All Signs

At this time of year, many of us have that back-to-school feeling because it's the beginning of September. (I think it feels more like a "fresh start" than the first of January.) That's why I thought I would take an overview look at where we are for each sign. (Eagle mind, not mouse mind.) When you have a rough sense of where you've been and where you're going, it's easier to make plans. Of course, as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Nevertheless, let's not forget -- it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a pivotal time. If you look back, you see the mid-90s were when you made a major shift (after giving up people, places, and possessions). Around 1996-97, you stepped into a new world where you reinvented yourself during the next seven years. At the beginning of the millennium, for the first few years, there was mucho flux and change because of residential moves or job changes. But now you're looking forward to a very positive future! Your current challenge, however, is partnerships and close friendships. Some of these might end. For others, new partnerships are beginning. One thing is certain: you are taking your powah! You're becoming more involved with the big wide world.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Around 1999 was a memorable time. This was when you stepped into a whole new sandbox. In the last four years, many of you worked hard to secure your home base. This is very important for you. You like mortgage-free land because at heart, you are the country Squire. Once you have a warm feeling in your tummy about where you live, then you can sally forth to conquer the world. But you always need a home. Recently, increased responsibilities with children have been on your plate. Others are wondering what you really want to be when you grow up. Now you're entering a time of hard work and construction. Even though this is a playful month for you, you're starting to get serious about work (even though it's the curse of the drinking class).

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is the perfect time to tie up loose ends about family matters. In fact, many of you will have a family reunion. You feel playful, flirtatious, and up for fun! But scanning the bigger picture, you were on top of your game in the mid-90s, no question. But as the millennium approached, you had to give up a lot of stuff. Since 2005, life has been a roller coaster! "Where do I live?" "Where do I work?" Now that you have a sense of increased stability (everything is relative) you're wondering what you can do that really turns you on. You want work that is fulfilling, joyful, beneficial to yourself, beneficial to others, and something that makes you pots of money!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

There are times in our lives when years stand out. For example, around 1989-90, or 1996-97, or even around 2003. Well, this is one of those times! Since 2003 you have reinvented yourself! You're the new you, perhaps with bigger love handles. You've made a lot of decisions about who you are, what your values are, and what your job is. Now you're entering a three-year window where you will clearly establish what your home base is. No more wishy-washy. You want to feel you've nailed things down so that you're secure about where you live. This might mean a residential move, or doing finishing touches on renovations or repairs. Similarly, changes within your family dynamic will take place in the next few years. It's basic down-home stuff.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Since the early 90s, you've gone after what you want. By the turn of the millennium, you felt powerful about your achievements. Nevertheless, many of you gave up a lot a few years later, because you entered a new world around 2005-06. This also triggered a process of redefining who you are and this process is not yet over. In fact, you're now entering a three-year window of flux and change in terms of jobs and residences. Since the next year ahead holds wonderful opportunities for travel, higher education, publishing, the media, plus medicine and the law, this could be a clue to changes to your job scene. Right now, take care of old money matters. Pay your bills.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's been a tough slog since around 2005. Many of you had to dismantle much of what you created since around 1994. (Not an easy task!) In the last few years, you've been on entirely new turf, but it's been a bit of a struggle. The good news is the pressure is off. At this stage in your life, you're primarily concerned with what to do to earn money, and how to take care of what you already own. You're learning how to improve your life through your assets and what you own. Fortunately, the wealth and resources of others will help you this year. That gravy train is rolling your way! (And it's about time.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a hugely significant time. To be sure, around the mid-90s, you shifted your focus. You enjoyed a time of harvest around 2003-04. But for those who can recall, you are back in a cycle that took place in late 1980 and the beginning of 1981. (Ring a bell, Pavlov?) You're entering a super-major new cycle in your life! You're at the brink of something so different, in about seven years, you'll have a different identity. People might refer to you differently. You'll look back at your life now and think, "Oh yeah, that was then." Partnerships and close friendships greatly improve this year. It's an exciting time for you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Old friends are back in your life. Perhaps touching base with others and comparing mutual histories will trigger new ideas about where you're headed? Furthermore, these ideas might cause you to unravel and let go of much of what you created since 1999. (Whaaat?) Yes, a lot will happen in the next few years. Fear not. It's a time of letting go whatever is no longer relevant in your life. You'll get rid of deadwood and excess and whatever is holding you back. Meanwhile, your job prospects in the next 18 months look fabulous! Many will get a better job, a better boss, or better duties. (Hey, better money is nice, too.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're high viz. because the Sun is high in your chart acting like a spotlight on you. Plus Mercury retrograde creates connections with bosses, parents and VIPs from your past. This will be beneficial or angst-producing, depending on what happened when you last saw these people. The good news is your year ahead is all fun stuff: vacations, love affairs, romance, and sports! It's a great year for playful activities with children. It might be one of the most pleasurable years you've had in more than a decade! Many of you will get in touch with your creative juices as well. Enjoy this time in your life. You're riding high!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Like Aries, you're having a rite of passage. To put a finer point on it, it's really juuuust beginning. Since 1996, you've been working for this and, certainly, since around 2003-04, you knew you were headed for this time of success and achievement. Essentially, you're entering a time of harvest for the next five years. You're ambitious, plus your schmooze skills are in top form. Some of you will become romantically involved with a boss, or someone older, richer, or more experienced. (Very likely someone of an age difference.) While all this good stuff is happening, your home life will improve. too! The year ahead is a wonderful year for real estate, for improving your home and, certainly, for warm family relationships. Life rocks!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Around 1991-92, you entered a new world (after saying goodbye to so much). Since 2005, you've been out of the gate and running. You are increasingly concerned with external goals and making a name for yourself in the way that is meaningful for you. In the bigger picture, this is a time of preparation. Get more education. Travel if you can. Explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. In about three years, you will hone these opportunities to the max. This means what you do now will pay off later! Meanwhile, learn how to live with the values of others. Negotiate dealing with shared property. (You can run but you can't hide.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Both the Sun and retrograde Mercury are stirring up old business with ex-partners and even old business with current partners! ("I've had it! Enough is enough!") For the last three years, you've been renegotiating partnerships and leaving relationships that were no longer relevant. This is why many of you will be getting along with less in the next few years. (Because less is forthcoming from partners and the wealth and resources of others.) Fear not, lucky moneybags Jupiter is about to enter your House of Earnings. Most of you will earn more money, spend more money, and feel richer during the next year! Ka-ching!