All Signs

This week is pretty mild. Let's look at Saturn's shift away from Virgo next month (where it's been since Sept. 2007) as it moves into Libra where it will stay until Oct. 2012. (It briefly buzzed into Libra for four months early this year.) But this time is the real deal! The last time Saturn moved through Libra was the Fall of 1980 until the summer of 1983. Those of you who are old enough to look back to that time in your life will see a similar cycle taking place now. Even if you can't relate to that time frame, the shift of Saturn into Libra will mean a shift in the lives of everyone. This could mean a relationship that flattens into divorce, a new home with a big flat screen TV, or a tummy tuck -- the flat that flatters.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This year is a turning point for most Aries. (However, for some, this dramatic turning point will take place next year because we're talking about a two-year window.) Essentially, your shift in the world will swing from your personal life, and personal achievements and personal world into a 15 year phase and that is more focused on your external world. Your focus on external success, especially career success, or success with your reputation is seriously starting to grow! This is why many partnerships are in trouble right now (or soon will be). You are taking your powah! You've got big plans for yourself, and you don't intend to go back being who you were for the last seven years. No way, Jose.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

As an Earth Sign, you are essentially a hard-working sign, however, you need to like what you're doing to be motivated. But once that's the case -- you dive in with both feet. Something along those lines will happen now for many of you because this year (or next), you're entering a two-year window where you're going to bust your buns! This month, fiery Mars is zapping the part of your chart related to romance, love affairs, sports, vacations, parties, the arts, and all the fun stuff. So yes, you're having a blast! Nevertheless, what looms ahead is serious work time where you are going to prove to the world what you can achieve!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Increased activity and chaos at home, as well as tension with family members is unavoidable. Fortunately, this will all blow over in about a month. In the bigger picture, you are definitely entering a phase of your life where children become an increased responsibility to you, in terms of cost, obligations, and commitment. While this is taking place, some of you are looking into the mirror and privately wondering, "What do I really want to be when I grow up?" This is pretty serious because it raises the specter of growing up! (Don't worry - Geminis are childlike forever.) Fortunately, people in power will help you now. Milk this for all it's worth!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a significant time because in the next few years, you can make some serious decisions about your home scene. For starters, you have to figure out where you're going to live! Will it be the city? The country? Or both? Can you afford to buy for the first time (something you really want to do it). Or will you sell and buy again? Or will you renovate, do major repairs, and fix up where you currently live? These are your choices. In addition, in the same way that changes will secure your physical home, the dynamics of your family might undergo changes. Parents could become a responsibility. Oh well, they took care of you when you were young, now it's your turn to repay the kindness.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

In the next two years, all Leos will undergo a time of change and flux. Many of you will change jobs, others will change residences, some of you will do both. Older Leos can think back to the early 80s. Essentially, something will occur that changes your daily environment. In other words, where you work or where you live will "look different" every day. For most, this is because you actually are in a different residence or job. But it's also possible to have this "different" experience and not change jobs or residences. For example, someone might move in to where you live - that's different! ("Has someone been using my razor?")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's been a whole new ballgame for you in the last few years. Actually, your life started to unravel in a way around 2005. Now that you're in a new sandbox, you're getting more serious about how you can earn money. You're humming, "Get a haircut, and get a real job." In fact, what you're seeking is even deeper (although you do want the cash). You want to know what you really need in life, and what is truly worth going after. You don't want to have regrets in your old age. You want to make the right decision now, which is why you have to figure out what really matters in life -- at least, to you. "Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll!" (I doubt it.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Naturally, Saturn entering your sign where it will stay for the next several years is going to impact your life. No question. Regardless of what changes you undergo right now, one thing is practically a guarantee -- you will be in such a new situation, especially on a daily basis, that your daily wardrobe will change. This could be because you move to a different climate, or you change jobs, or you now work from or relax at home. Quite likely, new people will enter your life, or people will view you differently, or all of the above. It's a whole new ballgame! Partnerships are supportive now. Even the general public loves you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Many of you are beginning to dismantle much of what you created since 1999. You're not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You're just going to get rid of, and say goodbye to whatever is no longer relevant in your life. If you don't need it anymore -- it's history! This applies to possessions, places, jobs, and even people. But first, a little aperitif. For months ahead, you will be keen to vacation, party, enjoy sports, and have fun with playful activities with children. In addition, romance looks more promising than it's been in over a decade! Sheesh! Don't leave home without a red rose clenched in your teeth.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This continues to be a time of harvest. Some of you felt this last year, some will feel it this year, and possibly even later. What this means is your chickens are coming home to roost. Those chickens that you fed well and sent to college, are paying off! In this respect, you are pleased and proud with the results. You might enjoy a promotion, a new job, a wedding, or the achievement of some cherished dream. However, some chickens went to Stiletto High and dropped out. You'll have to deal with these as well. It's not a perfect world. Fortunately, vacations, romance, sports, and the arts are styling!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are at the beginning of a wonderful successful time! It's as if this huge 15 foot high door is opening a crack into a new world beyond. For some, this door won't be entirely open for about two years. For others, it will be open all the way in one year. But you are either preparing for this moment, or you are right at the doorway. Yeah, yeah, I've been talking about you preparing for this moment since 2003. Patience! This might be the time for further schooling, further experience, further training, or getting input from people from different backgrounds -- anything that helps you to polish your talents so you can exploit this time of opportunity. Quite literally, your future awaits!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Many of you are dealing with loose ends about shared property, insurance matters, inheritances, wills, and anything jointly owned. You are still recovering from the effects of losing financial and practical support in the last few years, most likely the support of a partner. (In any event it was support that made a difference!) You know by now your adjustment to this loss has made you stronger and more resourceful. A certain change is taking place now that will boost your optimism, as well as your income. Well, the two go hand in hand. It's easy to smile when there's cash in your jeans!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Difficulties with partners and close friends continue to be a challenge. Please take note: Whatever difficulties with partners you have recently experienced could lead to a loss of support -- physical, financial, practical and emotional. Something is going to force you to get along on less than you had a year or two ago. But you will survive! Especially, since lucky, moneybags Jupiter is about to enter your own House of Earnings! Ka-ching! This is your best chance to boost your income and earning power since 1999-2001. Brilliant, celestial timing! The tooth fairy is smiling on Pisces!