Let's look at something that affects us for the next decade, instead of just the next week. Wild, unpredictable Uranus was last in Aries from 1927 to 1935. This week (for the first time since the Great Depression), it returns to Aries to stay until 2019. This does not necessarily mean we're going to have another Depression. (Other planets are in different signs; nothing is ever "just the same.") But it does mean there will be revolutions and revolts (we see this already in the Middle East) and, to a lesser extent, protests anywhere against authority that is viewed to be repressive, undemocratic or unfair. But it also shakes up different areas of our lives in a fresh, rebellious way. We are all going to wake up and smell a different brew of coffee. Sorry, no decaf available.
In a way, the most revolutionary thing that has happened in your life is starting to happen this week! The planet that rules earthquakes, volcanoes, dynamite, rebellion and revolt is entering your sign this week! It's going to stay there for eight years to shake up your entire approach to life. Your drive for freedom will constantly increase. (Don't listen to others who might try to dismiss you.) You can expect an increasing interest in yoga, human potential studies, consciousness-expanding areas and anything that rejuvenates your enthusiasm for life. You're on a quest! "To Infinity -- and beyond!"
Without question, many of you will do a serious spiritual journey in the next 10 years. Quite likely, something will trigger it. You might have an epiphany of some kind, or meet someone, or experience something personal in your life that forces you to seek answers to big questions. Uranus will stir up things within your life in the next decade. It will also jiggle all kinds of repressed experiences -- things you might not even be aware of. It's an excellent time for any kind of psychoanalysis or counselling or self-scrutiny so that you can sort out old tapes that have been playing in your head for years. Be gone! "Out, out, damned spot!
As Uranus changes signs this week, it heralds a time where you will start to seek out new friends. In the next few years you might find that you are increasingly attached to people from different backgrounds, or people who challenge your old ways of thinking or doing things. Others will have a reaction against clubs they now belong to. You might suddenly rebel against the group! "Lemme outta here!" (Who are these people?) Similarly, you might radically change your goals for the future in the next few years. It's exciting! The end result of any Uranus influence is that you feel younger and more snappy.
For the first time in your life, Uranus is going to be moving across the top of your chart. This is major. One thing that will happen is that some of you will completely rebel against authority figures like your boss or your parents. (You might surprise yourself when you do this.) It could happen anytime in the next decade, starting this week. (Yikes!) However, more likely, you will also break through self-imposed boundaries you have about your life direction in general. In the next few years, you will seriously entertain exciting possibilities that you never dared to dream for yourself. I can do this! "To the Moon, Alice!"
An exciting time for Leos! Uranus is going to open up all kinds of possibilities and opportunities for you through publishing, higher education, travel to foreign countries, as well as medicine and the law. Many of you will explore new life-belief systems, religions and alternative ways of thinking, both ancient or modern. Whatever happens, you will definitely pursue activities that broaden your experience of life. Life will become more exciting, more thrilling, and more educational in every sense of the word. You will welcome change in your life. Furthermore, things around you will cause you to see yourself in a new light. It's a good time to adopt a new exercise program or some kind of health regime. You can break free of damaging physical habits now. "More whiskey and fresh horses for my men!"
Many of you are going to find that in the next few years, you'll become increasingly impatient with duties and obligations, and especially the responsibilities for others. Enuff awreddy! You might also be more adamant about defending your point of view whenever you encounter a situation where your values do not agree with the values of others. You might easily dispute arrangements about shared property, inheritances, or anything that you own jointly with others, including debts. An old order is passing away. And you are the new broom, sweeping away what you no longer want in order to make room for fresh air and new ideas!
Well, this is certainly going to be an interesting ride for you because wild, unpredictable Uranus is going to oppose your sign for the next eight years! This has to affect your closest friendships and partnerships. No question. You will definitely blow off some relationships because they feel restrictive or they hamper you in some way. Alternatively, you might attract new friends who are very different from the people you used to hang out with. If you are "alternative," then these different people might wear three-piece suits. Or vice versa. Naturally, this will put stress on some partnerships. You are going to seek experiences and people who make you feel more alive! Pinch me!
Things are really going to change in your job scene in the next decade. Factoid. The most obvious feature will be that many of you are going to strike out on your own to become self-employed. You will develop a new attitude to your work and a new relationship to your job and the people you work with. You might become more high-tech savvy. You will have an increasing horror of dull, routine jobs. You want everyday tasks and jobs that make you feel younger and more excited about life. You want adventure, and a chance to make a difference in the lives of others! (Think Florence Nightingale or Norman Bethune.)
A wonderfully thrilling decade awaits you! All Sagittarians are going to feel that their life is starting to really turn around for the better. Exciting possibilities to delve into the arts or express your creativity will start to arise now. Sudden, unexpected chances to travel and enjoy mini-vacations are definitely in the picture. You might take an avant-garde, more saucy or sophisticated approach to entertaining. Some will meet unusual and decidedly different lovers. Others will have unexpected pregnancies. (Oops.) These are what I call obstacle blessings. First, you're stunned like a deer caught in the headlights, and then you're overjoyed with a precious bundle.
In the decade ahead, you are going to see startling changes taking place on the home front or within your family. Sudden residential moves, sudden additions to the family through birth or marriage, along with a shift in your family dynamic in some way are classic, starting now and in the years to come. Family members might bring home people who are "most unusual." (Ahem.) There's a strong likelihood you will introduce more technology into your daily living pattern. ("I never touch paper anymore. I use iPad, read my Kindle, and order all my groceries online.") Others will break away from repressive family situations or heavy-duty parents. Enuff is enuff!
This entire discussion this week is all about your ruler, Uranus. You are right at home with this rebellious attitude, because you have felt this within you since birth. You have always fought the good fight against the bad guys. Furthermore, you're willing to extend that fight on behalf of those who need to be rescued. You don't sit on the sidelines and watch people drown. Not you. You immediately form a human chain to fix things. Now your ruler is shifting into a new sign, which in turn will attract new and different people into your life on a daily basis. Your everyday mental attitudes will change. You might become more involved in intellectual pursuits. Even the tempo of your day will be more speedy. Everything is up for grabs! You'll start taking lots of short trips to expand your world. Stay fly.
The shift of Uranus is going to bring a financial revolution into your life! Expect new jobs, new ways of earning money, and new opportunities to be self-employed. Many of you will make more high-tech purchases in the next few years, and you will also rely increasingly on technology to govern your cash flow and deal with your finances. However, at a deeper level, you will see that your values will be changing. (No small thing!) What you thought was important before somehow isn't anymore. New things are now important. Sudden windfalls (and losses) with property and possessions are possible. In fact, your relationship to the things you own will change. You might want more; you might want less. Who knows? (The Shadow knows!)