This week we have a New Moon (on March 3 and 4), which is an opportunity to make resolutions and improve our lives. (Each month, according to the sign of that particular New Moon, we have a different set of opportunities where we can most easily improve our lives.) Why not use this to your advantage? All you have to do is to make a resolution or two. What have you got to lose? By the way, there is no need to foist this activity onto others. Just focus on yourself. As Robert Byrne said, "Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell."
So much is going on behind the scenes, it's exciting and intriguing. Some are making secret plans; others are indulging in secret love affairs or clandestine trysts. (I love the word clandestine.) For years, I pronounced it wrong. Many do. That's how it lives up to its meaning. (Sounds like "intestine.") New people from different backgrounds are breathing new life into your world. In fact, some of these new acquaintances might blossom overnight into romance! Caution: It's all happening very fast. Part of the appeal is the other person is "different." Don't be in a hurry to make a commitment. Wait until you can spell their last name.
This week is the best week all year for Taurus to set future goals or change your current goals. This is because this New Moon is in the part of your chart that's related to goals and dreams for your future. An auspicious opportunity not to be missed! Give some serious thought to where you want to be 10 years from now, five years from now, one year from now. What do you want to begin to line up this year so that you can go in that direction? This is the perfect thing to contemplate on Thursday and Friday this week. Meanwhile, flirtations with a boss or someone older, richer or more worldly might really turn your crank. (Is that your heart pounding or mine?)
This is an important New Moon for you because this is the only time all year that a New Moon takes place at the top of your chart. This is your chance to ponder your life direction in general, as well as your relationship with the people who are the authority figures in your life. (Your parents, your boss, your teacher, your advisor, the police or someone like that.) What can you do to improve your relations with these people? Are you happy with the direction in which you are headed? Is there something you should do to facilitate what you want to achieve in the future? Romance with someone who is "different" is likely now -- the kind of thing that sweeps you off your feet. Sudden opportunities to travel are also at hand. An exciting week!
This is the ideal week for Cancers to figure out if further education or training or travel could make your life richer. Perhaps further education will enhance your job? It can certainly enhance your experience of life. You might want to learn through classes, or formal education, or more informally through travel. Can someone from another country or a different background teach you something? These are classic questions for you to consider this week. Be on the lookout for opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and, of course, higher education. Meanwhile, keep your pockets open for gifts, goodies and favours from others. Ka-ching!
Because this is a time of flux and change in your life around where you live and where you work, it makes sense that you're focused on shared possessions, jointly-held property, inheritances, insurance matters plus debt and taxes. All the fun stuff. Do whatever you can to define and clear some of this stuff up. Naturally, this is exactly where this New Moon wants you to focus. How do you want to clear up all this red tape? Make a list. Ignoring this stuff won't make it go away. And you don't want to have to keep looking over your shoulder, do you? ("Who are those guys?" Remember the Sundance kid?) Relations with partners and close friends are especially smooth. Smoochy-boochies!
A handful of planets now oppose your sign, which makes you feel that others are opposing you, which might be the case! And because Mars is one of those planets, you very easily will feel annoyed with others. (You've got the proverbial short fuse.) Consider this knowledge as a warning, because forewarned is forearmed. Give others a lot of rope. Don't make a big deal about things. Remember Confucius: He who flings dirt only loses ground. Instead, work with the New Moon and ask yourself how you can improve these partnerships and close friendships because they do matter to you. If they didn't matter, you wouldn't be so annoyed. Right?
You're putting out lots of energy to work hard. In fact, you're so keenly focused on getting better organized that you are delegating as much as possible. Small wonder this is where the New Moon wants you to focus this week! How can you do your job better? How can you become better organized at work? If you change your attitude about your work, will that help? (Definitely think about this one.) Meanwhile, love affairs, romance, vacations, fun sports events, and playful times with children will delight you. These social occasions will pop up suddenly in a spontaneous way. Be ready to go with the flow because you will have fun! (Pinkie promise.)
Pleasure, romance, vacations, parties, exciting sports events, and playful times with children are your focus this month. You want to have fun! Because you are such a purposeful, strong-willed sign, if you decide it's time for games, fun and pleasure, that's what it's going to be! Lucky Scorpios will slip away on a vacation somewhere. Therefore, use the New Moon energy this week to think about how to improve your relationships with children, how to improve your romantic life, and how to ensure that you have enough play time so that your work is fulfilling. (All work and no play makes Jack's widow rich.)
Ah ha! This New Moon urges you to make resolutions about how to improve your home, family and domestic and private life. What can you do to improve your home? What can you do to improve your family relations? What can you do so that you feel safely cocooned in the refuge of your home? Think of what you want your home scene to be down the road in your future. You like to have goals to aim for. Meanwhile, new acquaintances could turn into "love at first sight" in a New York minute! Others will discover sudden opportunities to teach, write, edit, sell, market, or promote something. Life is changing very fast for you!
Short trips, conversations, plus numerous errands keep you running. You can't stop. You are so primed, you can outsell, out-talk, and out-promote anything. Ditto for writing, acting and teaching skills. You're hot! Meanwhile, back at the confessional, the New Moon this week (and the only one all year) is urging you to scrutinize your style of communicating to others. Do people respond in the way you hope they will? Do you think they hear what you are really saying? How well do you think you hear them? What can you do to improve your communicating skills in general? (And what about communications with siblings? Aye, there's the rub.)
Not only are you thinking about how to earn money, you are contemplating major purchases as well. Your focus is on your cash flow. No surprise, therefore, that this is where the New Moon urges you to introduce some goal planning. How much money do you want to make in the future? How do you see your future based on your current cash flow? How can you use your money and your possessions so that you can be happiest? After all, the purpose of life is to be happy. And happiness often has little to do with your bank balance, once your basic needs are met. (Naturally, this includes a kick-ass computer and money for the freedom to do your own thing.)
Such a focus on you! The Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and now the New Moon are all in Pisces. (Yes, it's time to kick up your heels and do some serious shopping for shoes and boots!) Naturally, all these planets ensure that you will attract attention and, furthermore, attract favourable opportunities to you as well. The planets make you outgoing, charged with energy, and eager to communicate to others. However, this week, the New Moon is your best chance all year to think about how to improve your image and your style of relating to others. Do a serious reality check in the mirror. What do you see? How can you make a more dazzling first impression? What can you do to be more successful dealing with others? First impressions count! (But you know this.)