By the end of this week we're into January 2011. And during January we will see lucky moneybags Jupiter changing signs from Pisces into Aries. Let's take a peek ahead to see what this brings for all of us. (After all, this influence is around for at least six months!) It is virtually a shift in good luck or a chance to attract new opportunities in different parts of your life. It bodes well for the Fire Signs -- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. However, all signs will feel increased vim and vigour! Your creative energy will be bolder and more exploratory. (If you're going to crayon on the walls, do it behind the sofa.) Happy New Year, everyone!
The next six months are fabulous for you because lucky Jupiter is once again in Aries! This boost of good fortune was with you last summer for June, July and August 2010. Now it's back and it will stay until June 2011. (Prior to that, lucky Jupiter was in your sign in 1999.) This is a confidence-building influence! No question. In the next six months, you'll develop increased poise and self-assurance. This is also an indication that you're beginning a major cycle of growth. Relationships with others will be advantageous for you. And you'll notice you attract people and opportunities much more easily during this time. (Milk this for all it's worth!)
In 2011, you'll explore more subtle aspects of your life, especially spiritual aspects. Basically, your capacity to learn more about your inner self and explore consciousness-raising ideas or methodologies will be much stronger. Your ability to put the interests of others before your own will increase. You'll become thoughtful and more compassionate. (You could call this a Mother Teresa influence, and it's a good thing.) Because of your perceived benevolence in the world, people will respond to you with greater respect and affection. You might not be canonized but you will enjoy being adored. (Good press is a wonderful thing.)
In the next year, you'll discover that you're closer to achieving your hopes and dreams in the future. For starters, your popularity rating will definitely increase. Everyone wants to see your face in 2011! You'll meet new contacts, rekindle old friendships, and many of you will join classes, clubs, groups and associations. This is an especially good idea because this is not the year to go it alone. Au contraire. Others will benefit you and help you. (Of course, this works both ways.) The notion of "what goes around comes around" is very strong this year. Therefore, look for ways to benefit others because this will only benefit you even more! (Spare change?)
Lucky you! As lucky moneybags Jupiter moves forward, it starts to slowly travel across the very top of your chart. Not only will this attract powerful people to you and favourable circumstances, it means that others perceive you as being more affluent, more influential, and certainly more fortunate in 2011. Quite literally your "good luck" is showing! Business-related travel is more likely this year. Because your confidence in yourself is increasing, especially a professional terms, many of you will switch fields to a new profession like medicine, law, anything to do with healing, higher education or travel. You want to broaden your world. This year you have the guts to grab opportunities that come your way. (Cool!)
You will definitely be travelling more than usual in 2011. No question. In fact, something to do with higher education, publishing, the media, or perhaps even medicine and the law will hugely expand your world. Your focus in these areas will be stronger. In addition to that, you will learn new things, meet new people and increase your experience of the world around you. New religions, philosophies and concepts will appeal. You couldn't pick a better time to go back to school or attend colleges and universities. You're hungry to learn! Travel will be unusually adventurous and mind blowing. This is a great year for writers! Grab the baton and run with it.
This year will be very fortunate for you in practical, financial terms. Many of you will receive an inheritance, or gifts and perks from others. Some of you will have the use of wonderful things that other people own. ("The cottage is yours! Please help yourself to anything. The keys to the Porsche are in the bowl on top of the wine cooler.") Your life will be enriched by knowing others, because the possessions, wealth and resources of other people benefit you in 2011. Your partner might get a boost in earnings or a bonus. It's definitely a good year to form partnerships -- professional or intimate. You might say this is the year you get backstage passes to life's wonderful events.
This is a significant year for you because lucky moneybags Jupiter is going to be sitting directly across from your sign! For starters, this beautifully enhances all your partnerships and close friendships. Not only will it improve existing partnerships and friendships, it encourages the formation of new ones, and by "new" I mean committed, meaningful relationships. (This isn't flash-in-the-pan stuff.) This also applies to the formation of professional partnerships. Even in a general sense, others will benefit you enormously, especially experts in various fields. Those who marry will likely be involved with someone older, richer or more worldly. Foreign people will come into your life as well. Be friendly!
This is one of the best years ever to get a better job, improve your existing job, or get a promotion, praise or even a raise. Something to do with your employment scene is going to beautifully improve. It might even be that you change your attitude about what you do, and you're suddenly happier in your work. The same improvements will also apply to your health. Those of you who are retired will feel healthier and happier about your daily tasks or whatever you do on a daily basis. In fact, fortune favours you so much, the only downside might be that you will gain weight. Oh no! (Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain.) Enjoy your good fortune.
You have much to look forward to in 2011 because lucky Jupiter is now back in your fellow Fire Sign, and this works beautifully with your own sign. (It's a bit like best friends touching base.) This is one of the best years ever for a vacation, so plan your getaway now. Make it as eventful as possible. Romance and love affairs will expand the lives of many of you. You can definitely learn something new! Joy that is related to children will also be yours. If you have kids, your relationship with them will improve this year. Most of all, you will feel happy, playful and very comfortable in your own skin. You feel greater freedom in just being who you are. Take it or leave it.
Roughly every decade (actually, a few years longer) each sign gets a fabulous opportunity for real-estate deals. This is your year! If you can possibly buy or sell or invest in real estate -- do it in 2011. In the same way, it will greatly benefit you to improve where you live or expand it or renovate or even buy beautiful things for your home. Whatever happens will make you feel more affluent. You'll feel richer about where you live and will enjoy your home more. Similarly, your family life will become enriched this year. You will have greater joy through family relationships and, in fact, you might expand your family through marriage, adoption or birth. This is the year to put down roots. Definitely.
Your optimism and general happiness quotient will be very strong in 2011. You could say this is going to be a happier year for you! Certainly, your relations with relatives and siblings beautifully improve. Short trips, and schmoozing on a daily basis with others will be fun, upbeat and positive. Because you're in such a positive frame of mind this triggers a wonderful domino effect on all your relationships. You're making big plans! You're very keen to communicate. It's a great year to write, teach, act, and even drive for a living. Your communication skills and experiences will be better than in other years. Basically, you're happy to be alive! And it shows.
Because Jupiter was recently in your sign increasing your self-confidence, in the next year its influence will become apparent as your earnings will no doubt grow and expand. Somehow, you are going to feel richer and wealthier in 2011. You might buy beautiful things for yourself or others might buy them for you. These new things will no doubt be creature comforts or things that give you a sense of affluence and luxury. Some of you will make important investments but all of you will enjoy your possessions more. Trust your money-making ideas. However, be very clear about what you want because it's easy for your wishes to come true this year.