All Signs

Every 20 years, someone points out that the constellations in the sky don't line up with the dates of the zodiac signs. This is supposed to be a "shocking revelation" to disprove astrology once and for all! (Yawn.) Actually, it simply illustrates a poor understanding of astrology. The zodiac signs are named after the constellations, but that's all. Each sign in the zodiac is 30 degrees. The constellations vary from under 10 degrees to almost 50 degrees. Astrologers have known about this out-of-synch quality for more than two thousand years -before the cell phone. Don't fret about recent media stories that you're no longer your sign. It ain't true! It's an evil rumour started by an astronomer with indigestion who is diagonally parked in a parallel universe. What made this story go viral? The Internet!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Oh my! Bake a cake. Put out fresh flowers. Raise the flag. Do something because lucky Jupiter is in your sign for the first six months of this year! This is a most fortunate time for all Aries! It literally means you will have good luck. (Yay!) Jupiter will attract important people and favourable circumstances to you. You will discover opportunities to travel or get further education or explore unusual situations and places. You might become more involved with people from other cultures and different countries. Expect many goodies to be attracted to you. The only downside is you could gain weight. (Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Jupiter will now start to enhance your spiritual world. Many of you will want to explore your inner life. I'm not talking "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids." This is the real deal. Jupiter is always associated with wisdom, philosophy, higher learning, and organized religion. For the first six-to-eight months this year, Jupiter is slowly travelling through a "hidden" part of your chart that stimulates deep thought. You might be attracted to yoga, meditation, and the contemplation of questions like, "What really matters in life?" Or, "What are the lottery numbers this week?" These questions are appropriate because you make your debut in the world in about two years.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Wonderful things are starting to shake up the world of Gemini! Essentially, you're heading into six-to-eight months of increased popularity. No question. Many of you will join classes, clubs, groups and organizations. For different reasons, you'll be schmoozing with others. Some of you might find a partner, professionally speaking. People definitely want to see your face! At the same time, in the next six-to-eight months, your optimism about life will increase, which in turn stimulates your ambition to entertain bigger and grander goals. This is a powerful, fun time! (It nicely offsets increased responsibilities with children.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Jupiter -- the planet of wealth, good fortune, expansion and increase - is starting to move slowly across the top of your chart. This will attract important people to you -- bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Furthermore, these people will arrive bearing gifts! They will represent opportunities for you to expand your world, or your career, or a move in a new direction that is thrilling to you. This is a once-in-12-years thing, so work with it! Quite literally, one should strike while the iron is hot. It won't always be this easy to put your name up in lights! Bosses and VIPs will be impressed with you. (Milk this.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Exciting travel opportunities and chances to explore new and exciting adventures await you in the next eight months. Pack your bags! You're going places! This same exciting and pleasant influence that expands your world through travel and education will also expand your world through publishing and the media, as well as anything to do with medicine and the law. Some of you might fall in love with or become involved with someone from another country or a different background. All kinds of influences that educate you and broaden your experience of the world will take place. You could say it's a Walter Mitty year! Dream big.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

No doubt, you'll be quite surprised to discover how much you will be on the receiving end of gifts, goodies, favours from others, cold hard cash and a chance to use something that other people own. ("The keys to the Porsche are on the wine cooler. Enjoy the chalet!") In the next eight months, many of you receive inheritances, money back from the government, or certain advantages that come to you through the wealth of others, for example, perhaps sharing in the good fortune of your partner's raise or bonus. This shift of Jupiter will also give you an increased sex drive. (Oh dear. Looks like you'll have to book time for that.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Lucky you! Wonderful, auspicious Jupiter is now going to be directly opposite your sign, which is a very significant relationship. (Isn't that what you always want? A significant relationship?) For starters, this particular opposition is a signal that something in your life is coming to fruition or some kind of culmination. Break out the champagne and celebrate! In addition, this opposition of Jupiter also heralds a very fortunate time for you in partnerships, both intimate and professional. Those of you who marry or hook up with someone this year will likely become involved with someone older, richer or more worldly. (Can you handle all that sophistication and money?)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The good news for your sign is that your job is definitely going to improve in the next eight months. Some of you will get a better job, or better duties, or a better boss, or better working conditions -- better something! Knowing this, it's a good time to ask for these things. This fortunate influence might not kick in right this week; it could be a month or two, depending on when you were born. But it will happen in 2011. By the same token, your health can improve. Something will make you happier, more vital, more dynamic and give you a stronger sense of well-being. This continues to be a time where you are focused on home, family and domestic matters. It's all good.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Once every 12 years, there really is a big winner, as it were, when it comes to a visit from lucky Jupiter. (Ironically, lucky Jupiter is your ruler because it is the planet that rules Sagittarius.) For the next eight months, Jupiter wants to encourage you to have fun! Bonanza! This is your year to explore romantic love affairs, to take a great vacation, to explore the arts with passion, to enjoy playful activities with children, and perhaps expand your family with children, and even benefit from financial speculation. Why? Because all kinds of play will help you, and financial speculation is essentially playing with money.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You like security. You want to have a home with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and a paid-off mortgage. A Mercedes in the garage and a country cottage would be nice as well. One thing is certain: As Jupiter now travels through Aries this year, you will have the best time in more than 12 years to explore opportunities in real estate. You might get a bigger or better home or place to live. You might improve where you live so that you feel more affluent, and your surroundings are more luxurious. Your family life will definitely be happier and more upbeat. You might even expand your family through marriage, adoption or birth. ("We got a dog.") Even relations with relatives and parents will be warm, loving and mutually generous this year. Gosh. Pass the fudge.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

There are several factors taking place for your sign that show that in 2011, you are going to be a happier person. (Remember Bridge Over the River Kwai? "Be happy in your work!") Relax, it's not going to be anything like that. During the next eight months, something will happen that increases your overall sense of optimism about life in general. You'll be very busy with errands and visits with relatives, especially siblings. Short trips will delight you. Reading, writing and studying will become a greater pleasure for you. While all this is taking place, you'll have that sense of the big pregnant pause -- you know you're heading for a wonderful time that is just beyond your grasp. Your friends will enjoy your company because enthusiasm is contagious.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Because lucky Jupiter was in your sign last year, many of you thought that you would have increased earnings, and this is not to say that this might not have been the case. But while Jupiter brings optimism, good health, and many opportunities, it does not always bring money. But it can. Nevertheless, that is what you are about to discover this year. In the next few months, Jupiter will begin to travel through your House of Earnings, which means that most Pisces people will start to earn more money! You will also spend more money because your cash flow will be accelerating in both directions. Jupiter will also increase your opportunities to get a better job or find work that is rewarding and fulfilling. Ah yes, time to alphabetize your blessings.