All Signs

Let's look beyond this month to see where we're headed in the bigger picture. Mars is still hanging out in Leo, from October last year until June later this year. (This is extremely unusual because Mars normally visits Leo only once every two years for seven weeks.) Stern Saturn is now in Libra for the first time since 1981-83. (Can you recall what was happening then?) And big daddy Pluto is in Capricorn for the first time since 1762- 1778, which means this influence is totally new for all of us. I guess that means this the tomorrow we were worrying about yesterday! (That always gives me pause -- little furry ones.) Einstein said he never thought about the future because, "It comes soon enough." And this of course, this is true. (But then, everything he said was relative.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a challenging time for close friendships and partnerships. However, even though partnerships are challenging (because you are taking your power, and changing balance of things), this is the beginning of a very strong time for you! You are coming out of 15 years of relative obscurity where you were struggling to figure out who you were, and what you were going to do with your life. At any rate, this relatively dormant time is over! It's your turn up to bat. Can you hit it out of the park? Despite your relationship challenges, take your power with confidence, and joy. From here on, you are focused on how you relate to your external world.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a wonderfully popular year for you! Enjoy good times with others. Join classes, clubs, groups, and organizations. Do this because not only will you enjoy the company of others, but people will help you this year! Form working units or partnerships. (Personal or professional.) Contact with others will influence your future goals, so be open to this. Meanwhile, back in the salt mines, you cannot ignore the fact this is a time of hard work. It's something you can't avoid, so roll up your sleeves and dig in. By 2012, you're laughing! (Just a little carrot to keep you going.) Or maybe something that's at least, two carats? Zowie!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You have a fabulous opportunity to enhance your public reputation this year! It could be a different job, a better job, a promotion, kudos, honours, or something that causes others to respect you more. (Hey -- you don't have to land a plane in the Hudson river, but something will happen.) Be constantly aware of chances to promote your good name. Increased responsibilities with children are also on your plate. And, you're unusually assertive in your communications with others. Have you noticed? You have more intellectual energy than usual. You see this in studying, reading or writing. It's a very strong year for you!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Right now, three planets, including the Sun are at high noon in your chart, making everybody notice you more than usual. Meanwhile, back at the airport, you have your bags packed for travel. You're going places! Those of you who aren't traveling, are exploring educational opportunities, and excellent avenues in publishing, the media, medicine, and the law. It's a year full adventure, excitement, and learning! Naturally, you have not forgotten the basics. You're very concerned about your home and family scene right now. Some of you are moving, others are doing major repairs. You're determined to solidify your home base. (Impressive.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

With the Mars in your sign for so long, you've been so aggressive it's been embarrassing. Oh well. Everyone still loves you. Now your assertiveness will be effective and efficiently placed. You're entering a two-year window where you might change jobs, residences, or both. Fortunately, gifts, goodies, inheritances, assistance from others (including indirect benefit through partners) will help. This is an excellent year to go for a loan or a mortgage because you benefit from the resources and wealth of others. Keep pushing for what you want. Changes that took place around 2005 will make sense within the next two years. Meanwhile, travel, publishing, and education look sweet.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is one of the best years since 1998 for partnerships, close friendships, and dealing with the general public. You're starting to shine! Many of you will get more credit for your hard work. Few would guess how much you've been pulling all nighters, and working long hours. (In addition to which, some of you are involved in secret love affairs. Hmm?) But the most profound thing occurring right now is private. You're pondering your values in life. In other words, what really matters? Hey - you don't want to make an important mistake. You want to make sure that you put your money on the right horse!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Saturn is in your sign for the first time since the early 80s. Basically, it means that after several years of saying goodbye to people, places, possessions, and many meaningful things in your life, you're segueing into a completely new existence. Some of you already have moved or are about to move. (Take note: not all Librans will move.) Something is changing so dramatically, you feel you're in a new sandbox. This might require a different daily wardrobe because you're starting to create a new persona for yourself, which you might not be aware of until it is obviously apparent in about six-seven years. This year, you will improve your job, your health, and get rewards for what you do. Finally!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This unusual long run of Mars (see All Signs above) has really fired your ambition. You're very keen to achieve something. (Nothing wrong with this.) However, when it comes to achievements and ambition, another celestial influence is creating detours with promises of vacations, romance, parties, sports, theatrical diversions, and all kinds of fun stuff. It's hard to party till Dawn and still be ambitious. (Assuming your ambition is related to work.) It appears that you have the problems of a lucky person. Get serious about streamlining your life now. Go through closets, cupboards, garages and storage lockers to get rid of what you really don't need. (You're good at this.) It's time to lighten up in every sense of the word.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Many of you are so busy, it's difficult farming yourself out to everyone who wants a piece of you. "Take a number!" Of course, you want to cooperate, and be friendly, but let's face it -- you need to have a life as well! Your ability to juggle the demands of others as well as respect your own integrity and independence is your mission, should you choose to accept it. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you have a chance to increase your acreage. This is a wonderful year for real estate, expanding your home, or improving your home, and even expanding your family! In fact, family is a source of joy now. Your mantra is "Ohm on the Range."

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is definitely the year you have been waiting for. However, to be more precise, this year is the beginning of a wonderful time of harvest for your sign. For most of you, this is great news! We all want a time of harvest. However, I grew up in the prairies, and sometimes a time of harvest is when the harsh reality of what went wrong is painfully apparent. Wherever this occurs, just move on. Chalk it up to experience. In other words, now you see very clearly what is working, and what is not. But you are empowered! No doubt about it. Now that you have the baton -- run with it. This year optimism makes you happier. And next year, home, real estate, and family are a super bonus. How sweet it is.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You can make more money this year. Not only will you make more money this year, you'll spend more. A flashy cash flow! What of those who are retired? I'm not sure how to interpret this. But traditionally, the stars show that the wealth of Aquarians improves this year, generally through their earning power. Ironically, your partners are earning less, or unemployed, or trying out new businesses. So you're receiving less from other sources. But your own ability to generate income is the best it's been in over a decade. Go figure. Caution with partnerships and close friendships because this long journey of Mars (see All Signs above) makes you impatient with others. Oops. (Did I say that?)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are the big winner this year because lucky Jupiter is in Pisces. Very briefly, in the summer it dips forward into Aries, which is also very beneficial for you. (Money, money, money.) This is definitely the year to alphabetize your blessings. Lord knows you need it because of an ongoing tension and difficulty with partners, ex-partners, and close friends. But you will survive! Your tenacity and survivalist things are partly due to your ability to work so very hard now. Unfortunately, the input from partners and other people is currently diminished. Wa, wa, wa. Oh well, sometimes a bird in the hand is just messy. You will survive! Enjoy your increased popularity.