This week Jupiter (the planet of good fortune, money, joy and wisdom) is dancing with Neptune (the planet of ideals, dreams, illusion, delusion, inspiration, deceit and deception). Would I kid you? The last time anything remotely similar to this occurred was in May 2009. The next time they meet happily on the dance floor will be in July 2013. So this is not commonplace. It's a pleasant influence. It will have different manifestations for different signs, but it will affect our dreams, our aspirations, and our inner values. It will be easier to be kind to others, especially those who are less fortunate. Did you know that for $10 you can save a life? Isn't that amazing? Visit my website and buy a mosquito net for a child in Africa. (What a choice: Save a life or buy two fancy coffees? No brainer.)
For various reasons, according to the personal details of your life, you are going to feel more affluent, richer and indeed, you will probably earn more in the coming year. Ka-ching! If you can already sense this (and many of you can) you'll find it easier to be more compassionate and more generous to others. In particular, you might practice an act of kindness or generosity to bail somebody out of a tough situation. Quite likely, you'll do this quietly without a lot of fanfare. Not surprising; Aries is the hero archetype in our society. You are the one who courageously comes to the rescue. (Is that a bugle call I hear?)
We all know what goes around does come around; it's the way energy works. What you put out there (in thought, word and deed) comes back to you magnified! Since you're the banker of the zodiac and you want security in tangible terms like land, money in the bank and physical assets, how can you get these things? Naturally, hard work is one way. (Inheritance is always nice as well.) But in the bigger picture, quite likely the reason your wealth comes to you is because of previous acts of generosity to others. If you want to keep this formula working in your favour, this is the perfect week to join forces with someone else, perhaps in a group to do charitable work. (You won't regret it.)
This week it's easy to have a positive attitude about life. In fact, this "do-gooder" streak is an omen of things to come. For the next year, you'll be unusually idealistic and compassionate. Your knee-jerk reaction will be to help anyone, whether through a small kindness or something quite large. You'll find you feel greater satisfaction by helping others. It's as if you're keen to experience the rewards of practicing the highest good because it's rewarding, psychologically, emotionally and literally. Others will admire and respect you more for being this way. In turn, their admiration and respect might bring new opportunities that benefit you more than you would ever dream!
Your popularity rating is increasing. Quite likely, something that happens this week will begin to snowball, making others feel warmer to you. People will want to see you more. Invitations will come your way. People will admire you for your generosity and kindness, and they'll want to be in your company! (Everyone wants to hang out with a winner who is positive, upbeat and generous.) You might introduce charitable ideas to groups you belong to, or you might join charitable organizations. Personally, your own goals and dreams for the future will become more idealistic, as you realize you feel happier when you make a difference in the lives of others. (And they might remember you in their wills!)
You are a natural leader (all Leos are). This week, you might find yourself in a position of leadership or where you are high viz. and, in turn, you will use your influence to elevate the goals of others. You might inspire people to help someone in need, or work for the highest good. You might even be in a position where you can put this into action because you have enough influence. ("I'm the boss and this is where we are going to allocate some funds.") People will see that this is your choice. Others will see these are your values. Those who admire your choices will obviously want to join forces with you. Spiderman was right: "With great power comes great responsibility."
Many opportunities await you in the next 18 months, and some will be triggered by something that occurs this week. Travel for pleasure is likely, or travel to learn something new, particularly something that appeals to your idealism or your humanistic values. You might take a workshop that is "touchy-feely" or explore dreams or how to help those who are disadvantaged. You might also use opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law to explore these themes. Others will be inspired by a teacher or guru-like figure who espouses these values. It's exciting because you feel you suddenly have all these options you hadn't realized before. Who more than you knows "It's a joy to labour for those you love."
All Librans have a strong sense of justice and fair play. I know many think that your ruler, the scales, means you are the most balanced sign in the zodiac. Actually, the scales symbolize your constant search for balance; you seek harmony in your surroundings through colour, light, smell and harmony in relationships through fairness, reciprocity and interactions that are mutually beneficial. You hate it if someone takes advantage of anyone, especially you! This week you will start to see how powerful you can be by using the resources of others or something you own jointly with others, to help people. You can make a difference! Now this -- this is rewarding!
The next 18 to 24 months will be meaningful for you in terms of partnerships and close friendships. Casual relationships might become more committed. Others will meet new people who turn your crank. ("Will you marry me?") These new relationships and partnerships will be intimate or professional. This week, connections with others will empower you to benefit others. Those who benefit might be close relatives or loved ones or strangers in distant lands. You are a doer. You get things done. This week, you'll see you can get more done by working with others who have similar goals. (It's nice if they have deep pockets, too.)
Your job will improve tremendously in the next 18 to 24 months. This week, however, something might happen that allows you to use your job, or explore influences through your work whereby you help others or convince co-workers how fulfilling it is to jump on board and help a needy cause. You might meet someone through work who inspires or enables you to do this. Many of you will travel more in this connection as well. If you don't directly help co-workers, you will organize co-workers to help other groups. Money is flowing easily. (Be careful about gambling.)
Vacations, romance and travel for pleasure bless you in the next 18 months. This week you might discover a fabulous vacation possibility (especially a cruise or something related to the ocean). In addition, your idealism is aroused, and if you act on this and "do good," especially to help children or promote something positive in sports, not only will this benefit others but you could meet a new love through this activity! (Be still my beating heart.) It's amazing how positive actions promote positive results! Whatever you do to benefit others at this time will surely also benefit you. Opportunities in film, movies, therapy (especially working with dreams) and helping children abound.
Wonderful things will take place in your family and where you live during the next 18 to 24 months. Some of you will be jumping for joy! In addition to having increased warmth and happiness at home, you'll also experience increased wealth and assets. These might come to you as gifts, or you might buy them for yourself. This week, you could blow a serious chunk of change on something luxurious for your home. However, some of you will grab this opportunity to be generous to a family member. Conversely, someone might be generous to you! ("Bring it on!") Others will explore real-estate possibilities, especially waterfront or near water. Luxury appeals!
Your general sense of optimism will improve in the next two years, no doubt about it. (Many of you will notice something this week that triggers this positive state of mind.) More than any other sign, your belief in what is possible determines what manifests in your life. If you believe you are worthy of things, they manifest! Voila! If you believe you will never get them, you won't. You have to be constantly mindful of your thoughts and expectations. Starting this week, your idealism will grow. Many will start to see they're getting what they want in their dreams. (Then, in their waking state.) This is powerful stuff. Expect positive demonstrations of how "The eye sees what the mind knows."