Because mighty Pluto is making a dance with lucky Jupiter this week, opportunities exist for all of us to make big improvements or do something eventful. We can grasp this chance or ignore it. (You snooze, you lose.) I recommend trying to make the most of this opportunity because it's not going to come again until August 2017. (That's a long snooze!) Sometimes the ho-hum of life is discouraging -- you're here today and you're here tomorrow. (Especially when it has occurred to you lately that nothing has occurred to you lately.) But much of this is just mental energy. We can kid ourselves into being bored or feeling down, and we can just as easily kid ourselves into feeling energetic and happy! I'm gonna start kidding myself right now.
Recent events have probably prompted you to do some serious soul-searching. You might be pondering your own mortality much more than usual because of a recent meeting or discussion with someone. This week has an element of a "wake-up" call for your sign. Something has jogged your thinking. Naturally, this is a good thing. Who wants to go through life half-asleep - definitely not you! Those of you who were born in March will also be thinking about how to transform your image or change your appearance for the better. (Perhaps by giving thought to wardrobe items or glasses or hats, or what kind of impression you want to create on others.) All Aries are memorable types! (Ya think?)
This is a very important time in your life because a lot of you are actually changing your goals. This process of changing or refining or tweaking your goals is probably taking place because of something to do with your relationship to a friend or a group. Perhaps their input has influenced you? Or perhaps the achievements or activities of someone have inspired you? Some of this change might actually be reflected in your relationship to a group. You might assume more responsibility in a group. A few of you will even encounter powerful people through a group. ("Hi Darth.") Whether through competition, or working together with others, or being introduced to something new - others will help you!
There is no question that at this time in your life, you are transforming your image in your society around you or in your world. In fact, right now, you are quite ambitious to do this! It's as if you really want to prove something to others. That's fine. You're definitely going to get your chance now. This week in particular, your ambition might be so aroused, that you want to achieve great things. You're setting your sights higher than usual. Just make sure you play fair. When Pluto is in the equation, you can be busted so fast for being underhanded or sneaky. Take the high road - and go for the gold!
This is a powerful time in your life because many of you are undergoing a big shift in your belief system. This shift could relate to religion, politics, or even your belief in how you want to live your life and expand your world. You might decide to travel more or get further education or explore new avenues. It's as if you're waking up to something - possibly a profound truth that can affect your approach to everything you do. Some of you might also meet someone from a different background or another country who really changes your thinking about something. And yes - for some of you, it could be sort of "born again" experience. There's nothing wrong with rebirth if it's rejuvenating.
Something might be happening right now that makes you feel richer, especially in terms of what you share with someone else. Some of you might get an inheritance or get a better deal vis-à-vis shared property, insurance matters, or anything that is jointly held. Something to do with higher education, publishing, the media, or travel in the future could also offer rewarding possibilities. It appears that your life is becoming enriched in some way, and at the same time, it is teaching you something new. Work is blessed. Your health looks good. Intimate relations are passionate. There's a lot going on in your life right now. Get serious about travel plans for this year because you're going places!
Relations with others are a bit challenging now because so many planets are opposing you, especially fiery Mars. This means it's very easy to be annoyed with others. (You know who you are.) Nevertheless, as you struggle with challenges with partners and close friends - something marvelous might occur. You might really appreciate who these people are. It's so easy to think that we're going to live forever, and we can procrastinate sharing good things with others and instead, indulge in petty, little criticisms. But life doesn't work that way. We never know how long we have, do we? For any of us. This realization can make you appreciate who you have in your life right now.
You are definitely working very hard, and going to continue to work hard this month. No question. You're talking to everyone, delegating as much as you can, and you've got ambitious energy to burn! Relations with the general public are excellent. But what is unusual is that your approach to your job, and perhaps even your job itself, is changing for the better. It's becoming more rewarding, more fulfilling, and possibly, more financially advantageous. In some ways, you have that feeling that your chickens are coming home to roost. You see that your past efforts are now bearing fruit - or should I say laying eggs?
Some of you are going through some revolutionary situations with your health, hopefully, for the better. You're also taking an entirely new approach to dealing with kids, and this too, is for the better. But the really good news is that vacations, the arts, and anything to do with the entertainment world can be enormously satisfying and rewarding. You might do something that you will remember for the rest of your life! In fact, whatever you do might actually shift your focus in some way, or introduce you to a new field that you choose to embrace. This is also a great party month! Do whatever you can to enjoy yourself. (Lucky Scorpios are on vacation.)
There's no question that your focus is on home, family and domestic matters right now. Discussions with family members, especially parents could be significant. You might experience increased chaos and activity at home due to renovations, residential moves, or visiting guests. (Or perhaps you are on the move?) But in the bigger picture, something is going to happen that enlarges your home scene, either through family (marriage, adoption or birth) or through your physical digs. You might move to a bigger place or buy something for where you live so that your home feels richer! Something related to real estate could really change your life for the better.
This is a very good month to buy wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. You're particularly tactful and gracious. Nevertheless, you're also forceful in all your communications! (A contradiction.) This is a very strong time for those of you who teach, write, edit, proof, act, sell or promote anything for a living. You're eager to enlighten others. Many of you will find that your communication skills, either casually or through your job, will bring you a big payoff now. It's very rewarding for those in sales, retail, writing and teaching. You are really getting in touch with just how successful you can be - and it's almost too much to hope for, isn't it?
Your focus is very strong in financial matters right now - earning money, spending money, as well as taking care of your possessions. Don't delay about some of your bright ideas - act now. Many of you can see revolutionary new opportunities to earn money, or improve your job, or even get a better job. Others will see new uses or new applications for something you already own. You're an extremely inventive person, capable of originality and innovation. Life can be exciting now because if you push the sides of the envelope, you can achieve more than you thought possible. And your new ideas can boost your income!
A gaggle of planets are gathering in your sign - the Sun, Mercury, Mars and of course, Uranus. It's all about you, dear Pisces! Not only are you talkative, energetic and excited, this is an extremely fortunate time for you! Favourable circumstances and important people are attracted to you. Lady luck is smiling on you as well. With all this good fortune swirling around you, some of you will improve your appearance or feel better about yourself. You can expect to have experiences that make you feel richer or more affluent. You might feel you are living the life of Riley! (As they say - if you've got it baby - flaunt it.) Many of you are going to start to see new ways to boost your income. How sweet it is.