This week Jupiter moves into Taurus to stay for an entire year. Because Jupiter is so huge, it represents abundance, expansion, wealth, luck, wisdom and joy. The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was in 2000. This week, as it shifts to Taurus, we'll start to experience different opportunities and different luck. Since Taurus is the sign of tangible wealth, moneybags Jupiter thrives in this sign! Incidentally, did you know that the USA defines a billion as a thousand million, whereas the British define a billion as a million million? Yikes! Think of the potential confusion in a prenup agreement between Paul McCartney and New Yorker Nancy Shevell. A mistake like this could start adding up to real money!
You are going to be making some serious coin in the next 18 months (or longer). Why 18 months if Jupiter is in Taurus for only 12 months? (It depends on the day you were born when it starts to influence your particular Aries chart.) Begin to think about abundance! Start to expect it. Plan for it. Redecorate a little room and hang prints of old banks, coins and money. (Green is a good choice.) Hum money tunes. This could come about because of a new job, a promotion in your existing job or a financial windfall. Naturally, you'll make exciting purchases in the next 18 months as well. "I feel rich!"
Finally, for the first time since 1999-2000, lucky Jupiter is back in your sign. This bodes extremely well for you! You will be happier. Life will provide experiences and opportunities that boost your confidence and increase your poise. People and favourable circumstances will be drawn to you. Furthermore, these people and circumstances will benefit you! Even into 2013, it's a lucky time for Taurus. Basically, you are entering a new 12-year cycle of growth. (Hmmm, considering your passionate love of good food and drink, you might have to let out another pleat in your shower curtain.)
This month is a strong time for you because the Sun is in Gemini and this week, your ruler Mercury moves into Gemini as well. This means you'll have an enormous urge to express yourself. Yada yada yada. Meanwhile, back in the chapel, Jupiter, the planet that rules religion, wisdom and higher learning will be travelling through a spiritual part of your chart. It will do this for the rest of this year and all of next year. Yesiree, you're going to get religion. "Glory hallelujah!" At a much deeper and more meaningful level, you will have a better understanding of life and how you fit into this Big Soup. It will become apparent to you that we're all in this together.
Even though you want to hide or be very low-key for the next month, it's a different message for the rest of this year and next year because your popularity rating is growing! In the next 20 months, expect to take classes, or join clubs, groups and organizations that introduce new friendships into your life. Not only will you be schmoozing much more with others, you'll work in tandem with them because partnerships and groups will benefit you. And you will help them as well! In fact, it's very much a two-way street. The degree to which you benefit others will benefit you. And the degree to which your benefit to others is long-lasting indicates how long-lasting the benefit will be for you. Capice?
Oh my! You have much to look forward to this year, and even up to the spring of 2013, because for the first time since the turn-of-the-century, lucky Jupiter will be sailing across the top of your chart. Yeehaw! This has the effect of putting your name up in lights! Your reputation will get a marvellous boost, and your success will be obvious to everyone. (Hey, you love good press. No worries. Work on your wardrobe so you can spontaneously go out in full dazzle.) Naturally, you will work hard to "get ahead" because you will sense this is your hour! Many of you will get a promotion or a better job. Work-related travel is likely, and perhaps dealings with foreign people or countries. A few Leos will change their line of work completely to medicine, higher education or the law. (How sweet it is.)
The shift of lucky moneybags Jupiter into Taurus bodes extremely well for your sign because Virgo and Taurus are both Earth signs. (Jupiter in Taurus is like putting a good saddle on a good horse.) Many of you will have increased opportunities for travel or dealing with foreign countries and foreign people. (Yes, this includes romance.) You can also take advantage of opportunities in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Work-related travel is extremely likely. Essentially, you're going places! This year and all of next year will be exciting because events will push you out of your comfy velvet rut. You'll discover adventure, and the thrill of meeting new people in new places. Buy carry-on luggage you like. Renew your passport. Pack for fun!
"Oh, how the money rolls in!" For the rest of this year and up to the spring of 2013 (depending on when you were born), you have a 12-month window where it will be easy to get loans, mortgages and support from others. Essentially, you will benefit from what others own. Naturally, this is an excellent time to form partnerships (personal or professional). It's also a good time to ask to borrow something or to use something that someone else owns. ("Are you using the cottage this summer? What about the chalet this winter?") Try it -- you might be surprised at what you can reel in. In addition, your sex drive will be pumped as well! (Good diary fodder here.)
For the remainder of this year until the spring of 2013, there will be a 12-month window where you can beautifully improve partnerships, both professional and intimate. This is a wonderful time to enter into a marriage or a committed relationship of any kind. Even good friendships will feel enhanced and more joyful. Without doubt, you will be more aware of any relationship that is mutually beneficial, especially a close partnership. New relationships that form will likely be with someone older, richer, more experienced or more worldly. Their sophistication will sweep you off your feet! ("My place or your yacht?")
You are going to be so encouraged in the immediate future (well into 2013), because everything to do with your employment scene, your job, and what you do to pay the bills is going to hugely improve. (Finally!) You will either get a better job, or something within your existing job will improve wonderfully. If you have a horrible boss, they'll be fired, transferred or retired. Gone in 60 seconds! Even your workspace will become more enjoyable. These same positive attributes will apply to your health and also, in a curious way, to small pets. Many of you will get a new pet that becomes vewy vewy pweshush to you. ("Cato!")
Perhaps more than any other sign, you get the brass ring because this shift of Jupiter is all about fun stuff for your sign. It will bring a big boost to romance, love affairs, social occasions, parties and schmoozing for pleasure. Some of you will discover new love with someone from another culture or a different country. Plan on a big vacation either this year or next or, for some of you, as late as early 2013. Increased joy with children, in fact, an expansion in your family through adoption, birth or marriage is also likely. You have a wonderfully happy time ahead! (Mom always liked you best.)
Like the other signs above, you have a marvellous, fresh,12-year window that will take place some time between now and the spring of 2013. (You do the math.) It is going to create the happiest home life that you've experienced since 1999-2000. This is a wonderful time for real-estate deals. It's also a great time to renovate your home or invest in it. Everything to do with your private life, your domestic world and your family life will be beautifully enriched and become more joyful and richer in every sense of the word, including literally. (Families might expand, too!) Your weekends will be full of champagne cocktails at brunch. Oh my. (Enjoy entertaining at home as well.)
For various reasons (and, of course, this depends on the details of your life), you are going to be happier! This definable and apparent quality will probably take place for about 12 months in a window of time between now and the spring of 2013. What will make you happier? I don't know. I only know that you are going to feel more positive about yourself and others, especially relatives and siblings. Short trips, discussions with others and perhaps your involvement in teaching, acting, selling, marketing, writing and editing will also boost your joy. Happy thoughts that lead to happy deeds and happy relationships are a vicious circle. Hard to say which comes first.