically, Venus is also opposite your sign, ready to repair any damage. (Whew!) You can get through this unscathed if you remember to be patient. Expect a focus on shared property, inheritances, taxes, debt and the wealth of others in the next month. It is what it is.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

For most of this summer, you'll make an extra effort to get better organized. You want everything to be ticketyboo at home and at work. You want to be proud of your digs. Furthermore, you want to be able to put your hand out and find whatever you're looking for. Just imagine -- your CDs and DVDs will be alphabetized, library books returned, recycling gone, piles of paper sorted out and filed, and even your medicine cabinet will be respectable. (Guests always peek.) Meanwhile, both Mercury and the Sun are now opposite your sign, increasing your focus on partnerships and close friends. Hey -- you can use this to learn more about yourself and how you relate to others. (Why not?)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Romance, love affairs, vacations, sports, playful activities with children and fun times totally appeal to you now. And yet, you're also working hard. What gives? Can you do both? Apparently you can. This is a time when you will work hard and party hard. Yahoo! Since you're very keen to be organized, respect this urge. Act on it. Let it galvanize you into action. Give yourself the right tools and support materials to do a great job. (You will love yourself afterwards when you survey your little kingdom and everything is so nicely pulled together.) And hey - then come the rewards. Party on! (Sometimes life just gets better and better.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Some point in the next six to eight weeks will be the perfect time to slip away on a vacation. You know it. You want to get out there and do your thing! ("I've gotta be me!") Beaches, trails, foreign cities, resorts and adventurous road trips will beckon to you. You might go with family, you might go alone, or you might go because you have suddenly met a new lover! (Be still my beating heart.) There is definitely a strong focus on romance and love affairs for your sign. (And you're such a romantic.) Nevertheless, renovations and re-decorating projects at home will keep you busy. Oops -- tension at home requires patience and tolerance. (Margaritas can help.) This is a good time for real-estate deals as well, especially for speculation. (Who wants more nachos and guacamole?)