Several things are taking place right now. But I think the celestial event that offers us the most opportunity is that New Moon at the beginning of the week. This is always a wonderful chance to do a reality check and take stock, and then set some intentions about how to improve our lives in different areas according to each sign. We have 12 different chances each year to do this, so why not explore it? Fair Venus is also doing an intense number with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. It could finish some relationships. On the other hand, sudden, surprise romances might spring up that are hot and heavy, but questionable. (This will be particularly challenging for those who are morally handicapped.)
There are three areas to focus on this week. First, you can improve and transform your health (definitely), perhaps because surprising news or a discovery motivates you to do so. Secondly, you might fall in love with someone at work. (If so, this relationship is probably a big no-no. Naughty you.) The third area of note is this is a wonderful opportunity for you to reassess your relationship to children, especially your own kids, and also to allow yourself to respect your creative talents. Do you give yourself time to enjoy arts and crafts or working with your hands? This is important for your sign!
The most significant thing for your sign right now is that the New Moon this week takes place in the part of your chart that is all about home, family, real estate, your domestic world, and your private life. This is the sphere of activity where you can make resolutions or set new intentions in order to make improvements that will somehow make your life better. Meanwhile, sudden romance might just grab you by the throat! It's passionate, it's unexpected, and it might quite possibly be illicit! Try not to do anything you're going to regret later. Stolen apples might be sweeter but sometimes they can drive you to the sauce. (And I don't mean apple.)
This is probably the best time all year for you to think about how to be extra-clear in all your communications with others. Do you ever really think about this? For example, do others really understand you? Do you grasp what they are saying? Do you really listen to people or are you just waiting for your turn to speak? (Be aware of this.) Issues about jealousy and passion might threaten a domestic relationship. In fact, some relationships might end now. This could be because you or your partner are driven to look for a stimulating, exciting temptation outside the relationship. You might be bored with the predictability of your current situation. Do know that this "temptation" is exciting but temporary.
Quite likely, you will meet new people this week, especially under unusual circumstances. (Or perhaps these people themselves are unusual?) Something surprising about your everyday contacts will occur. Heated arguments, especially with siblings, should be avoided because they will likely involve envy, guilt trips or something like that. (Who needs this?) Patience is your ally if this occurs. Instead, take advantage of the New Moon this week by focusing on new ways to earn money, new job possibilities, and exciting new purchases. This is the best time all year to think about your basic values in life and ask what really matters? (Other than sex and chocolate.)
The only New Moon in your sign all year is taking place this week. This is the perfect time for you to focus on how to improve two areas of your life: one is your appearance and the image you present to the world; the other is your style of relating to partners and close friends. What can you do to improve both of these areas, which are actually very important to you? Obviously, you value what others think of you and how they respond to you. Meanwhile, financial matters are exciting because of impulsive new purchases, new ways of earning money, and sudden opportunities to use your possessions in a new way. In fact, you are overhauling and improving your whole approach to whatever you own. This is good.
For different reasons, many of you are scrutinizing your spiritual values and your spiritual life in general. You're thinking about things you normally never think about. "What's it all about, Alfie?" In part, this could be because a sudden love affair or attraction has presented itself to you, and you're wondering what to do about it. Those of you who are in comfortable, predictable relationships might feel bored and therefore vulnerable to an exotic, promising, seductive alternative. ("Are you talking to me?") Guard against guilt tripping and petty power struggles with partners and close friends, which might arise. Don't blow something solid for a mere bonbon.
This is a very important time for goal setting for you. Super important. In fact, this week is probably the best time all year for you to get serious about your future goals. Hey, life is short (and fat). Time flies when you're unconscious. This is your wake-up call! What do you want to achieve in the next 20 years? Ten years? Five years? Next year? This month? We all live under the delusion that we have forever, when common sense tells us we don't. Be extra patient and tolerant with partners, loved ones and friends this week. Jealousy, power struggles, surprises, the need for more freedom, and other events will arise to test your patience and tolerance. Be tolerant. Be forgiving. Be serene. Reward yourself with an extravagant gift.
The New Moon this week is the only New Moon all year that takes place at the very top of your chart. This has a lot to do with your public image in the world, your life direction, your career, and your professional reputation, or your reputation among your peers. Is there some way you want to improve this? Is there some way you can improve this? If this is possible, this is the time to do it. Meanwhile, behind-the-scenes activities, hidden events (including secret love affairs) could stir up trouble for you! A friendship could end. Difficulties with groups could cause you angst. Your best approach is to be mellow and forgiving. Don't overreact. In fact, perhaps you should not "react" at all?
You couldn't pick a better time than this week to give serious thought to future plans about travel, expanding your world through further education, or exploring opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. Lots to think about! The bottom line is you want to broaden your experience of the world. You want more out of life. Are you going to do that through travel or further education? Or will you put a new spin on your career? Romance with a boss or VIP might suddenly blossom. Unusual relationships (coming-out parties?) or impulsive romantic escapes are likely. Just remember: Friends don't let friends drive naked.
You want to be a better person. You want to be the best you can be! Actually, this week is the perfect time to think about what you can do to make this a reality. After all, all you can do is approach or choose this as a direction in your life. (Nobody's perfect.) Therefore, what can you do to improve yourself? Right now you can't ignore dealing with the values of others, especially if you don't agree with those values. You also have to deal with shared property. Someone from another culture or different background might sweep you off your feet. Dizzying, romantic, and irresistible! But what will people say? (Something isn't quite kosher here.)
The only New Moon in the entire year that opposes your sign is occurring this week. That makes this the perfect time for you to think about how you can improve your partnerships and closest friendships. It's an opportunity for you! For starters, friendships are terribly important for Aquarians. You value friendship. You value having history with others. How can you enrich these relationships? Meanwhile, sex is hot and heavy! But, at the same time, quarrels about shared property and possible jealousy about a sexual partner could create nasty problems. Unexpected gifts, inheritances and favours might come your way. Keep your pockets open.
There is no question this is one of the best times all year for you think about how to improve your health, as well as how to improve your job or whatever it is you do on a regular basis. You can do something to be more efficient, more productive, and even healthier! Get serious about this. Meanwhile, relations with partners and close friends are a real roller coaster right now! Some of you are undergoing intense, powerful attractions, while others are undergoing a complete breakdown of a relationship. (Weird.) Big changes are definitely occurring in partnerships. Be open to go with this flow because nothing - including relationships - ever stays the same. (Especially leftovers at the back of the fridge.)