The planet Mercury rules all forms of communications and transportation. To be more precise, it a rules all things that go "forward." (Ideas, packages, mail, and items with a destination.) When Mercury goes retrograde, we suffer from increased inefficiency, errors and delays. But it's not so simple as "today Mercury goes retrograde," or "today the retrograde is over." That is too simplistic. For example, this month, Mercury started to slow down by Aug. 8, even though it does not go retrograde until Aug. 20. And when the retrograde is over, on Sept. 12, Mercury doesn't catch up to where it was initially, until September 27. Very tricky! And kinda confusing. It's wise to use that outside window to guide a major purchase of computers, cars, and trucks. (This is my inside track on Mercury's outside track.)
Every Mercury retrograde is different. And there are generally three Mercury retrogrades each year. This particular Mercury retrograde hits you where you work! It makes your job, and your day to day tasks, frustrating because of errors, delays, lost paperwork, confused communications, computer difficulties, canceled appointments, and just a nightmare of glitches that makes your life tough! Some of these might even impact your health. Possibly, old health issues will resurface. ("My rash is back!") Difficulties with partners and close friends could aggravate your frustration. Fortunately, parties, vacations, romance, sports, and fun stuff are blessed! You win some -- you lose some. (You'll be fine.)
This particular Mercury retrograde might resurrect old issues with children -- perhaps the care of children, the maintenance of children, the education of children -- something. Life is really stirring the pot here! Another aspect of your life that might be jiggled is old romance! Old flames and ex-lovers are popping up out of the woodwork. This could be exciting or horrific -- depending on how these relationships ended. Some people stay friends with old flames, and some people don't. (You know who you are.) The upside is you have a chance now to finish creative projects or discover solutions to artistic problems or anything related to sports. Work with what you've got!
Because Mercury is the planet that rules Gemini, you suffer from Mercury retrogrades more than most. No question. This particular Mercury retrograde time will bring family and relatives to your doorstep. Family reunions are likely. People crashing on your couch and eating everything in your fridge are also likely. This is certainly a chance to discuss old family business or to bring closure to some issues. It's an excellent time to finish projects at home -- renovating, redecorating or even building. Real estate deals that were initiated more than a week ago, can go forward to completion quite easily now. (Meanwhile, you might want to hide some of your booze.)
This is a vicious Mercury retrograde for your sign. Why? Because for the sign of Cancer (this means you) this Mercury retrograde occurs where Mercury lives. In other words, it's at "home" going crazy! This really affects your day to day efforts to do things and talk to people. Therefore, pay your phone bill. Recharge your cell phone. Take care of car repairs. You will encounter transportation delays, missed buses, car breakdowns, confused communications, misunderstandings, lost items, along with cheques that are late in the mail plus increased confusion with siblings, relatives and neighbours. This sounds pretty maddening, doesn't it? Hang in there.
You're the last of the big-time spenders! If you've got the coin, you're lavish. In part, this is because you're very generous, and in part, it's because you're theatrical, dramatic, and you love a good time. Regrettably, this month, you feel financially squeezed. (Ouch.) What happened to all the money? Your credit card debt is rising so fast, it's almost a mystery. (Until you scan the purchases.) Basically, your cash flow has slowed to a dribble. However, this is a good time to take stock and figure out what your assets are, and what you owe. In other words, get a clear picture of your finances. It only feels like it's better "not knowing." In truth, information is power.
Good luck, my dear friend. This particular Mercury retrograde is retrograde in your sign! All kinds of people, information, and events from the past are swirling around you now. Ex-partners might be on the scene. But on a day-to-day basis, so many details in your life seem to be piling up, you feel like you're losing control. You forget things, misplace things, or lose things. You might be blowing appointments, or held up with delays, or just feel generally overwhelmed by life. Don't worry! We all have of these times when we are up to our armpits in alligators. Remind yourself that this will pass. (Especially if you drink a lot of water.) A month from now - all this is a memory.
This particular Mercury retrograde is not so bad for your sign. In fact, it will allow you to do a lot of research very quickly and very effectively. You'll find it easy to reach into the past, or come up with solutions and answers to old problems. However, nobody gets off completely with any Mercury retrograde. No doubt, you will feel vaguely unsettled or dissatisfied or mildly worried about something. You might know what it is; you might not. Quite likely, old issues that you repress or shut out or don't want to think about are clamouring for attention in your mind. It's such a drag having to take a look at something you don't want to see -- isn't it? Maybe you could try using two mirrors?
Old friends are definitely impacting your world again because of this particular Mercury retrograde. You might run into friendly old faces or unfriendly old faces! (Horrors.) Possibly, you will meet people you once knew through clubs, groups, and organizations. Actually, it's good to have history with people. These encounters might be thought provoking and beneficial. It does appear that something is going to cause you to reassess your goals and dreams for the future. Or you might think about your future in an entirely new way, especially when you see how the years are rushing by. (Time flies when you're unconscious.)
This is a pretty tricky time for your sign. Many of you want to travel now and explore any kind of opportunity that broadens your horizons. You're hungry for adventure because you want more out of life! Nevertheless, this particular Mercury retrograde, which is certainly hovering around you for the next month, is taking place at the very top of your chart. In one way, this means all the little glitches and foolish inefficiency that you experience will probably be rather public! (Major groan.) This could be anything from a flat tire in rush-hour to misplaced important papers during a public speech. Or maybe the microphone won't work? Try to stay on top of things so you don't end up with egg on your face. (If you do -- ketchup helps.)
Travel delays, plus delays in publishing, the media, and anything related to higher education, the law, or medicine will definitely dog your steps. It's so frustrating! You are a perfectionist. And now these delays make you look ridiculous and inept. (Is there no justice?) Be comforted by the knowledge that every sign is feeling frustrated by delays for some reason or other. It's the nature of the beast. (Mercury retrograde.) Instead, use this time to do research, or finish anything related to higher education, medicine, the media, publishing, and the law. Despite these snafus, you will finish things quite quickly.
Many of you will be dealing with old issues related to taxes, debt, insurance matters, or anything to do with inheritances and jointly held property. Another issue that could be on the table is the challenge of dealing with other people's values, especially when you completely don't agree with them! ("What can they be thinking?") You have a modern, egalitarian view of the world. Sometimes you're amazed and even horrified to see how stuck in the mud other people are. (Whaat?) I suggest you use this time to your advantage to clear up loose details with shared property, inheritances, taxes, and debt. Instead of being stalled in the water, rev that Mercury engine, and go places!
The last time Mercury was retrograde directly opposite your sign was in September 2009. This is always an indication that you have to face old issues with partners, especially ex-partners. It could mean you are similarly dealing with old issues with close friends as well. Whatever the case, all this stuff is back on your plate again. Oy! The downside of Mercury is feeling frustrated with delays. But the upside of Mercury (and incredibly, there is an upside) is that you can quite easily expedite things or finish things or bring them to a conclusion now. Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of this once and for all? Some of you, however, are not dealing with old issues. You're just running into ex-partners -- and all that that implies. (Yikes!)