Uranus is now in Aries for the first time since the early 1930s. This planet is associated with earthquakes, volcanoes, explosions, and unpredictable events. As it moves through our personal charts it forces us to let go of rigid patterns. Its impulse is to free us from oppression imposed by others, or our own self-imposed limitations. After its encounter, we feel freer, younger, more rejuvenated and enthusiastic! It's definitely a wake-up call. In the same way that countries are now rebelling against oppressive regimes, each of us will do this as well. I'm thinking of rebelling against work. But I can't figure out how to solve the money angle. (The money is so handy when you want to buy frills like bread and milk.)
For the first time in your life (for most of you) Uranus is in your sign. That means the next seven years are going to be a serious drive for freedom for you. Others may view your actions as pointless rebellion. Don't listen to them. Old patterns in your life will be broken down. Depending on how rigid you have let things become, the changes you undergo will be greater or less so. But whatever you have been putting up with -- relationships, jobs, living conditions -- might now become unbearable. (This will happen in a few years for some of you and right now for others.) Get ready for a whole new outlook on life. Because this planet is now in your sign, you can run but you can't hide.
There's no question that Uranus is the planet of revolution. However, the revolution that will take place for your sign is far more subtle than for Aries. Your revolution will be internal. It will be more of an inner awakening to some kind of new truth or epiphany about how you view yourself and the world around you. Yes, it will have a "born again" quality to it, and of course it's wonderful to be born again but, in fact, if you are totally in the here and now, you are being constantly reborn! (Kind of.) Explore unusual consciousness-raising events and activities. Be tolerant and keep an open mind (but not so open that everything falls out).
For you, the revolutionary aspect of the next few years will relate to the people you hang out with and the goals you embrace. Many of you will suddenly become involved with new clubs or groups or just a new circle of friends, and this influence suddenly takes you in a whole new direction. These people will be "different" from those you normally encounter. Either they're different or they are involved in something different or they espouse different ideas; whatever it is will cause you to change your goals. (People we hang out with totally influence our mind, hence our decisions, hence our future, so there's no question about this. There's also no question that I seem to like the word "hence" this week.)
The revolutionary influence of Uranus will be significant for you because Uranus is moving across the top of your chart! One thing is certain: You will rebel against any kind of authority that you feel is oppressive, or no longer appropriate. "I'm outta here!" One of the most common manifestations will be that your professional life will go in a whole new direction. You will change the professional game face you present to the world. You might become more involved with technology, and you also might become more involved with nonprofit organizations that will benefit the planet. Classic Uranus expression. There will be changes, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Whenever Uranus moves into a new area of our chart, it brings exciting, revolutionary changes. In the next several years, many Leos are going to travel more than they ever have. Others will feel radical changes taking place in their life because of publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. Higher education could be mind-blowing, either through what you learn or the accreditation you receive, which, in turn, opens new doors. Another area that is just as likely to get a big boost is religion, politics and racial issues or dealing with foreign countries. You might embrace a new belief system. You might fall in love with someone from a different background. You might change your politics.
Radical changes in the next few years will take place that affect your partner's wealth. Something to do with shared property (including debt, inheritances, insurance matters and taxes) might take a sudden shift or reveal some surprises. It could be a windfall! Many of you will be freed from onerous responsibilities for somebody or something. In the next few years, you will feel lighter and freer than you have in years -- maybe forever! (You have never felt this before in your life.) You might desire greater independence. You might want more than ever to be able to stand on your own two feet and not rely on anybody else. ("I'm my own person. I answer to no one! Oh, terribly sorry, is this your seat?")
Well, revolutionary things are taking place for you because Uranus is now opposite your sign. Holy cannoli! (First time in your life.) The most obvious manifestation is that it will affect your closest relationships and partnerships. Those that aren't working well will be blown out of the water. If you've been hanging on to a relationship that is long dead, this is the death knell. Good relationships will also undergo changes for the better to stay alive and fresh. Uranus always fights stale situations. Its lively influence will also put you at odds with some friends. Since you like to keep the peace and not rock the boat, you'll surprise yourself. ("Did I just say that?")
All Scorpios can expect a big shift in their employment scene in the next several years. You might change your job. You might leap into a self-employed situation. "I'm open for business!" You might get involved with new technology that's job-related. Whatever happens will be exciting and liberating. You might decide to work for an NGO or Amnesty International or Greenpeace or unions. Some will also have a sudden change with small pets. You also want your body to work efficiently. Therefore, some will take up new health regimes or try a new approach to diet and what to eat. You feel a strong need for change for the better.
The surprises you experience in the next few years are exciting because they're in the field of creativity. You might give birth to a new work of art: writing, dance, painting, whatever. Or you might give birth to new creation in terms of having a baby or expanding your world through adoption, birth or working with children in a new way. Spontaneous vacations will be the order of the day and the traveller in you will love this. And romance will be full of surprises! Sudden, spontaneous romances will spring up overnight, quite possibly with someone you would never expect to talk to, let alone climb into bed with. Ah, sweet mystery of life!
Capricorns can expect big changes on the home front in the next few years: sudden residential moves, or a chance to buy your first home, or a radical move like changing countries, or perhaps major renovations or repairs. In the same way, major changes might take place to your family dynamic. These changes could come about through marriage, divorce, weddings, adoptions, or the birth of a baby. The status quo will shift in a way that makes you feel freer, younger and more liberated. When the dust settles, your responsibilities will feel lighter and easier to manage. Someone unusual might move into your living space. Anything.
Your ruler Uranus will impact your daily habits, where you go every day, the neighbours you see, and even your relationship with siblings and relatives. (Especially siblings.) However, beyond the influence of it disrupting or changing your daily schedule and daily routine, Uranus will also hugely expand your mindset and your way of thinking. In this respect, it will be liberating because it offers you a total reorientation to things. We're talking everyday mental attitudes and habits. You might first notice that casual, routine communications with others are suddenly profound and mind-blowing. (Whaaat?) This is the classic time to begin a new study that changes your life.
We both know you're going to boost your earnings this year and next but now with mighty Uranus on the scene, we see that your method of earning money, and your ability to earn money, and your approach to earning money are all going to undergo huge changes! Perhaps a sudden job change for some, or a sudden opportunity to be self-employed. You might use technology in a bigger way. You might even invent something. This is an exciting time for you and this year in particular can be a year of bounty for you! And this is a good thing because you have to counteract the influence of perhaps having less support from your partner or other sources. (Sigh.)