All Signs

The first Mercury retrograde this year begins this week and lasts until April 23. (But it is not truly over until May 11, when Mercury catches up to where it was when it first paused.) For those who want to plan ahead, Mercury will also go retrograde from Aug. 2 to 28, and Nov. 23 to Dec. 15. But the effects of Mercury retrograde begin before these dates because Mercury is slowing down. So if you're buying a computer, car, truck, bike, or an item related to communications (including cell phones) try to avoid these times (and even a week before these times). Yes, we bemoan inefficiency, mixed-up messages, lost items, and transportation delays. But hey, we can also finish old projects and get lots of old stuff done! (As the saying goes -- if at first you don't succeed, hide all evidence that you ever tried.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Heads up! This Mercury retrograde is in Aries! (See above.) Expect to encounter ex-partners and old friends. This could be fascinating and exciting or horrific, depending on how these relationships ended. (Do look sharp when you go out because living well is the best revenge. Eh wot?) You'll have a double-whammy hit of misplacing items, forgetting things, losing things, suffering from transportation delays and mixed-up communications with others. Oy vey! The solution? Be proactive! Double-check dates, times and appointments. Assume nothing! If there's room for errors, they will occur. You'll be living under Murphy's Law for the next month.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For the next month, your ability to do any kind of research will be absolutely phenomenal because retrograde Mercury is in a hidden part of your chart that focuses on research and secrets (among other things). And when Mercury is retrograde, it always wants to go backwards into the past. This means you'll easily delve into any kind of subject area that involves the past, or history, or learning secrets about anything that interests you. You'll be like a hot knife cutting through butter when it comes to doing this. What you learn from the past might help you to determine your future, especially in terms of setting goals for your new year ahead. Ya think?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Since Mercury is your ruler, when it goes retrograde you feel it! This Mercury retrograde brings old friends from your past back into your world. You love an adoring peanut gallery, so you will enjoy seeing old faces again. Naturally, there will be some exceptions. (Life is full of exceptions, have you noticed?) Since this is such a popular time for you, perhaps contact with someone from your past will cause you to alter or change your goals for the future? This is a definite possibility. They might show you new ways of doing something. Meanwhile, allow extra time for everything and double-check anything that could go wrong with transportation plans. You hate delays!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is an interesting month because retrograde Mercury is at the top of your chart. Many of you will run into ex-bosses or authority figures from your past, or even a parent you might not have seen for a while. How this plays out completely depends on you and your relationship to this person. Another possibility is that you will have a second chance -- one more kick at the can -- to take a new job or promote yourself with someone, or position your name in a public way. This is also a good time to tie up loose details in old business with bosses, once and for all. You're in the limelight and people notice you now! (Check your zipper.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a wicked Mercury retrograde month because it occurs in the part of your chart related to travel. Meanwhile, we know that Mercury retrograde means delays in transportation! Therefore, if travelling, arrive at the airport early. Double-check your documents and make sure you're waiting at the right gate. (Painful experience.) Ditto for automobiles and trucks. Try to anticipate what might go wrong. Delays in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything with higher education are likely. The good news is you can finish old business! You can finish that book, that play, that school paper, whatever. It will be easier to study the past and do research. You win, you lose.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The bad news about the Mercury retrograde this month is that cheques in the mail might be late. (Ouch.) Money that is owed to you from other sources and anything to do with shared property, taxes, debt and loans could be delayed. Some things might drift off into the ether and disappear! On the other hand, there's good news. You'll find it easier to plow through red-tape paperwork and forms, and finish stuff you've been procrastinating about because Mercury retrograde always helps you to finish old business. This is a godsend! You can also finish discussions about shared property, and bring things to a close.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Mercury retrograde is opposite your sign. This opposition focuses on ex-partners and old friends. Let's look at the two possibilities that are likely. In the month ahead, you'll be in contact more with people from your past, especially ex-partners. (Gulp.) This might be an opportunity to learn something. You might have greater clarity or better understanding about something. ("So glad I left!") But another advantage might help you to finish old business with ex-partners and reach a level of closure. You can work with the impulse of Mercury to focus on the past. This month can be a tremendous learning period for you. "You look familiar? Oh riiight, we were married.")

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

One of the many good things about astrology is it can help you get prepared for something. "Circle the wagons and get the women and children in the centre!" Mercury retrograde this month will send a few zingers to your job and place of employment. Expect delays, mixed-up communications, cheques late in the mail, staff shortages, equipment breakdowns, and lots of silly little errors. Knowing this ahead of time, you can be patient. Don't make a big deal about these mistakes. Be tolerant and accept them because Mercury retrograde errors are minor (but frustrating)! Allow extra time for everything. Try not to begin new projects; instead, focus on finishing what is already on your plate because this will come to completion very easily.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Many of you will run into old flames in the month ahead. Sometimes this is fun but often it's not what you would seek out. ("Why are you crouching down behind the counter?") Keep this in mind with your appearance this month. You'll want to look sharp. (Make them realize what they're missing.) This is also an excellent time to wrap up old business with sports, and the care and education of children. Partners who have disputed child support might reach an agreement. Vacations might be delayed. If you're taking a vacation, especially to some place new, double-check your arrangements and reservations. Some of you will finish creative projects like a screenplay or piece of sculpture. (With old romantic partners on the scene -- two is company, three is an orgy.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Stock the fridge because relatives will be camped on your doorstep or sleeping on your sofa this month. Family reunions are likely because Mercury retrograde will resurrect old family dynamics and bring relatives you haven't seen for a while back in the picture. This will be a good month to finish family business or finish renovations or repairs at home. Family discussions can deal with matters that have been put off forever. Now is the time. Some can wrap up old real-estate deals that have been lingering. "The house is finally sold!" Lots of childhood memories might bubble to the surface. Times like this make you realize that George Burns was right: Happiness is having a warm, loving, caring family in another city.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You can feel Mercury retrograde right now, and you will continue to feel it until past the date that I mentioned above. (Probably as late as May 11.) Please be aware that this particular Mercury retrograde could be an accident-prone time for you. It almost certainly will cause delays in transportation and travel. It will definitely mix up all your communications with others. Misunderstandings will be rife. Old business with siblings and neighbours might be back in your lap again. All these areas could be room for misunderstanding or an opportunity to clarify things. Run away!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Mercury retrograde this month will delay some financial issues for you. But the good news is it will attract money from the past. Old issues from the past might finally bring money to you. (We like!) This is a good part. The not-so-good part is that old bills from the past might also arrive. (We don't like.) Many of you will have a second chance at a job that slipped away before. Methods of earning money from the past might return to you. You might have a chance to buy something that you wanted before but somehow missed. Financial matters and things to do with your possessions will either "catch up" be running old tapes.