All Signs

The Sun is still in Aries, and this week, Mercury and Venus move forward into Taurus. Naturally, Mars is still hanging out in Leo, while Saturn is in Libra, contemplating slipping back into Virgo. It sounds a bit like a soap opera, doesn't it? Will Mars leave Leo? Will Venus find true love with Taurus? What happens when Saturn returns to Virgo? Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these heavenly riddles. Sometimes the planets are clustered in a few signs, but right now, nine planets are in seven signs. Not bad. That's fairly spread out. You could say we're cooking on all burners. (I use that figure of speech very loosely because I don't cook. Although I do butter bread, and frequently, without a recipe.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

With the Sun in your sign, opportunities and important people are attracted to you. Make the most of this. Milk it for all it's worth. Mars in Leo has been doing you a wonderful favour by energizing your creative vibes, as well as sending you off on vacations, and attracting love affairs, romance, and hot passion your way. It's been great for sports as well! You're revved up and ready to go! As Mercury and Venus shift out of Aries, expect to be full of moneymaking ideas in the immediate future. In fact, in the next few weeks, you'll be buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Nevertheless, moneymaking opportunities also exist. Be alert for this. (The world needs more lerts.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Stay under the radar. You' need time to make plans about your new year (birthday to birthday) which is right ahead of you. Let's give this some thought. Meanwhile, this week, chatty Mercury and fair Venus both move into your sign, which is quite lovely. Mercury will make you talkative, eager, excited, and more active than usual. " I'm going places!" Meanwhile, Venus increases your desire to relate to others in a casual way, or a very cozy way. Hmmm? This is a wonderful time to enjoy being with friends. It's a great time to take a vacation. Basically, Venus wants you to put pleasure before work. (Surely this includes fine wine and great food with dessert?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is perhaps one of the best times all year for you to think about your goals and dreams for the future. Discuss these with others because their feedback will help you. They might suggest a contact or an idea you hadn't thought of. Schmooze with groups, conventions, meetings, clubs, and organizations because they will also benefit you, as well as being fun! It appears some of you are heading for a secret love affair or you're making behind the scenes plans about something! You're unusually bold and going after what you want now, which is a good thing because this is your year to enhance your reputation in the eyes of everyone else. Why do you think this is going to happen? Any ideas?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is quite a lovely time for you! The Sun continues to be at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you, which means important people notice you more than usual. Furthermore, they think you're hot! (Definitely, use this. Demand the advantage.) Meanwhile, Mercury and Venus are now moving into schmooze mode. You'll love talking to groups of people. In the month ahead, join classes, attend meetings, conferences, and conventions. Enjoy the company of others! Talk to people about your dreams about for the future. Expect to talk to younger and artistic people more than usual. Actually, romance with someone younger is entirely likely! (But doubtful, if you're 12.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your focus on travel, foreign countries, higher education, publishing, the media, medicine, and the law continues. You're involved in expanding your world in many ways. It's exciting and you're learning a lot. (You love to learn.) New people and new ideas now broaden your horizons. While this is happening, Mercury and Venus are moving to the very top of your chart, which means important people are talking to you. Great! You will like what they say and vice versa. Actually, romance with a boss, or someone older or richer, or wiser might begin for some of you. It's easy to create a great impression on VIPs. They think you're very attractive and wise. (You can pull this off.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an excellent time to clear up loose details regarding bills, debt, inheritances, and shared property. Just do it. However, as two planets slip in to Taurus, this will greatly kindle your interest in higher education, universities and colleges. It will also trigger your urge to travel, especially for pleasure. Romance with someone from another culture, or a different country might blossom in the month ahead. Basically, your interest in things beyond your daily world is starting to grow. (I don't know why but I can see this will happen.) Many of you are still involved in some kind of secret love affair. So what's the story, my fine friend?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Get more sleep! You have bizarre sleeping habits to begin with, but lately, with the Sun so far way from your sign, you're tired. Therefore, protect your health, and get as much rest as you can. Partnerships and dealing with the general public are important right now. Your sex drive will be revved up in the month ahead, which might help you sleep or it might hinder it. (That's a hard call.) The thing to do right now is focus on close friendships and partnerships. This is where your best opportunity is because you can learn how to relate better - especially to those who are closest to you. This is something that matters to you. If you learn how to improve your style of relating - hey, that's not too shabby.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If the heavens are conspiring to motivate you to get better organized, why not get on board? No one is better than you at heaving out what you no longer want. (That's because your sign rules garbage, and everything that is extraneous and no longer necessary. Don't worry, your sign also rules many other wonderful things including jewelry. I mention garbage simply to explain why it's easy for you to streamline and de-clutter your life.) Get as much done while the spirit moves you. Get serious. Give yourself the right tools to do a great job. In the next few weeks, you'll have some serious discussions with partners and close friends, but they'll be good. This is the perfect time to mend broken fences.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Time to party! This is still a perfect time to slip away on a vacation. (And who loves to travel more than you?) Anything with sports will rev your engines. You will also excel at sports right now. Basically, you want to have fun and pleasure! Go to movies, the theatre, parties, musical performances, sporting events, and schmooze with friends. Playful times with children will be rewarding. Look for opportunities to express your creativity. Even work offers lots of fun because it appears that a work related romance can spring up. For others, increased earnings, praise, and pleasant times on the job are guaranteed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Home, family, and your domestic scene continue to be your main focus. Conversations with parents are significant. Nevertheless, even though you're hanging out at home more, two planets now urge you to explore romance! New love, possibly with someone younger might come your way. You're certainly talking your game! Actually, all kinds of fun events appeal to you during the next several weeks. You want to enjoy yourself! Financial speculation could prove promising as well. Make plans for a little vacations. Basically, you're looking so good now, you can do whatever you want.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Busy you! You've got places to go, things to do, and people to see. You're also reading, writing, and studying more than usual. Life has a very upbeat, optimistic pace right now. You're turned on! Meanwhile, family discussions, as well as pleasant family gatherings are a bonus. Real estate deals and major purchases for your home might interest you in the next few weeks. Certainly, family discussions are significant, especially with a parent. This is a good time for these discussions because you're keen to enlighten others about something right now. Short trips will please you. It's time to do your hey nonny nonny thing!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Money, cash flow, and even your possessions continue to be a strong focus for you right now. Trust your ability to dream up some good moneymaking ideas. You're in the zone. Relations with siblings are particularly warm now. Make a point of contacting relatives and siblings. Some of you can earn money through sales, marketing, reading and writing, and certainly talking! Something to do with your whole communications sphere can be profitable in the next few weeks. Never lose site of fact that this is your lucky year. After all, Jupiter is in your sign for the first time since 1998. That means you have to make hay while the sun shines! Believe in yourself. Let your reach exceed its grasp.