All Signs

A surprisingly lovely week ahead. This doesn't mean caca won't happen because that's always a possibility. (Join the club: We are called the human race.) Nevertheless, the planets are dancing gracefully, so we all have a head start on good times, interesting discoveries, and warm, vibrant conversations. We are also looking at a New Moon midweek. (Again? Yes -- time flies when you're unconscious.) This New Moon will be joined by the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Neptune, all in Aquarius as well. The Aquarians have it this week! But we can all use this New Moon to our advantage. You gotta know when to hold and when to fold -- and this week -- we hold!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is an extremely social time for you! Everyone wants to see your face. Not only are you active with groups and talking to everyone, you're physically active and, possibly, competitive, too. Since each New Moon is an opportunity to set intentions and make resolutions, use this week to give serious thought to your hopes and dreams for the future. Do you know what your hopes and dreams are? Can you write them down? As your life unfolds, are you getting closer to these hopes and dreams? Do ponder this during this week. If you think about this, you can make little course corrections to make sure you're headed in the direction you want to go.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There's a gaggle of planets at high noon in your chart. Furthermore, the only New Moon that takes place at the top of your chart all year is occurring mid-week. This means it's a time of opportunity for you! Important people notice you -- bosses, parents, and VIPs. You're ambitious, you're motivated, and you're out there flying your colours. Small wonder this is the perfect time for you to give some serious thought to your life direction in general. Where are you headed? (Hopefully, where you want to go.) Where do you want to be five years from now? This is the perfect week to think about this, and define it clearly in your mind. In fact, define it clearly enough to write it down.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

An exciting handful of planets wants you to get more out of life. You want to travel, see new places, meet new faces, and have adventure and fun! You want to shake it up! Therefore, now is the week to travel or to make travel plans. Furthermore, it's a good time to advance your cause in higher education, publishing, the media, medicine, or the law. Many will become involved with people from other cultures and different countries. Meanwhile, the New Moon this week urges you to think about how you can educate yourself through experience, formal education, or travel so that you're more fully rounded (hey, we're not talking seconds on cheesecake). The bottom line is, why not be the best that you can be?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Moon is your ruler and this is why when it's a Full Moon or a New Moon you feel it more than most. Each New Moon or Full moon takes place every month in a different sign, which is why each one feels different. The New Moon this week will focus your energy on shared property, inheritances, debt, taxes, and anything that you own jointly with others. Because fiery Mars is in the picture as well, you might have a dispute about shared property. Or you might dispute someone else's values because they don't agree with yours. In either case, make some resolutions about how to address these issues. Sex is another area that might be a strong focus right now. It's a passionate week for your sign! Ooo la la!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is an eventful week, considering there's a gaggle of planets sitting directly opposite you. You're looking straight at the Sun, the New Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune 180 degrees opposite your sign. "Halt! Who goes there?" This is why you might feel others are opposing you. Or that all the energy is stacked against you. Naturally, it's easy to be annoyed, defensive and, finally, ready for attack. ("Raise the drawbridge!") Be patient with others. This will only make your life easier. Set aside some time around Wednesday and Thursday to think about how partnerships and close friendships can improve and enhance your life. Or not. What's it all about, Alfie?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

I heard Jon Stewart say, "This show is too Virgo for me." Now you're famous. That could be why you're so motivated to accomplish things. Plus you want to work efficiently and effectively. No waste. Keep the cost down. Many of you are delegating to others to make things happen. This same striving for perfection might apply to your health, or something related to small pets. You're on a roll! Since this area of heavy focus is also where the New Moon occurs this week, this is the area of your life where you can make new resolutions. How can you improve your job? How can you become more efficient? How can you improve your health? Who's going to walk the dog?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A gaggle of planets now tempts you to grab a vacation, see a movie, watch a game, flirt a little, go to a party, dabble in the arts, take in a musical performance, enjoy playful times with kids, pack your sports gear and hit the road. In other words -- it's time to par-tay! This concentration of planets will bring new love for some. It will certainly juice your social drive. You'll be going out to restaurants, dropping in on friends, inviting people over, entertaining, eating popcorn and watching movies -- something! Romance is high on your list. It's a productive time creatively as well as in the entertainment world or the hospitality industry. (That's if you work to help other people play.) Give in to the fun! Kick up your heels!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

An Annual General Meeting of planets has created increased activity and chaos at home. Sheesh! This could be due to visiting guests or someone new in the household, or renovations, or residential moves. Whatever the case, the joint is jumping! Naturally, this can escalate into conflict in the family or agitation with relatives. Many of you are tackling home repairs as well. Since this is your area of focus this week, and the New Moon occurs here as well, without question this is the week to think about how to improve your home, how to improve family relationships, how to improve relations with parents. What do you want your home life to be like?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a busy time for you! The good news is you have lots of energy to communicate to others, so if you sell, market, edit, proof, teach, act or need to communicate for a living -- you're hot! This is really saying something because there are two big things we can say about you: You're the traveller of the zodiac, and you're a promoter par excellence. ("It slices, it dices! It cuts through shoe leather!") The New Moon this week is perhaps the best time all year to think about your relationship with siblings or relatives. Do you want to make changes or improvements in this area? Maybe it's time to make up with your brother?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're very serious about money and finances right now. You're giving a lot of thought to how to earn money, how to improve your job, how to possibly change your job or find a different job, and how to boost your earnings in general. In the same vein (different arm) you're thinking a lot about possessions: what you own, how to maintain what you own, how to clean it, what to keep, what to let go of --there's a lot to consider here. But while you're thinking about all this, just this week, take time to ask yourself, what really matters in life? You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and the New Moon are all sitting in Aquarius. Your energy is charged. Your confidence is strong. Your luck is good. You attract powerful people and auspicious circumstances to you. Let's face it -- you're in the groove! But all this heavy concentration can make you so confident that you blow others away. You could be coming on too strong. Moi? (Yes, you.) Therefore, use the New Moon this week to think about how you can improve your image, your parents, and even your relationship with those who are closest to you. What can you do to really dazzle others?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

There's a convention of planets meeting in a secret place in your chart. It's hush-hush. This might compel you to be secretive. (Even your left hand doesn't know what cards your right hand is holding.) You might be intrigued by somebody else's secrets. Some are ensconced in a secret love affair. Many are generously and selflessly putting themselves second so others can benefit. (You have this noble streak.) This New Moon is a perfect time to decide what you can do for yourself, so that you're more effective in helping others (which puts you first).