All Signs

A shift occurs as the Sun now enters Sagittarius, where it stays until Dec. 21st. On Monday, the Full Moon is still happening (although it peaks the day before) because every Full Moon lasts about 48 hours. Let's look at this fresh solar energy in Sagittarius. For starters, the Sun is happy to be in Sagittarius because it's a Fire sign. (Although the Sun is happiest in Aries.) Sagittarius energy makes us reach for something beyond. It's that urge that makes us grow, travel, and explore more of life. "You take the blue pill, the story ends -- you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth." Exciting!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're checking bargain flights and wondering how to blow town. Don't worry, this is totally appropriate, which is why this feeling will linger for the next six weeks. But hey -- it's exciting! You want to push the sides of the envelope. You want thrills, chills, adventure, more knowledge, and pots of money so you can live with derring-do! (Which is really your style anyhow.) Follow your bliss. Go after your dreams. Visit places you've never been to before. Talk to people from different cultures and other backgrounds. In the month ahead, do whatever you can to make your life more vibrant, dynamic, and exciting. You will never, never again be as young as you are today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In the month ahead, you'll be super-focused on shared property, inheritances, insurance matters, and anything you own jointly with others. This includes taxes, debt and red tape stuff. Boring, yes. But necessary to plow through, yes. (It was ever thus.) The upside of this particular influence is you feel hot, sexy and passionate! (Be still my beating heart.) Do make sure you do something about this. Women might want to purchase sexy lingerie -- and guys too, if you like cross-dressing. You're an extremely tactile sign who appreciates silk, cashmere, high-quality cotton, and that wonderful "rough to the touch" feel of hundred dollar bills.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Whoa Nellie! This is the only time all year when the Sun moves directly opposite your sign, where it stays for four weeks. What does this mean? For starters, it means you'll be focused on partners and close friends more than usual. And retrograde Mercury will bring contact with ex-partners and old friends as well. However, this is a wonderful opportunity to observe, study, and get a better understanding of your personal style of relating to others. It's your chance to learn a lot! Since partnerships are important to you (you're always seeking your soul mate) this is your chance to figure out why you want to Vulcan mind-meld with someone.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For a number of reasons, you're suddenly gung ho to get better organized in every area of your life. You want to be organized at work, and you want to be organized at home. You want all your stuff in neat little piles where you can just put your hand out and grab something at a moment's notice. (What luxury!) Of course, you will start by de-cluttering and getting rid of what you no longer need. (I know this is tough for you. You hang on to everything.) Fiery Mars will help you delegate duties and tasks to others. However, retrograde Mercury will cause delays. Ouch! Wouldn't you know it? No worries -- you can move mountains!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Tra-la, tra-la, it is to laugh. You're heading into an incredibly playful month! Romance and love affairs, plus wonderful social diversions with parties, the theatre, sports, and all that fun stuff top your list for the next six weeks. Get out and enjoy yourself! This is a seriously schmoozing time for you. Buy something sexy to wear to give yourself a lift. Maybe literally! (Remember Dick Cavett's introduction "And here they are, Jayne Mansfield!") The month ahead is a fabulous time to enjoy playful activities with children as well as to express your creative talents in any way. Don't worry about the results or who's watching -- it's the process that counts. You're not a noun, you're a verb.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The month ahead is going to have a strong emphasis on home and family activities. Your entire focus will be on domestic matters, which could include real- estate deals or real-estate speculation. Discussions with a parent could be significant. Increased activity and chaos at home might be the result of residential moves, renovations, or visiting guests. It might also lead to domestic tension. (That is the challenging part.) Old friends and relatives you haven't seen for ages might be camped on your doorstep. Yikes! Stock the fridge. Prepare the place. This onslaught is inevitable.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The next six weeks are incredibly busy! Short trips, mucho errands, visits, increased interaction with siblings and relatives, plus a super-active schedule of reading and writing all combine to accelerate your daily tempo. You're flying! You're also unusually assertive and aggressive in all your communications with others. You're not taking a back seat to anyone! With your hands on your hips you're telling it like it is. One caveat: retrograde Mercury in December will cause delays to transportation and mail and introduce confused communications. "Let's play bureaucracy! Everyone stands in a circle. The first person to do anything loses."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Money, money, money! You're focused on your cash flow; specifically, your earnings, and possibly getting another job, or how to make money on the side.(I've always thought it curious we "make money on the side. Why not upfront? Or even behind?) Not only are you working hard to earn money in the next six weeks, you're equally active spending it! Take note: retrograde Mercury will bring you opportunities to earn money in old ways, or with prior contacts. However, retrograde Mercury will also cause delays to your earnings. Cheques in the mail will be late. (That old story.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The Sun is now in your sign for the next month, boosting your energy and attracting all kinds of opportunities and important people to you. This is why it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year! Fiery Mars is also in your sign, making this an unusually energetic, dynamic time for you! You'll stand up for your beliefs and fight for your rights. You're out there flying your colours! In the month ahead, ex-partners and old friends plus old circumstances will be back in your lap. (Well, the ex-partners might not get that close.) Get lots of physical exercise because you have energy building up within you, and it's gotta go somewhere!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is the time of year when you are best served by working alone or working behind the scenes and keeping a low profile. Why? Because you're getting ready to jump up and take centre-stage about a month from now when the Sun enters Capricorn. Until then, use this month to plan and strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be all about. All of you are entering your time of harvest, which is a three-year window ahead of you. For most of you, this time of harvest is a time of success, kudos, graduation, and promotions. A few, however, will see what is not working. Oh well, cut your losses and move on. This is a very winning time for you so make careful plans. (You like a well-planned future.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Popular you! Your dance card is full! In the next six weeks, you're out there schmoozing. Smoochie boochies! In particular, group activities will demand your attention. Clubs, organizations, and small groups or large conferences are all on the menu. Some of these groups will be physically oriented (sports or gym classes). It looks like a lot of competition is in the picture. In fact, this competition could escalate to conflict with someone. Be cool about this. Take the high road. Old friends are also back in the picture during December. You'll enjoy this because you are a networker par excellence. Give serious thought to your dreams and hopes for the future. Share these ideas with others. ("I've always wanted to drill those tiny holes in toothbrushes.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Sun is now at high noon in your chart, shining down on you. Wow! This acts like a spotlight on you, which causes others to notice you more than usual, especially authority figures -- bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and the police. Do note -- the police! If you drink, don't drive. Take the bus, walk, or grab a cab. Keep in mind that you are very high viz in the next six weeks, even if you aren't aware of it. The good news is that this high visibility makes you look extremely attractive to others. They think you're hot stuff! That's why this is the perfect time to ask for a promotion, get a raise, or do anything where you need to impress people. You've got what it takes and it shows!