Last week, I talked about the Sun moving into Gemini. (Each month during the year, the Sun goes through one of the 12 signs.) Meanwhile back at the bank, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Taurus, and in two weeks, moneybags Jupiter will move into Taurus. Ka-ching! This means that in addition to the Sun in Gemini (new faces and new places creating a constantly shifting universe) there will be an increasing respect for money, wealth, and security, plus a desire for scrumptious, sumptuous food and drink because Taurus (the gourmand of the zodiac) loves creature comforts! We'll all be running around like crazy, stopping only to eat and sleep. A massage would be nice because Taurus is the most tactile sign in the zodiac even though I could never call them a soft touch.
In the mid-90s, you gave up people, possessions and relationships to enter a new sandbox around 1996-97. That's when you started to reinvent yourself. This was certainly evident by 2003-2004, no? This "new you" is now starting to take your power -- you want to flex your muscles! This is one of the reasons partnerships and close friendships are threatened: you don't intend to back down. This new-found strength (demonstrated by the "new you") will reach its culmination in a beautiful time of harvest around 2018. That's just seven years from now. You'd better get cracking! (Success gives some people big heads - and others big headaches!)
Things are suddenly getting very, very strong for your sign because Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Taurus. Mercury is all about how you talk, think, speak and communicate. Venus is about your biases, desires and style of relating to others. And Mars is all about how you assert yourself aggressively and sexually in the world. In a few weeks, lucky moneybags Jupiter will enter Taurus and stay there for a whole year! (Things couldn't get any better.) This influence will hugely boost your confidence and your overall sense of happiness in the world. (Like wow.)
Happy birthday, dear Gemini. With the Sun back in your sign for the first time in a year, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the next 12 months. However, this heavy emphasis of Taurus reveals something going on behind the scenes, possibly a secret love affair? (You're certainly playing your cards close to your heaving bosom.) Of course, since 2005, your residential scene has been shifting and changing radically. (People have to write your address in pencil, not ink.) And now you face a time of increased responsibilities with children, while you privately wonder what you really want to be when you grow up. (Even though you never will.)
This cluster of planets in Taurus boosts your popularity! Now is the time to take a class, join a gym, or align yourself with a club or organization. Your encounters with others will be competitive and fun-loving, and you'll enjoy meeting people who are younger and certainly artistic. In fact, new romance might blossom! Use the next month to strategize what you want your future year to be all about. As the old Chinese proverb goes, "Dig your well before you're thirsty." By all means, trust in your ability to do your own planning. (Hey - the Titanic was built by professionals, the Ark by amateurs.)
You're busy. Enjoy this increased popularity. (Everyone wants to see your face.) In addition, this handful of planets in Taurus at the top of your chart boosts your ambition, paves the way for you to talk to parents, teachers and VIPs, and makes you oh-so-charming in the eyes of others. In fact, they think you're so talented, you'll be asked for your creative input on something. After going through a time of transition from 2003 to 2005, once again, many of you are contemplating residential moves or job changes or both. Fortunately, it's a strong time for you.
This is the only time all year when the Sun is high in your chart, casting a flattering light on you. (Make the most of this.) Travel for pleasure, study, and romance with someone from a different background or another culture are all likely possibilities. Since 2007, you've been on a new path. Help from others, in addition to opportunities in travel and higher education, will come to you. Explore these because by late 2012 and all of 2013, your reputation will shine! In fact, the opportunities that come to you might lead to job or residential changes. Fear not, this is likely something you will welcome. Ah yes, the price of success.
So many changes! (And they keep on coming.) You've gone through (and might still be going through) a time of giving up things and saying goodbye to situations and relationships. This is because you had to do this to lighten your load in order to enter a new sandbox. You are in the process of reinventing yourself between now and 2018. Partnerships are especially supportive this year and next. The support you get from others will be financial, practical and tangible. (Yes!) In fact, the next year is a wonderful time to get a mortgage, a loan or benefit indirectly through others - including inheritances. Grab any opportunity to travel or do something different right now. You're hungry for change!
There's no question you're entering a phase in your life for the next few years where you'll say goodbye to people, possessions and places. (The last time this happened was in the mid-80s.) Essentially, what you'll let go of will be what is no longer relevant in your life. Right now, you have many opportunities to improve your job by getting different duties, a different workplace, a different job, or saying goodbye to your jerk boss. While Mercury, Venus and Mars oppose your sign (only for a few weeks) things are sticky with partners and close friends. Discussions are intense. Conflict is likely, and yet, there is love and affection as well. You're packing for the future, and it's hard to know what to take.
At the risk of repeating myself (I risk, I risk), you will need more sleep than usual in the next few weeks because you're tired! Don't kid yourself about this. In part, it's because you're driving yourself very hard. Yes, you're delegating but you still have lots on your plate. You're also being pulled in several directions trying to meet various obligations and expectations, and this is exhausting as well. Fortunately, fun vacations are totally possible now. Can you slip away somewhere? Romance, parties, the arts and good times definitely beckon. But do catch up on some much needed zzzzzs.
This is a powerful time because Pluto is in your sign for the first time in your life, and Saturn is at high noon. Like, holy cow! (It will be quite easy to lose weight for those of you who want to do so.) In fact, many of you are getting rid of lots of stuff! The next few weeks are party city for your sign, even though you are also working hard. That figures because it's a time of harvest, where all the seeds you've been planting are coming to fruition. (Pop!) Even matters to do with family, real estate and your domestic life are joyful and rewarding. Vacations, the arts, and playful times with children are equally rewarding choices. So much to do! So little time! Buy something sexy to wear. (Fishnet stockings were invented for your sign.)
Tra-la, tra-la, it is to laugh. Life is one big pregnant pause for you. The next six weeks are definitely a wonderful time for vacations, love affairs, romance, the arts, the theatre, and playful times with children. Look for every opportunity to express yourself with freedom and abandon. No apologies! Just be yourself. Family discussions and domestic repairs are on your plate right now. Renovations and redecorating projects might create chaos and tension at home. (Goes with the territory.) But on the whole, your day-to-day contacts are positive, especially with siblings and relatives. You sense that your career peak is almost within your grasp - and you're right. It's just a few years away. What can you do to prepare for this?
Home, family and domestic matters are your top priority now. In fact, you might have a greater than average need to cocoon at home, just to pull your act together or relax. (We all need this.) Nevertheless, this handful of Taurus planets has you running in all directions taking short trips, talking to everyone, schmoozing with friends, and possibly quarreling or taking a stand about something. Oh yeah, you are going to say what you mean and mean what you say! Opportunities to boost your income still exist, so keep your eyes open. (And your pockets.) This is a good thing because many of you will receive less from partners or other sources. Perhaps your partner will quit work or become self-employed? This will simply throw you back much more onto your own resources. (You can handle this.)