All Signs

They say we're in for cold, snowy winter. Well, I do see transportation delays from Dec. 5 until Jan. 18. (Which -- take note -- is also a very poor window of time to purchase ground transportation vehicles.) Although Mercury is technically retrograde from Dec. 11- 30, it actually starts to slow down a week before that on Dec. 5 and doesn't make up for lost time until Jan. 18. (Mercury retrograde is a cautionary tale.) Confused communications, lost and misplaced items, transportation delays, and people from our past will be par for the course in December. Stock up on everything, especially comfort food and drink. (Perhaps also flashlights, batteries, butane burners and sex toys.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

In one way, you're very eager to expand your horizons. You want to travel. You want further education. You want to meet people from different backgrounds. You want to explore more of the world. Great! The placement of the Sun encourages this exploratory thinking right now. And on Sunday Dec. 5, the New Moon offers you the best chance all year to think about how you can do these things, specifically how you can expand your experience of life. Nevertheless, be careful because on Thursday/Friday delays (even accidents) that are travel-related might happen. Upsets with publishing, the media, higher education, medicine, and the law are likely. Just be prepared.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're unusually focused on passionate, sexy, intense situations right now. You definitely have some juicy diary fodder. (However, who has time to write?) Not you! Do explore every sexual opportunity you get because you're really into some fun calisthenics now. (Was that Debbie swinging from the chandelier?) However, this same intensity will permeate every aspect of your life, including your determination to settle matters about shared property, inheritances, taxes, and debt. Some upsets with these issues are likely toward the end of the week. Be on your toes! Avoid arguments with others then. Guard your fair share of something. (Definitely.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Two planets now oppose your sign, causing you to focus a lot on partners and close friends. However, Mars makes you impatient with others. (To put it another way, you find them so annoying!) Whether they are annoying or you are short of patience, either way, why suffer? Lighten up! Cut other some slack. After all, what you really want to do is give yourself more peace of mind, right? Be extra-patient on Thursday and Friday this week because explosions and meltdowns might occur then. (Run away! Run away!) By Sunday, the New Moon offers you a marvellous chance to think about how to improve these relationships. A little introspection, perhaps?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

I can see that at this time you are very determined to get organized. Not only do you want to be better organized at work and at home, you're even organizing yourself! You want to be healthier and more on top of whatever you're doing. You're filled with a strong desire to turn over a new leaf. Perfect. By coincidence (is anything ever really a coincidence?) the New Moon on Sunday, Dec. 5 is the best time all year for you to make some resolutions about how to improve your health, and how to get better organized. Quel surprise! Prepare for interruptions, computer crashes, power outages, equipment failure and staff shortages at the end of the week. And so it goes.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You love to have a good time! In fact, your sign is the sign that rules the theatre, show business, the entertainment world, sports, and the hospitality industry. Whee! Leo also rules love and romance. Toujours l'amours! Therefore, do plan a vacation. See movies, plays and sports events. Enjoy flirtations. Buy something exciting to wear. Accept all invitations. In particular, playful times with children will delight. However, on Thursday/Friday this week, something could go awry. That is an accident-prone time for children in your care. Be alert. (The world needs more lerts.) Support from your partner or another source might be upset or interrupted. Good time to redecorate at home. Remember: if you put out fresh flowers, you don't have to dust.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You continue to be focused on home, family and domestic matters. (No question.) Family events are important, and dealings with relatives, especially parents, are quite significant now. For some reason there is increased chaos and negativity at home. This could be due to visiting guests, more likely it is due to renovations or repairs. However, whatever the cause, stress at home is likely. (Grrr.) People are impatient with each other. Tempers are frayed. Not good! Consider this an opportunity to practice patience. Tolerance is the best gift you can give others right now. Demonstrate grace under pressure. This will be easy because your are gracious and diplomatic this month! No?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is such a busy time for you it's rather exhausting. Essentially, you have too much on your plate with short trips, visits, buying and selling, shopping, running errands, as well as increased reading and writing. How can you do it all? The fact is you're extremely competent and accomplished. (You just look smooth and unruffled.) However, do take care because toward the end of the week it is an accident-prone time for your sign, especially Thursday/Friday. (Yikes!) Don't push the river. Slow down and be more aware of everything you say and do. By doing this you can avoid something that you might regret later. You will love buying beautiful things for yourself and others now because fortunately, the money is there, (Sort of.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is the time of year when everybody feels financially squeezed. (Pinch!) Right now you feel this in spades. Nevertheless, you are working extremely hard to earn money, because it seems that you are spending it faster that it comes in. Be particularly careful toward the end of the week (Thursday/Friday) because you could break or lose something you own, which will be a rude financial surprise. ("What do you mean my account is empty? I still have cheques left!") Use Sunday, Dec. 5 to focus on abundance, and also to focus on how to attract what you need to you, in addition to how to make the best use of what you've already got. Simple.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Both the Sun and fiery Mars are in your sign now. This makes you a pistol! You're aggressive, assertive, and competitive. You'll defend your rights and you won't take a back seat to anyone. Actually, you can use this energy to achieve a lot but you might also scare a few people. Moi? Yes, you. This energy might build up within you to the point where you lose it at the end of the week (Thursday/Friday) by telling someone off or saying something you might later regret. This is certainly not your usual modus operandi. (But we all have our weak moments, especially if someone is right in our face.) Stay frosty. The New Moon on Sunday is your best chance all year to think about how you can improve the impression you create on others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This continues to be a time when you are best served by hiding in the wings and playing at very low key. This is not the time to throw your weight around (although it does appear that you are acting secretly or making secret plans for having a secret love affair)! Probably one of these for sure. Do be careful because your secret plans might suddenly erupt rather publicly at the end of the week on Thursday/Friday. (Gulp.) Something unpredictable definitely occurs then. You'll feel restless, believe me. Don't do anything that you think might cause you later regrets. Play it safe. Nobody wants scandal. (Aaagghh!) Especially you. (Horrors!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're still deliciously popular enjoying friends, groups, clubs and just generally schmoozing with everyone. Life is good! In fact, some of you are so active with groups you are in competition for something or, perhaps, involved in competitive sports? Something fun. Be careful that an accident or a strong difference of opinion doesn't ruin things for you around Thursday/Friday. Be very aware of whatever you say and do at that time. You might upset others. Just remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. (Yeah, yeah, who wants more flies?) Your friendships matter to you, admit it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Both the Sun and Mars are at high noon in your chart, which shows that you are unusually ambitious right now and, in addition to this, you're very high viz! Bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and the police notice you more than usual. Factoid. Just be aware of this. But the really cool thing to know is that these people see you in very favourable terms. (The Sun is hard to beat when it comes to great lighting.) Therefore, now is the time to demand the advantage! Go after what you want. But don't be too pushy around Thursday/Friday this week, because you could blow yourself out of the water. Tact is a very handy thing. I never leave home without it, unless I'm travelling in my huff.