All Signs

We will all experience a pleasant shift as the Sun moves into Taurus because Taurus likes the best of everything. We're talking seriously cozy creature comforts: good food, good wine, good sex, and a nice place to live. Sift stuffed furniture, down pillows, good soap, and thick towels. Everyone will be into buying beautiful things, antiques, and collectibles. Second hand stores will do well in the next six weeks. George Carlin was a Taurus. He was definitely hip to this scene. He knew this was why we needed homes -- it was a place to keep our stuff! He said that's what home is - a place to keep your stuff so you could go out and get more stuff! He said a house was just a pile of stuff with a cover on it. "If you didn't have so much stuff you wouldn't need a house. You could just walk around all the time."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Hmmm, it's an interesting week with money, cash flow, and financial dealings. Actually, money and finances will be your focus for the next six weeks. Furthermore, retrograde Mercury will cause errors, late cheques in the mail, and even (horrors) lost cheques, or important bits of paper. ("Step away from the ATM.") However, this same influence might also allow you to resurrect a previous opportunity to earn money, or buy something you really wanted. It's your chance to press Rewind and go back. Many will solidify earnings in a comforting way. (Good.) Some of you will make a major purchase that is long lasting, and quite beautiful. More stuff! (Well, a house would be nice wouldn't it?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There's a lot going on in Taurus! That means life ain't boring! During the next six weeks, you have a super advantage because opportunities and important people are easily attracted to you. Make the most of this! (It happens only once a year.) Yes, Mercury retrograde is in your sign, which is a bummer. Just accept this, and do damage control by allowing extra time for appointments, and travel, and double-checking everything. (Especially your communications with others.) New friends and contacts are exciting! Possibly, someone older, wiser or richer? I suspect this person is eccentric or bizarre, certainly interesting. A long friendship (courtship?) might ensue. (Yes, I did insinuate it could ensue.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the month ahead (perhaps six weeks), keep things low key, and work alone, or behind the scenes. This is appropriate because your birthday is looming ahead, so you need downtime to strategize your future. What do you want for the next year ahead? Ideally, one does not elect to manage by crisis, and just let life happen to you? A loose plan or rough guideline makes a huge difference! Write down a wish list. This will help you attract the right opportunities, or at least recognize them if they surface. A secret love affair with someone of an age difference (probably older) might happen. Bosses, parents, and teachers might surprise you! (Could this be your older paramour?) You feel pleasantly content now. It's a good week.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your popularity rating is waaay up in the next six weeks! Accept this and go with the flow. Everyone wants to see you. If they're coming to visit, hopefully, they will bring flowers, good food and drink. (Nobody likes a cheapskate.) The advice of someone older or more experienced will be valuable. Sudden offers to do something, possibly travel, might excite you. Actually, I think you're going to meet somebody interesting, probably later in the week around Friday, perhaps. You can learn something from this person that will benefit you for a long time. They might be a role model for you to emulate? It's liberating to meet a real character, isn't it? (I love it.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Ta da! The Sun is now moving to the top of your chart where it shines like a spotlight on you, thrusting you in the limelight. (Tough for a Leo, I know.) This influence lasts for six weeks. But get this - this lighting is flattering! Important people are impressed! You don't even have to do anything special to dazzle them -- they just are. (Good lighting is everything.) Your best option is to finish something you've already started because retrograde Mercury is at high noon as well. (Oops) Wonderful opportunities from other sources (especially partnerships) will solidify things nicely for you. Your benefits will keep coming for a loooong time in the future. (Now, that's warm and fuzzy.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

So much is exciting! For starters, travel is hugely appealing! You might get a surprise offer to go somewhere. Any opportunity to learn something new will delight you. (Lectures, schools, tours, whatever.) This also might suddenly appear out of the blue for you to explore. Increased activity with the media, publishing companies, or anything to do with the law, and medicine might also turn your crank, plus make big demands on your time. New love with somebody from another culture might begin. Like - enuff awreddy! Can you handle all this? The bottom line is simply that the next month will hugely expand your experience of life. (Like wow.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

For various reasons, according to the details of your life, you are going to feel passionately, intensely about something during the next month, possibly longer. For some, this is sex! "A good time was had by all." A new relationship with someone older or richer might totally capture your heart now. Or this same passionate intensity could be applied to settling inheritances, estates, and dealing with taxes and shared property, and anything you hold jointly with others. Yeah, yeah, not so exciting, although much more private. (People are always more secretive about their money than they are about their sex life.) Weird, but true. The underlying theme however, no matter what's happening, is you want to be a better person!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week starts out with three planets directly opposite your sign, which totally grabs your attention. It means you are focused on partnerships and close friendships, no question. Retrograde Mercury will probably attract ex-partners and old friends back into the picture. "We are not amused." But then, maybe we are amused? Actually, this appears to be an excellent time for closure if that's what's necessary. But be warned, there will be a few surprises. Something you don't expect from a partner or close friend will catch you off guard. Surprise proposals or declarations of commitment are definitely possible now. This could be verrry interrrresting.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Once a year, the stars conspire to make you break a sweat getting better organized. That time has come. That's why you have a strong urge to put everything in neat little piles. During the next six weeks, do make an effort to get better organized at work, and at home because you'll love yourself for this later. In order to do a great job -- give yourself the right tools! Think ahead, and get file folders, shelving, paint, cleaning equipment, whatever you need. Many of you will get a raise now. All of you will be plagued with delays, shortages, broken equipment, lost papers, canceled appointments. But if you feel organized, it's not so scary, right?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Oo la la! Look who's the big winner now! Not just for this week -- probably for the next six weeks! It's party time, dear Capricorn. Take a vacation. Watch or participate in sports, grab a movie, see a play, explore the arts, or do whatever you love to do for pleasure. Hang out with your pals. Romance and love affairs are beautifully blessed! New relationships might begin, especially with someone richer or older. Even thought they begin suddenly they might have lasting power. Playful activities with children will also delight you. This is also a great time for financial speculation. Yowzah!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You need to rest! You can't be all things to all people. Factoid. Focus on home, family, and domestic matters for the next six weeks. Conversations with a parent could be particularly significant. This is also a wonderful time to redecorate or renovate, or buy beautiful things for your home or family members. This time is also excellent for real estate transactions, most especially transactions that have already been in play. In other words, great time to wrap it all up, finally buy, or finally sell. Be patient with partners because Mars opposite your sign creates mutually irritating situations with partnerships. Many of you are having family reunions now. (Mercury retrograde has a way of doing this.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Fasten your seatbelts because you're going to be unusually busy during the next six weeks. Short trips, increased reading, writing, and studying, plus wheeling and dealing, and buying and selling, to say nothing of running errands, and talking to everyone will keep you panting for breath. Your daily pace is accelerating! (I'm out of breath just writing this!) You want to enlighten others about something. You have something you want to say. Meanwhile, your every day life will be exciting, full of new information, new contacts, and maybe even celebrity spotting! "There's Richard Gere!" Enjoy your fun filled month ahead. Drink lots of water.