Venus is all about our biases, what we like -- our indulgences, desserts, luxuries -- plus anything to do with the arts, and definitely romantic relationships, and let us not forget money! Essentially, Venus represents our personal values. "I want this!" ("This" being a person, an item or an experience.) The planet Venus is fast-moving and orbits the Sun every seven-and-a-half months, which means it generally stays in each sign for three-to-four weeks. But hold the phone! Right now Venus is retrograde, which means it will be in Scorpio from Sept. 8 until Jan 7, 2011. Holy Cannoli! Instead of three weeks that's four months! (The last time this happened was 2002.) (Note: As it slips backwards, it returns to Libra for a few weeks.) During this retrograde time, which is only from Oct 8 to Nov. 18, we will all re-evaluate things in our lives. Consider it a Popeye moment: "I think therefore, I yam."
This is an unusually fascinating time for you because during the next two months, retrograde Venus urges you to re-examine your sexuality and specifically your sexual relationships with others, as well as your relationship to shared property, and how the wealth of others affects you. "I sold out. Money, sex, great fun and a sleek boat." (Sigh. Tough to resist.) How far are you willing to go or give to get what you want? If the trade feels good you'll feel good. However, if you don't have a happy feeling in the pit of your stomach, then possibly your negotiated trade is not a good thing. Your gut never lies. Listen to it.
It's been eight years since Venus danced opposite your sign for so long. Furthermore, this particular dance is going to provoke you to take a serious look at partnerships and close friendships. Naturally, no relationship is perfect. However, retrograde Venus is inclined to further show up these imperfections. (Oh yes.) Since this is the case, it's a poor idea to terminate relationships and close friendships during the next two months, because your objectivity is questionable! Wait until late November to make any decisions if, indeed, you feel the need to make a decision about a relationship. This way you can avoid regrets. (Although feel free to take requests.)
This unusually long sojourn of Venus in Scorpio will cause many of you to seriously assess your health. Are you overweight? Do get enough sleep? Do you eat vegetables or fruit or lots of bread and meat? Do you smoke or drink too much? (Isn't this a fun column to read?) I am simply trying to urge you to be harsh with your own reality check about your own health. Why not have the best possible health you can have? Anything less is exactly that -- less! In the same way, what is your job scene? Do like what you're doing? Do you get along with co-workers? By the end of November, you'll have some answers.
Basically, this long journey of Venus in Scorpio bodes well for you. After all, Scorpio is a Water sign and so are you. During the next six weeks, you will have an opportunity to re-evaluate romantic relationships. Howevah! Now the rose-coloured glasses are off and you're seeing things more clearly. Nevertheless, don't act during this time because seeing things clearly is a relative term. Scorpio is kinda zero tolerance. Capice? So now, you're seeing the other side of the coin. But wait until December to know what you're really doing. This also applies to your relationships with children, as well sports, show business, and the entertainment world. Give these matters a sober second thought.
At this time, wonderful opportunities to explore real-estate deals and improve your home by redecorating or buying beautiful treasures for yourself and family members will exist for you -- right up until next February. This part is just hunky-dory. (You like tweaking your palace. How pleasant to do this!) Nevertheless, in the next six weeks, the retrograde action of Venus could possibly confuse you. Oy vey. The best way to handle this confusion is to do nothing. You can go ahead and make big plans -- but put the execution of these plans on hold until the end of November. By then, you'll really know what to do, and what not to do!
The next six weeks are tricky for you. Watch your big mouth. (Even if you don't have a big mouth.) Two planets could cause confusion in your communicating style with others, especially with siblings, relatives and neighbours. (And also with your everyday contacts in general.) You might easily be misunderstood by others. And vice versa, you might misinterpret things that others say. Bottom line: don't jump to conclusions. Observe as much as you can, but try to wait until late November to initiate any changes in your relationships with others. (The upside is that constantly pulling your foot out of your mouth is a great way to stay flexible.)
You're quite absorbed with high finances right now. Quite likely, this is all going on privately within your own head because you're not a sign that likes to discuss your money scene with others. Sometimes you don't even tell yourself what's going on. (You'll talk about sex before you'll discuss your private finances.) Some of you will be getting money from past endeavours at this time; others will find that slow payments are coming due. Ironically, other money could be "frozen." It's a crapshoot! Nevertheless, you are quite bold and active right now about how you're handling your money. You're not afraid to spend it. Ideally, you might want to postpone major purchases until the end of November. (I would.)
Both Venus and Mars are in your sign and soon the Sun will join them. This means the entire world is getting a pretty strong Scorpio hit. However, for the next six weeks, Venus will be retrograde in your sign and this is pretty potent. Your sign is always intense -- very black-and-white. This means you will be looking very critically at yourself and at your closest relationships. Please note that the operative word is "critically." Because of this, take no actions until the end of November. Don't beat yourself or others up. Consider it a case of "bad lighting." Six weeks from now, things might look, quite literally, very different.
In a strange, curious way, some of you might undergo moments of second-guessing yourself or wondering, "What's it all about, Alfie?" during the next six weeks. It's as if issues that were very clear a year ago are suddenly now up for grabs. Whaaat? Essentially, you are a philosophical sign. (Many of you hide this.) You're a doer because you're active, but you're also a thinker. Right now, and in the next few weeks, you will be questioning your basic values and your comfort level about a lot of your choices. The questioning part is OK. It's good to have a healthy skepticism. But do not draw any conclusions until late November. That's when everything will crystallize for you.
You're unusually active with groups now. You're schmoozing with friends and pals in small ways, or in large clubs and organizations. Either way, something will force you to reassess your opinion of friends, and even groups to which you might belong. You might feel that in the next six week you're having an eye-opening experience. That you're seeing it like it really is. But is this true? I think you won't really know what is true about others (especially if you are questioning them) until late November. Table your judgment until then. (Nothing to lose and everything to gain.)
There's no question that your ambition is aroused. (Hey -- it is!) You're on a bit of a tear. However, what is perhaps confusing is your judgment about the authority figures in your life: bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs, and even the police. At some point during the next six weeks, you might feel strongly critical of these authority figures. (Was that hysterical laughter I just heard?) But here's the tricky part. By the end of November, you might change your point of view about these people. Something will happen that subtly or not-so-subtly shifts your opinion. Just be aware of this. Wait until November to cast your vote.
You're excited about travel opportunities and chances to explore publishing, the media, and anything to do with higher education or further training. It looks like you can broaden your horizons! (These same opportunities will also apply to medicine and the law.) Nevertheless, while Venus is retrograde during the next six weeks, your opinion about any of these same areas is subject to a complete 180. Sheesh! Do not be quick to jump on the bandwagon right now. What you think you "know" at this moment might be something you don't even agree with by the end of November. Oops. Egg-on-the-face time. Bide your time. Wait until the jury delivers its verdict.