All Signs

Five signs are still in Aries -- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. (Talk about feisty, aggressive energy for everyone on the planet!) Nevertheless, this week, we have the only New Moon in Taurus all year. It's important to know that each New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions and set new intentions, and because each New Moon occurs in a different sign, it offers us different opportunities. Those who want to improve their lives can read on to discover how to use the New Moon energy this week. And for those who don't? Well, there are three kinds of people in this world -- those you can count and those who can't.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week might be one of the most important times of the year to give thought to your earnings and cash flow. What is your attitude to money? If you think it's filthy lucre, you won't have much of it. If you see it as energy that can be used to help yourself and others and get things done, that's different. And what about your possessions? Do you own your stuff or does it own you? What you own should make your life easier. But too often, what we own is a headache to maintain or repair or keep track of. Aagghh! This is the week to think about how to make what you own work for you and not be burden.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The only New Moon in your sign all year is your opportunity to take a realistic look in the mirror and size up the image you present to the world. What do you see? How dated are you? What can you do to improve how you look? People judge us by our appearance. And we feel differently according to how we look, right? Give some serious thought to your weight, your hairstyle, your wardrobe, and what you can do to create a better image. Likewise, this New Moon urges you to think about how you relate to partners and close friends. Actually, this is a wonderful opportunity to clean up your act!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a curious week for you. It's the only time all year when the New Moon is occurring in a "hidden" part of your chart. You might be focused on a secret activity. You might be more concerned with your inner, subconscious world at this time. This is an opportunity for you to think about your spiritual self, your beliefs, and what it is that guides you when the power goes out and you're in the dark. This is also the ideal time for you to take a look at your self-defeating habits or self-defeating behaviour patterns where you know you're sabotaging yourself. "Why? Why? Why?" (We all do it.) What is to be gained?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's time to think about friends and your relationship with groups. Whether you're extroverted or introverted, as a human, you're gregarious and social. Hey, we run in packs. No man is an island (not even a peninsula). Of course, if you want to make friends, the trick is to be friendly. You have to extend friendship to others. Or maybe you need to scrutinize your friends? Do you like who you hang out with? A good friend has your best interests at heart, right? Furthermore, different friends fill different needs. Take a moment to think about what kind of a friend you are to others.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is the perfect time to think about your life direction. Are you happy with where you're headed? What do you want out of life? How important are career, recognition and so-called traditional success? Essentially, it's time to ask yourself where do I want to be 10 years from now? Five years from now? One year from now? What can you do this year to get there? For that matter, what do you have to do this week to begin? All Leos are very future-oriented right now because in the next few years they're headed into a beautiful time of public success. Since all this good stuff is going to happen, start making plans!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This particular New Moon urges you to give serious thought to getting further education or training or learning more about anything. In other words, how can you broaden your experience of the world? One logical way to do this would be through travel. Another way would be to learn more through formal education, teaching yourself, or mingling with people from different backgrounds and other cultures. Some will focus strongly on publishing, the media, the law and medicine. Essentially, this week is the time to think about how to get more out of life! Learn something new. Grab a little adventure! After all, life is short -- and fat.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week you might feel particularly intense about practically anything because of the New Moon. Certainly, it will draw your attention to taxes, shared property, insurance matters, and anything that you own jointly with others. You might be more involved with loans, debt or paying things off, or returning them. In other words, how can you best make use of the financial resources available to you and ways that others will help you? This includes the wealth and resources of your partner. How much do you rely on others? Check out the balance you have going in your life. Naturally, you want to accept the help of others, but you also have to be independent.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The New Moon in Taurus is directly opposite your sign, which draws your focus to partners and close friendships. No question. What kind of people do you attract to you? We tend to attract people who fulfill our core beliefs about relationships. For example, how would you finish the sentence "I always attract ..." Or "when I get in a relationship (blank) invariably happens." These are your beliefs about your power to attract others or your ability to be loved. What do you really expect from a relationship? What do you want to offer to a relationship? This is the perfect week to ponder these questions. (Of course, for some, marriage is not a word, it's a sentence.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

All Sagittarians this week are giving lots of thought to their health and to their job. Why? Because that is where the New Moon -- this particular new Moon this month -- is taking place. And it's the only time all year this occurs. Start with your health. Are you happy with the state of your health? What can you do to improve it? You are an outdoorsy sign who enjoys being outside in nature and, above all, being active. In fact, physical activity is paramount to your happiness. Optimism is the other key to your survival. You have to enjoy your work. Think about your job. Should you get a better job? Can you improve your current job? Can you improve your relations with your boss? Or even change your attitude to your job? Hmmm?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's wonderful to have achievements from work, but we all need to play as well. We need to enjoy the arts. We need recreation. We need fun and games. We love our sports. Many delight in playful activities with children. And who doesn't want to be loved and adored? These are all the things this particular New Moon urges you to think about. How adorable are you? Do you give yourself an opportunity to enjoy the arts or, in turn, to express your own creativity? What about giving yourself permission to be passionate about sports? (This is pretty easy for many people.) This New Moon wants you to balance your work and your play. (All work makes Jack's widow rich.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your attention now turns to home, family and your domestic life. You might be renovating or redecorating. You might be pondering real estate. Whatever the case, it's important to know what your values are. You might knock yourself out making a beautiful house, but in doing so you alienate family members. Now you have a house but not a home. What can you do to improve family relationships? We often take family for granted because they're "there." But a threat or loss immediately makes us aware how important these relationships are. (Nevertheless, George Burns had a point: "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Communications and your approach to your daily activities are what this particular New Moon urges you to focus on this week. We tend to take communications with others for granted. But you can observe around you that some people are easily misunderstood, while others are naturally stronger communicators. "Step away from the car. Keep your hands in the air." At a deeper level, how risk-taking are your communications with others? Do you keep conversations to a safe level about sports, the weather, and the news? Are you prepared to share your feelings and fears with others? The more honest and risk-taking you are, you will see that others will reciprocate in kind. ("Oh great, now I'm stuck here while my neighbour tells me all about her nightmares.")