All Signs

It's a relatively unremarkable week with respect to astrological phenomena (which is not to say that something remarkable might not happen to you). Nevertheless, this is why I'm going to look at the bigger picture, since it's always fun to take a peek at what's happening down the road. It's important to know where you're traveling because you can reach excess without even noticing. especially when you pass through satisfaction.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For several years, you busted your buns to prove to others what you could do -- working to make your efforts bear fruit; trying to put things in order to get the most bang for your buck. Well, you're about to get your Get Out of Jail Free card. In the next two years, you'll get recognition for all this hard work! It doesn't mean the work will subside, but the acknowledgment that you receive will make it more worthwhile. Recently, your health has suffered, especially bones, achy joints, and teeth. All this will be behind you soon. Since 1996, you reinvented yourself, secured your home base, and worked to show the world who you are. It's time to flash your dazzle!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In the early 90s, you were on top of your game. In the mid 90s, losses forced you in a new direction, and by 1999, you started to reinvent yourself. In the last two years, increased responsibilities with children have been significant. Romance with someone older took place for some of you. Alternatively, you might have played a parental role with someone as well. Whatever you have produced has been the result of hard work. No question. This hard work will continue, but at least, now it has a purpose that makes sense to you. It's almost as if you have a true reason to live. (Corny as that may sound.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It's been a whole new ballgame since 2001. Around 2003-06, you were packing and unpacking your bags, changing jobs or residences. In the past few years, your focus has been to stabilize your home. You wanted a safe refuge that you can count on. That's why many of you have been working on repairs, renovations, and redecorating projects where you live. Significant changes have also taken place within your family dynamic. Fortunately, this is the year you will glamorize your reputation in society and among your peers. People will think you're hot stuff! You might as well play the part. "Assume a virtue if you have it not."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

There's been an enormous amount of fluctuation going on in your life in the last few years. However, recently, travel opportunities, plus big changes with higher education, the media, and publishing, opened your world in an unexpected way. On top of that, many of you were forced to change jobs, change residences, or at the very least, do major renovations and repairs to where you live. Where is that peace of mind you long for? Actually, your peace of mind can accompany you in whatever you're doing. It's important to know this because next year is a bonanza year for your reputation in the world!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The late 90s and the turn of the millennium was a powerful time. However between 2003-06, you said goodbye to people, places, relationships, jobs, and "stuff". Following that, you were in a new sandbox. Most recently, you've been working hard to earn money. (It's been a slog.) But at a deeper level, you're wondering what really matters in life. You want to make sure you put your money on the right horse. You want to live your life intelligently. If the purpose of life is to be happy, and I think it is - you have to determine what makes you happy? This year the resources, help, and assistance from others is strong. (Good time to get a mortgage or a loan.) Next year, travel, publishing and higher education look sweet! Yay!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

In the mid 90s, relationships were a bummer. But by the turn of the millennium, you were back in the saddle again. Nevertheless, since 2005, you said goodbye to a lot of things because you had very little choice in the matter. This meant that by 2007-08, you were forced to set off on a new path. Now you see how this new direction is starting to pay off. For starters, partnerships and close friendships have improved enormously this year. Incidentally, this is also an excellent year to consult experts about anything. (Have you ever wondered is an expert is just an ordinary person who is away from home?) Go with the flow. Continue to be aware of your choices. You have a fine, discriminating intelligence.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

For those of you who are old enough to relate to this, you are basically, back in a similar cycle to what was happening in the early 1980s. (Does this ring a bell, Pavlov?) Back then, you had to give up a lot of things before you entered a whole new world. Well that's what's happening all over again. You've been giving up stuff because you're getting ready for a new scene. In fact, this new scene might be so different, it will require a different daily wardrobe. (Fun opportunity to shop.) It is very timely for you right now, that you have a chance to improve your job, because this will help you set out on this new journey. "Follow the yellow brick road."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Relationships were tested around 1999. Some bit the dust. Some of you also started new relationships. It was a mixed bag. By 2005, you felt confident about where you were going. You were working hard, but your rewards were there, and issues were simpler. Lately, you're not so sure. You're starting to second-guess some of your own goals. You're not sure what you really want. Accept this because it's going to continue. In fact, you're going to test quite a few goals until 2013, because that's when you turn the corner big-time, and step into a whole new sandbox! Meanwhile, do reward yourself with vacations, romance, sports events, the arts, and fun social occasions. Have fun!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Recently, some of you graduated, some got promotions or encouragement and praise. Some got a raise. The universe has affirmed your activity and choices in some way. Nothing and no one is perfect, so there were also areas where you saw, "This isn't working." What is reassuring right now is that this is an excellent time for real estate deals. This is your year to buy or sell real estate. It's also a good time to enjoy family and increased joy with loved ones. Not only are things favourable right now, but you're headed for a year of vacations, romantic possibilities, and opportunities in the arts as well as sports. Things are very solid for Sagittarius.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

In the mid to late 90s, most of you wanted to establish a firm home base. After the turn of the millennium, you were working hard! And by 2003, you had to deal with relationships that went sour. Even good relationships had to undergo readjustments in the next few years. Now however, all Capricorns are looking forward to a time of harvest which is juuuuust beginning right now. It will take hold more firmly later this year and certainly the next year. But no question, you have arrived! Many of you will achieve a cherished dream be it birth, marriage, promotion, success, whatever. Next year is a wonderful year for real estate and joy within the family. You have so much to look forward to!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your world has changed since around 1991. By the turn of the millennium, you wanted to put down roots. By 2004-07, partnerships were definitely tested. (That was Bummersville.) And in the last few years, you had to undergo the loss of practical and financial support from others. But you are here to read these words, so you have survived! Like Aries, you are going to get your Get Out of Jail Free card. (And it's about time.) You can boost your earnings this year and next. In addition, many of you will have an opportunity to take further education or training, and travel, to enhance your skills, and prepare for a lovely time of harvest in about five years. The worst is behind you. No question.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in your sign this year for the first time since 1998. This means it's your turn to shine! Furthermore, in the next 18 - 24 months, most of you will boost your earnings. Ka-ching! As if that weren't enough, in a bigger cycle, you are now stepping up to the plate, and pushing your energy out into the world in such a way that you will get credit, kudos, and acknowledgement for what you do. About time! Quite literally, this is a turning point in your life. The only tough thing you face is the earnings of partners, and the resources of others might diminish in the next few years. (Might even disappear.) Fear not, you are so strong - you're laughing all the way to the bank.