This week we have a New Moon in Libra, which means it's the best time all year to make resolutions where this particular New Moon falls in your chart. Apparently the top 10 resolutions for most people are: 1. Spend more time with family and friends; 2. Find time for fitness; 3. Lose weight; 4. Quit smoking; 5. Enjoy life more and lower stress; 6. Quit drinking; 7; Get out of debt; 8. Learn something new; 9. Help others; 10. Get better organized. How about that? Ten choices right here for the taking! Easy-peasy. (It's almost like Dial-a-Prayer.) Too bad people who don't smoke or drink only get eight choices -- but hey -- you got your health.
Four planets are opposite your sign now, which traditionally means you're super- focused on partnerships and close friendships. However, and here's the tricky part, while some of you, especially those of you born in March, are strongly focused on the challenges of these relationships and how to improve them, probably most Aries are focused on their health and their employment scene. Therefore, think of ways that you can improve your health and your job. Isn't it curious that of the 10 most common resolutions in All Signs above, none of them deal with improving your job? I was surprised at that, as we spend so much time working
Those of you who were born in April have the best chance all year to think about how to improve your job. Can you get a better job? Better duties? Better working conditions? Better attitude to what you already do? In turn, those of you born in May have the best opportunity all year to improve your romantic life, your relationship to your children, and to get more in touch with how you express your creativity. You don't have to be a professional. Just be a kid again! Sing, draw, dance or do whatever. Be playful! When you do this, you bring a more complete, rounded person back to your job, your marriage or whatever. ("Rounded" might not be what you want to hear.)
This is a playful, prankish month! In fact, those born in May can ask yourselves what you can do to get in touch with your flirtatious, romantic side as well as your creative self-expression. However, for most Geminis, the area of true opportunity is to make resolutions about your home, family, and where you live. What can you do to improve this scene? It appears to be twofold: What can you do to improve your relationship with family members? And what can you do to improve your home and where you live in terms of function, appearance, as well as financial solidity and support? Pretty major stuff.
You have a strong focus on home, family and your domestic world in the next month. However, because this particular New Moon takes place in the very early stages of Libra, in fact, most Cancers -- especially those born in July -- ideally will focus on how to improve their daily communications with everyone, most specifically siblings. Are you clear in your communications with others? Do people understand you or do you think some of your conversations are like two ships passing in the night? Don't take this for granted! Be aware of how you talk to others, and especially how you listen to them. For starters, take off those headphones.
Early Leos born in July have a wonderful opportunity this week to set intentions to become more clear in all your communications with others, especially with siblings and relatives. Give it some serious thought. This isn't casual. This is your best week all year to focus on this. However, most Leos, those born in August, should think about how well (or not) you are using your money, your earnings and your possessions to live the richest life possible. Ideally, your cash and the things you own should enhance and improve your life. If they're causing a problem, investigate this. Wazzup? Are you living beyond your means? The whole point of it all is to be happy, right?
This week offers opportunities to improve your life. Think how to boost your earnings, and also what you do with your money. Think about how to reduce your debt. Think about how to take care of what you own. Similarly, think how you can improve your appearance, the first impression you create on others, and how you relate to partners and those closest to you. Sheesh! We're talking the whole enchilada! Instead of feeling overwhelmed by these suggestions, look at this week as the best time of the year to really pull your act together! Just think of some of the things you can do. Write them down. (This message will self-destruct in five seconds.)
The only New Moon in your sign takes place this week. Hey -- this is an opportunity for everyone, but for you it's a special chance to make resolutions and set new intentions. Do take at least five minutes to ponder your life, and think about what you can do to improve your appearance, the impression you create on others, your style of relating to others and, in fact, how you relate to your world in general. You want to be happy. You want to get along with others. What can you do to achieve this more easily? Basically, it boils down to how can you put your best foot forward in all your interactions with others? (And why not a well-shod foot?)
This week is the best time of the year to think about friendships, especially in group settings -- classes, groups at work, people you meet in conventions and conferences and in any group situation. How successful are you at dealing with groups? Do you make friends easily or are you aloof? Do you initiate contact or do you expect others to come to you? What about your dreams and wishes for the future? Do you hide your goals or do you share them with others? Think about what you can do to improve how you relate to others. People can either help you, or be insignificant, or be an obstacle. You have control over this. You're part of the equation!
The point of using astrology is to help you. It can give you an edge or an advantage, or help you prepare for the inevitable. This week the New Moon is your chance to make resolutions to improve your life. This particular New Moon urges you to give serious thought to your life direction in general. Are you going in the direction you want to go? Do you even think about this? It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day busy-ness of life that we forget the big picture. But hey -- if you don't know where you're going, how can you steer for the right star? On what do you base your choices?
You are approaching your time of harvest. For most of you, this will be a wonderful time of achievement. Right now, you're busy schmoozing with groups, and some of you are physically active in group settings. (Competitive!) Nevertheless, this week, your focus is on publishing, foreign travel, the media, higher education, and anything with medicine and law. Consider these areas, and ask yourself what can you do to improve your interaction in these areas? How can you come out smelling like a rose? What can you do to get the most out of your dance with publishing, the media, travel, higher education, the law and medicine? If you give this some serious thought, you will make the best of an already very good situation.
You will benefit if you give extra focus this week to taxes, debt, shared property, and anything you own jointly with others. This also includes the responsibilities you have for or to others. Why bother? Simply because the New Moon this week is highlighting these very areas, especially for those of you who were born in February. Early Aquarians born in January might give thought to how you can best utilize your opportunities to travel and explore publishing, the media, higher education, medicine, and the law. When you use the energy of a New Moon it's like rowing with the tide. Why wouldn't you do this? After all, astrology is based on the mathematics of the cosmos. Why not make it work for you?
Now is the time to give serious thought to everything you share with others, including jointly-held property, debt, taxes, or anything or anyone for which you share responsibility. Do not consider this to be an onerous task. Au contraire! The New Moon this week offers you the best time all year to come up with better solutions and better approaches to these areas. Of course, you have to decide what they can be. But do think about these areas this week. Early Pisceans born in February might also focus on how to improve partnerships and close friendships, simply because the solutions will more easily come to you now. Furthermore, your solutions will more easily be implemented.